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Everything posted by khorshid

  1. In this world of fast paced capitalist pigs some people have alienated themselves from the society. These people now ?own? you. How can that be? Ill tell you. There is this machine you trust all your information with in your house. You use it but you do not know what it can truly do. Your phone number, credit card, your name, your address, your family, your identity. Its no longer yours. Welcome to the world of identity theft through the method of Internet social engineering. You are a number. Pull out your wallet, look at your social security number. Thats all you are to them. Nothing more. Social Engineering is when an outside attacker uses psychological tricks on legitimate users of a computer system, in order to obtain information he needs to gain access to his target. This could be anything imaginable... Will Be Continiued... awindar2002@yahoo.com Notice from jlhaslip: Edit to fix bbcodes for colour (CDN spelling of color). [ starttag] This is correct format [ /endtag]
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