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Posts posted by joeymuch

  1. As far as making a ps4 with virtual reality, I believe you mean like you can walk around in a virtual world, with images on at least three sides, then no.  That wouldn't sell except to extreme gamers (because of lack of hardware support, PS's in general are for TV use), by extreme gamers I don't mean own a $4000 gaming machine I mean own 10-20 $4000 gaming machines and HD projector to play on, and maybe surround sound.


    But as far as making a PS4, that's like asking if Microsoft will make another version of windows, the answer, of course.  If there is a marked the marketers will come.


    you do got a point

  2. i was just on shoutbox and saint michael said someone sent him an email with virus and fbi in it so im just letting yall kno beware of it

    but here is the email that is being sent

    the email address is Admin@fbi.gov (phoney)
    Dear Sir/Madam,

    we have logged your IP-address on more than 30 illegal Websites.

    Please answer our questions!
    The list of questions are attached.

    Yours faithfully,
    Steven Allison

    *** Federal Bureau of Investigation -FBI-
    *** 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 3220
    *** Washington, DC 20535
    *** phone: (202) 324-3000

    Notice from saint-michael:
    that is the thread from Xisto.com, so take a look at it when you get the chance.

  3. pw changers are easy to make simple make winsock send data with name and pw to my.yahoo.com and there ya go and u can make a multi easy to infact yesterday i made a multi id creator kinda same thing inputing the info and stuff pm me on yahoo mighty_beer_god for help

  4. Hey yall ever try a WWII type of game if ya life it i got one for youDay Of Defeat you have allies and axis and you try to capture the flags its a online multi player game it runs on a program called steam which holds half-life games im sure some of you heard of half-life 1 and 2 good games well anyways my point is try it out youll like it PS. Day Of Defeat SOURCE is coming out soon which is more advanced version!! :)

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