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Posts posted by Angel

  1. I don't think you can "clone" a kidney, persay. That's more related to stem cell research instead of cloning.For cloning, I think it's all right to clone animals and things like that. Heck, we breed the animals and use all these hormones and things inside the animal feed. It would be better to just clone the animals instead of using so many hormones, I would think. But, I'm against human cloning because it would just be creepy if a service was created to "revive the dead".

  2. I like your index page. The template is clean and organized, and I think it would look even better when there's a logo. However, your splash sign doesn't look really well made. Try adding some brushes or textures. And, don't fade the sign at the edges (I can still see the edges...). Putting a nice border around the sign would make it look better in my opinion.

  3. I like how when you hover a link, it sort've moves to the right. However, the gradient box (where you write) looks unfinished. Maybe you should add a border? And, also because of the gradient, your design looks uneven. Maybe create another layer with the gradient starting from the right and then change the blending mode to softlight (if you use Photoshop)? I think that might help your design. I think in designs, you try to give a rounded feel, instead of something leaning to one side. Also, perhaps you should change your background--I'm just not too fond of the font you used, unless it's like a FBI site. Another thing, the gradient makes the color of the words look odd in the left side. So, just even out your gradient and add a border or something similar to that around your box and the design would look better :)

  4. I like your site. It's very organized :P But, I suggest just going with php instead of frames. The scroll bar in the frames isn't that good looking--and change the Cutenews template to match your site. Also, there seems to be a space under your advertisement bar before your advertisement actually comes. I like some of your graphics though :)

  5. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I just changed the layout to this site yesterday but I had frustrations with the layout in IE and didn't manage to fix it until today. The tabs in the layout don't currently work because I'm in the process of transferring all my files from my database to php files. There isn't much content in the site so far either because I just started to actually work on the site around this month, and I didn't have the chance to create so many graphics or tutorials yet. However, what do you think of it? Suggestions?

  6. The layout's structure is odd. Have the navigation stay at the left for all pages. Also, change the navigation bars background color to something besides a solid color, or a solid gray color (goes with your other background). Also, in a lot of your pages, you have giant bold font saying you don't have anything there yet. Get rid of that and just put in red "Under Construction" or something similar. I like the logo though :)

  7. I don't know if anyone has posted this site before, and I'm not going to try to find out because then it'll cause me to have to shut down my computer. I forgot the address to this website, but the most annoying website I have ever been to was this website where there were these pop-up javascript boxes that would go "hey" click ok "what's up" click ok "1" click ok "2" click ok and goes on and on like that. This particular website was the worst because it had the most annoying background music, the pop-ups never seemed to stop, and there was this animation of a dwarf jumping around on the website page. It was so annoying that I had to actually unplug my computer because it wouldn't shut down when I hit CTRL + ALT + DLT. Never go to websites like those. They'll make you scream and pull your hair out trying to get your computer to work again.

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