Hello there,
I am on the hunt for a reliable web hosting provider and could really use some advice from those with more experience in this area. I’m planning to launch a personal website that will primarily feature a blog, a portfolio, and potentially an online store in the future. While I’ve researched quite a few hosting companies, I’m finding it difficult to decide which one would be the best fit.
I have read that uptime is crucial; and I would like a provider that guarantees at least 99.9% uptime. Any recommendations on hosts that deliver consistently?
I am not an expert in web development, so responsive and helpful customer support is important to me.
Since I might expand the site to include e-commerce; I want a host that can scale with my needs without too much hassle or expense.
I am on a budget; so cost is a factor; but I am willing to pay a bit more if the quality and service justify it.
I have looked at some big names like Bluehost; SiteGround; and HostGator; but I would love to hear about your personal experiences with them or other providers. Have any of you used smaller or lesser-known hosts that exceeded your expectations?
Thanks in advance for your help and assistance.