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Posts posted by cigarettehips

  1. I have always enjoyed the book version more than the movie version of any story because the author doesn't have to disclude information because of length or money issues. However, I still thought The Goblet of Fire was a good movie. I forgot a lot of what happened in the book so I was able to see everything at face value, which was good because I saw the movie as a movie, not as the movie adaptation of the book. I think Mike Newall (the director) did a really good job of portraying the graveyard scene as the main focus, and having everything else work around that. J. K. Rowling does a good job at giving side plots, but no one wants to sit through a six hour movie (think Lord of the Rings), so in the end, I was pleased.

  2. When I think about life I think about memories and things that make me happy because they mean more than just a fleeting thought. However, it always seems like my most remembered moments are the ones that could be easily forgettable. I distinctly remember listing to The Early November one summer morning, at peace with myself, watching my room get gradually brighter as the sun rose until it was officially morning. When I do get a chance to watch the sun rise, I am instantly overcome by a sense of calmness. And then there are all the times I see the boy that I like smiling at me or making me feel like it's okay to like them and maybe things will work out. Life seems to always be those little moments of joy that allow me to sit back and say, "Yes, life is good."

  3. I believe that is quite an ingenius thing, as some people would gladly convert IE users to Firefox for free just because they love it so. The only problem I have with the program is that you must have an AdSense account, and Google doesn't allow people under 18, like myself, to acquire AdSense accounts.

  4. A lot of people I know confuse love with lust. I think love comes from spending time with someone and getting to know them for who they really are (as corny as that sounds). Most people see an attractive face and automatically think love when they're really feeling lust. Yes, the attraction can lead to love, but unless, in some cosmic world, two people have been communicating through dreams or their "souls collide into one", I don't think there is such a phenomenon as love at first sight.

  5. As I consider myself in (oddly) the same situation as youself (with minor details changed, of course), I wouldn't suggest the first words out of your mouth to be something along the lines of "Are you single?" unless you can suddenly rack up enough self-confidence to not be utterly nervous (which I know I couldn't do). Friendship seems the best route possible, especially if the both of you were in drama together and talked before she became popular. She may be in the center of the social world now, but she most likely still holds the same interests as before.

  6. Have you told her you like her as more than a co-worker/friend? She is the only one to determine if a potential relationship is worth more than the consequences she would receive from the job (if any, how does the job know people are dating?, is the policy enforced?). However, I worked at a summer camp and there were some couples (even though it was forbidden for staff to date other staff members) that everyone knew were dating, yet no one got caught. A little karma on your side, I suppose.

  7. While I was working tonight I saw a book called "Don't Click That Blue E", or something like that (I can't exactly remember the exact title). Anyway, it's all about how Firefox, in the author's opinion, is better than Internet Explorer. I think it's mostly on security features, but I would suggest it to those who choose Firefox, mainly as it would definitely increase your knowledge as to why you like Firefox better. All you IE people could always read it too, if you're up for a little change.

  8. This might only happen with me, but when I like a boy, I seem to always ignore him because I get really nervous around him or I have no idea what to say. Right now, I have a lot of guy friends, and I have no problem talking to my crush's friends - I just can't seem to hold a decent conversation with my crush, which is why I think I'm losing his interest. B)

  9. Welcome, I'm sure you will like it here.  This forum is great for any questions you need anwsers for and for any help with scripting or web design.


    I too love Monty Python.  It's such a great and funny movie.  I watch it whenever I have spare time.  My favorite quote is "Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries!"


    I hope you enjoy it here as I have, let me know if you need anything....  B)




    I don't mean to sound like a Python snob or anything, but I like ALL Monty Python (like Life of Brian, The Meaning of Life, Flying Circus, etc.) NOT just Monty Python and the Holy Grail, which I do agree is a hysterical movie.

  10. Even though I've posted a bit and have been a member for two (whole) days, I thought I'd introduce myself anyway. My name is Rachel and I'm 17-years-old. I'm a senior in high school but I hate my town and mostly everyone who goes to my school, so I'm excited to study creative writing at either Emerson, NYU, Columbia, or CCA. I've been an avid reader since grade school and I love stand-up comedy (Dane Cook is my favorite comedian). My friend Sara and I are incessant Monty Python fans and we like to have conversations filled with only Python jokes (in British accents, of course).


    Music is probably my life, but webpage design comes in a close second. I've been designing websites for more than three years, but have only held my own domain for two.

  11. My favorite tv show will always be Titus because I found the style of the show fantastic and the acting/casting on par. I especially loved how Christopher Titus left nothing out, which, in turn, allowed the audience to experience his life in a more accurate way. Plus, the actors and script were hysterical. I can't wait to get the seasons on DVD.


    Recently, though, I've enjoyed Overhaulin' because I have a passion for muscle cars, Drawn Together because I love Comedy Central and the show is absolutely hilarious, Laguna Beach (my guilty pleasure) and Reunion, because, well, I think Will Estes is gorgeous.

  12. I really enjoyed a trip I took to San Francisco three years ago. I stayed with my uncle, and it felt more like a temporary visit than a weekend get-a-way. I saw the University of California at Berkeley, took a walking tour of San Francisco and Berkeley, drove across the Golden Gate bridge to this beautiful cliff (which I always imagine returning to in my dreams) and toured Alcatraz listening to this documentary tape made by all former prisoners. I really liked Alcatraz and am planning a senior trip to San Fran just to go again.

  13. I have Photoshop 7.0 and I love it! I design all my webpage layouts with it and use it a lot in school for my photography class. Also, I "photoshop" myself in pictures to look more flawless. My greatest feat was when I took my own senior picture and enhanced it using photoshop - no one can tell the difference unless I tell them.

  14. I haven't seen many musicials, but I did enjoy "Little Shop of Horrors" when I saw it last May and "Singin' in the Rain" (if that can even be included in this category). I'm really looking forward to seeing "Guys and Dolls" because of Marlon Brando and tap dancing. Overall, though, I love seeing musicials where the performers can actually sing (my school is doing a rendition of "Beauty and the Beast" and a lot of kids should not have parts).

  15. I really love my job because I can go into work anytime that I want and I can take breaks whenever I need them. However, I only work four hours a week (two two-hour shifts) at $7.00 an hour, which means I get $25.00 a week, hardly enough to actually do anything with. Also, I get raging headaches every day. I've learned to cope with them, but they are extremely annoying.

  16. I remember I was driving rather fast in the slow lane (which, I know, is my fault) but this older couple entered the highway and then proceeded to go about half my speed. I was furious. I HATE when people not only cut me off, but then go at such a slow speed that I have to slam on my brakes to avoid getting into an accident.

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