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Posts posted by Marine187

  1. Ok dont take this the wrong way but i have only been a member less then a week and i visited the site/ forums maybe 10-20 times already and every single time i come here their is drama and what ive learned is theirs way 2 much tension around here people need to learn to relax and have patience am i wrong?i hope no one takes this offensive but its true were here to have fun and be friends and get along as 1 big successful community are we not??and oh ya your shoutbox isnt working i hope ya"ll know that...lol :) Please dont get mad at my post i just felt it needed to be said i dont mean any harm by it i feel terrible posting it but something is tellin me i need 2 be heard and ya"ll need 2 take a look around at whats going on people need to relax :P

    Notice from cmatcmextra:
    Moving from Technology

  2. Well below is a link to my socom 3 clan website i put many dedicated hours into.
    theirs lots of info about us on their PLUS,
    if you register a free account @ forum their are: live chatroom,75+ arcdae games with highscores,lottery games,and much much more i encourage everyone to stop by register and introduce yourself and hang out as a fun thing everyone is welcome i mean everyone so please stop by and get to know the slowly small growing community....lol


  3. Ok everyone i need some help i made a clan website for my Socom 3 clan.
    And i need to learn how to make a html page for joining.
    An application like when you click link a page comes up with information to fillout and you submit your application and its sent to me via email or something i know it can be done cause i seen it on other sites i dunno how.
    if you wanna see my site-.::CLICKHERE::.
    My msn is: Marine-187@hotmail.com im online now B)
    PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

  4. yuck. Playstation always was more popular than the XBox company, even back in the days of the original xbox when playstation's all contained memory cards. At a guess, I'd guess it's the simulation of the system which impresses a wider audience, although personally, I prefer xbox.


    Anyhow, I agree, It's stupid if they're not launching halo on the system. That's microsoft for ya B)


    Im not hating on microsoft i had an xbox til i was lied to i mean sony has nto lied like they have.

    for example halo2 isnt waht they showed they cut so much out.

    cheating and glitching and god sake all the little 9 year olds on xbox live talk more poop in a 20 min game then i release in my toilet in a month.


    and single player where is it thats no single player how pathetic.

    they showed videos that werent involved in the stinken game.

    halo got boring its done.

    you know 90% of all 360's launch titles were delayed and tons of preorders were cancelled its sad whats microsoft coming out with next im sayin is microsoft needs to start taking charge try somehting new its all the same i mean for example.

    why not go towards a new style of gaming instead of making a next gen that doesnt even come close to ps3 for example:


    their memory,pcu speed,.gfx card and all that not to much better then xbox 1..

    I mean huge games which can fit on one ps3 disc will take multiple discs for xbox cause their useing crappy stuff saving $$$ and charging us more.

    their just doing things opposite they need to get their head on str8 and they could be one hecka successful gaming console for sure and god forbid they would do somehting new quit relying on bungie thats all that keeps microsoft console gaming alive seriousely.bungie isnt gnna be their 4 eva and i mean their not that great their ok but could be way better ya know?


    i think i have posted enough ...lol hopefully i dont get nailed for spamming even tho its not but its strict around here but reasonable. B)

  5. This topic is not really going anywhere. Ihat people want to host their own Web sites, but it's not a beginner thing. Getting a static IP and good upsteam bandwidth is expensive, and the security risks for an out of the blue machine can be endless.


    Note: This is just my two cents on this. Don't take it personally. I don't mean to hurt anybody's feelings.


    Hey smart 1 i got a T1 connection and u know i wouldnt go running your mouth about other peeps and doing stuff when u dont know their capablities im a pc tech ajust getting into networking and already know alot i mean i guarantee u put me to the test on a pc tech and web design exam i wamp most peeps u shouldnt be so quick to judge bro B)

  6. Well the news station are at bestbuy,walmart,ebgames etc.they have sold out of xbox 360 at bestbuy in florida 441 and southern in west palm beach florida.Any ways they have not opened their doors yet but their sold out people slept over night in thebestbuy parking lot that would have been me until i woke up and realized PS3 is gonna smoke 360 anyways tehy got a pad and wrote numbers down and when doors opened u had to have a number or else u wouldnt get 360 they sold 119 at 8 am 1 and a half hours before opening and that paper number they gave u guaranteed u a 360 which is whack i dont understand ps3 they must not have seen cause it is gonna pwn the xbox 360 we might as well nickname ps3 PS3 THE 900 .....lolIt was like 40 degrees last night and for those who think it aint cold come to florida get use to heat year round we have not felt any cold weather in this area of florida in 2-3 years all hella heat so its a big deal and its freezing to us.And i wouldnt be standing out their lookin like a geek when news crew comes up 2 you im waiting for a gaming console well all i"ll say is i pray your already married cause that would ruin your pimp career....lolBut ya i just thought ya"ll would like to hear about this 1 anyways gimme your thoughts.and please no sony fan boys or microsoft fan boys post i dont need to have an arguement i want opinions from those who say they ups and down for both systems not 1 who sticks up for one and not the other its a dang video game.Its sad u act like its your girl/wife...lol how pathetic ya know grow up....lol B)

  7. Finally, my old computer will become of use again...

    Also, http://www.noip.com/ offers a great DNS that supports dynamic IPs. How it works, is that it installs some small software on your computer, that monitors your IP. When your IP changes, it informs the server, so that your URL will be propergated to the new IP. I never tried making a server with a computer because of the fact that I simply can't keep a computer on 24/7. Xerver is also a good program, and you can install php from http://php.net/ and mysql from who knows where, but you can install it. I just prefer getting hosted, because it saves the hastle and saves electricity B)


    I wanted to try this out and i installed the stuff and i click for example connect to filezilla ftp server and it wont connect can some 1 help me?

  8. Ok this might be alot to ask but hey im gonna go for it.If anyone out their has unlocked the stg, and iw80-a2 and is kind enough to ship their memory card in an envelope to me that would be sweet i beat game twice and its boring i dont have time to beat a game multiple times ya know...lolill return the memory card u got my guarantee i was just hoping someone here would be kind enough to hook a friend out im a good guy so im hoping in return i get favors cause i do favors...lol anyways lemme know guys thanks B)

  9. I duno if im posting in right area i asked in shoutbox but not to much of a response..lol anyways i followed a photoshop tutorial i found on google for making a clan template i made the template but the tut ended when u need to i think they call it slicing i know i need to code the theme now.is their a program out their to help me code this theme or what???

  10. socom 3 lol i laugh.... all ive been hearing is that its lame... too big of maps to play on and takes forever to finish... and also no sure shot... so w/e ive got socom 2 look me up some time ~4life~ TANK


    hahahaha your serious dude?

    wow thats the first person i heard tell fibs like that. lmfao

    socom 3 is way better yes bigger maps yes more people then socom 2 and yes vechicles u do the math socom 2 is good i know but compared to socom 3 woooyah its the stuff im telling ya play it for yourself get involved its awesome dude B)

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