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Posts posted by StargateSG-1

  1. What is that kingdom people always forget?? Protists!

    From what I have heard, in Buddhism, reincarnation gives the soul a chance to repay what it owed in the previous life, or make up for what was lacking. For example, if you were poor and mistreated in this life, and if you have lived honestly, then in the next life you may be born into affluence. On the other hand, if in this life you lived like Hitler, then may be in the next life you will be a sewer rat.

    If you could choose your next life, what would you become? If you want to be human again, would you want to fall in love with the same person? Would you want to live in the same country? Of course, this is for all who believe in reincarnation or think it's kind of neat.

    If I can't be human, I would choose to be a squirrel that lives on a college campus. Those little critters are so lucky!


    I would like to be a human ( one of the grand kids of bill gates so i get alot of money ;):D;)

  2. I like Harry Potter... a lot!!! I spend a lot of time looking at stuffs about Harry Potter. I would like to here some personal comments about Harry Potter. I don't really care if you hate it, but, I'm just curious.

    Ooooo..... also, a great Harry Potter site (visit the forums!)


    It's a really cool site. VISIT IT!!!


    OOOO ME ME ME im a harry potter fan

    i read all the books and i read the 4&th twice

    ( i like the harry potter games)

  3. I don't know, It's kind of a hard decision.  I chose SG-1 though because its the origional and I guess I like it more.  I never got into atlantis that much and haven't been able to watch that much of it.  Though from what I have seen of atlantis, I think it is also very good.... probably as good as SG-1.


    Stargate is an awsome tv-show, I just wish they would bring it back to being totally on normal broadcasting tv-stations instead of cable because I no longer got cable :'(  Now I can only watch the replays of the older season on channel 29.




    i agree with you (read my name) except on the channel part because its on channel 7&41 for me

  4. I dont want to get in trouble for this but im really mad about the hosting credit system. I go inactive for a little bit and here they go and suspend my account i know why they do this but it really oisses me off. Now i have to post alot to get mey site back. I guess if i make long psots i will get t back afater.

    I know you guys  feel the same way about this.

    Note to mod. Im sorry if i wasnt supposed to post any of this warn me so i dont make the same mistake again


    Yea i agree with you that this best site for host becuase you can get site free

  5. I KNOW I DO :P i love WoW, in my opinion it is the best mmo that i have every played :P


    so just wandering how many fellow players are on here :D


    put your warcraft name, lvl, class, and the server you play on :(

    Hilzam: Night elf Druid lvl 30

    Server:Dragonblight (currently frozen account)


    i dont have wow , DO you think it is good enough for me to buy

    i have SC SCB D2 D2Expan Wc3 WC3Ft

  6. I think WoW is one of the best if not the best mmo made its so much fun if u havent played it u should go buy it if ur worried about payin the monthly fee just buy the gamecards there 30$ each but they give u 2 months and its definelty worth it if u dont have or want 2 use a credit card.i my self jsut got WoW a month ago and i have a lvl 16 tauren warrior.


    i Dont know, i play Starcraft, i have wc3 and dioblo 2 but i still need to get wow

  7. What is the longest word? I have looked around but only found an 85 letter one for a hill in New Zealand


    is this even possible if you find a longer word post it some friends of mine thought there was like a 1000 letter word. I would have put this in the what is catagory but i was not sure of it as a fact so i did not.


    i have a book of the top 10 things and the bigest word there

    is some Gene in the human body and it is over 1200 leters long


    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Edited as reported.

  8. Im not religious, but I do stand open for different religions. Im just finding my own way of believing...and I'm still learning about different religions...but anyway


    A week ago I went to the church with my sister who recently totally have 'givin'her self 2 God. She believes. Actually I never (or very often) go 2 the church. But this time there was a ceremony with this Cuban preacher called mr. Santos. He was preaching about some christian nowadays not being the real christians God meanted for those to become, when saying that they believe in God. His point was, they believe, but they don't read the bible. That some of the christian think that; oh well yeah, if I go to the church that's enough...I believe, so now I can go too heaven...


    It's not like that, he says. He says God's want them to learn about what they believe in through the  Holy Spirit (Im repeating what mr Santos said litterly!!)


    I think there can be a part of truth in there, cuz I often see people who claim to be christian, but do things (like saying bad words, doing bad things, that Isn't mentioned in the bible at all, or whut sounds everything but good to do to me!)

    I think that, if you say you believe in God and the bible, you should act like it.


    Okay Im sounding like a christian 2 at this moment, but I'm not. Im still learning about the bible but also other religions. Please understand that im not tryin too push anybody or hurt anybody's feelings about what Im telling about this all.


    To go back to what I actually wanted to tell, is that mr. Santos something said about the 'end of the world'. He said: You do these things, but what will you do when the end of the world comes? (he carefully linked to the hurricanes, if I understood this correctly, but didn't say this with many words.)


    Im just wondering. The end of the world...what should I imagine when thinking of this? I mean...the hurricanes...is this the end of the world...or absolutely not and do you think this is crap.


    Im not trying to involve religions with allt his orsomething, but because of the man (mr Santos) said this in his preach...I wondered what you all think about it. Please don't feel bad, or try to defend you religion or whatever,,,, just discuss and tell me what you think....okay?:P


    Oka, i personally think the world is going to end by the humand race or by what the human race has caused.

    Just think what if World war 3 Started over USA and some powerfull country

    to keep from lose 1 of the countrys would try and use nukes, and when you get enough nukes it will destroy our planets atomospher and we would not beable to surive long becuase of radioactive fallout

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