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About calkid
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Santa Is Coming Early! Making money on the internet...
calkid replied to calkid's topic in Business Forum
sorry that i haven't been around. i recently moved. a big move before the holidays which has been hard, but i made it finally. i haven't forgotten about this thread and the recent comments in it. right now though i hope everyone had a very happy holiday and is going to have a blessed new year. from the bottom of my heart, i wish everyone the best... -aaron -
Santa Is Coming Early! Making money on the internet...
calkid replied to calkid's topic in Business Forum
first of all, i don't believe your whole story. 14 year olds are in the middle of jr. high, not in high school. second, i don't believe that your parents were so unaware of your activieties and did nothing about it. now with that said, i am only responding because you took some effort to post a long post with your intent in the right place. school is important and you should be concentrating on that. a good businessman(as you say you want to be) needs to learn how to read, write, calculate math problems and learn how to speak well in front of others. school provides all this. the rest you need to learn is from DOING....making mistakes and learning from them(as is with life in general). crime doesn't pay, neither does being ignorant and i will tell you why. there are milions of people who are now infected with a sexual deseise who said "it could never happen to me". there are millions of people in jail or prison who thought "i am smarter than all the rest and will never get caught". yea, there is money in crime no doubt, but it doesn't pay because it doesn't last. crime is for the short run big time money. also, you are 14. your parents are responsible for you. if you get caught, you may go to juvi for a few month, but your parents are the ones who will get sued for the crimes you commited to pay back those you stole from. if you are serious about long term goals and making a positive difference in your life as well as other peoples lives, i can help you. you will learn patience, discipline, the right morals and values. this doesn't make you a lot of money in the short run, but what it will do is build character to help you succeed in anything you put your mind to in the future while giving you a computer/internet learning experience while you complete your schooling which is MOST IMPORTANT(at least high school). if you're interested, write me a note. my e-mail address is ANWIII@hotmail.com i will only work with you if you're serious(and i will be able to determine that) and if your parents know what you are doing every step of the way. i didn't have my first job until i was 16 and all i made was $3.35 an hour(minimum wage at that time 20 years ago). i'll show you how to be making over $3,000 a month before you graduate high school, but i will also show you that the world doesn't revolve around money and is not the most important thing in this world and does not define your success -aaron -
Santa Is Coming Early! Making money on the internet...
calkid replied to calkid's topic in Business Forum
been away. i just moved back to california from missouri. anyway, i would just like to say that if anyone who is reading this hasn't yet recieved a Xisto hosting account and haven't yet made any money on the internet, you probably never will because a hosting account is the FIRST THING YOU NEED.now i want to explain the second thing you will need and that is an autoresponder. there are paid ones and free ones and they both have something to offer. it's up for you to decide what YOU prefer. autoresponders are a necessity in that it frees up your time. when you have a lead for a product or servvice, you want to sell that product/service to that lead. they are only a lead because you either bought it or they happened to come across your website somehow through your marketing efforts. when you have a lead, you want to send it a sales letter, but not just one....you want to send them at least 7, because it is said it takes 6 letters on average to get someone to buy what you are selling. this figure comes from expert marketers that have written ebooks on the subject. the reason it takes so many emails is because you need to build your credibility. this person probably doesn't know you or the product/service you are trying to sell them. so it will take time to build this credibility. an autoresponder is an email service that will send out multiple letters and predetermined times and intervals. for instance, lets say you have 7 sales letters and you want each one to go out ever other day until the last one has been sent 14 days later. an autoresponder will do this automatically for you. if you only had 10-20 leads in a week, maybe you would be thinking "big deal""i don't need an autoresponder", and you would be right, but it would still free your time a little. but if you had high traffic and captured 200 leads a week or bought 200 leads, you could automatically send out 200 emails per day to these people automatically. how do you link them to your autorespnder? this is done 1 of two ways. they either fill out a form on your website and get automatically inputed in to your autoresponder, or you import them in manually or in a file format(many leads at a time). you don't have to understand what i am saying fully, but to give you an idea of how autoresponder work, you can visit sendfree.com OR freeautobot.com and experiment with these two free autoresponders and see how autoresponders work first hand. i will also have available soon an opportunity to download a free one to put on your Xisto hosting site you will be creating. they are better than the free ones and i will be offering it to you for FREE soon.autoresponders are fairly easy to figure out. the hard part is writing the sales and marketing letters. this is where people screw up. first, they don't think they need to pitch a product or service to someone over 6 times. BIG MISTAKE! second, they don't know anything about psychology and what attracts people to something. i will go in to a little bit about marketing letters in my next message tomorrow.i do want to say that christmas is coming up and i will be offering something to people reading this that might change your life financially....seriously. because i am not only going to give you an opportunity, but the knowledge as well to succeed! who else do you know willing to take you under their wing. who else will PAY FOR YOU to make money....which is exactly what i will be offering soon....and the knowledge to succeed in all your marketing effortsstay tuned! -
Santa Is Coming Early! Making money on the internet...
calkid replied to calkid's topic in Business Forum
i haven't gone to your site but sound like you are incorporating major search engines in to one search? if you're looking for big #'s, then you need an affiliate program. a ppc(pay per click) or ppl(pay per lead) affiliate program. you then need to advertize in the newsgroups, forums(you've already made a plug here). write a press release and submit it. write an article and submit it to the ezines. there are literally 1000's with many subscribers reading them. create doorway pages to your site that is targeted and search engine friendly....putting your search bar on every page. allow others to easily copy and paste the source so they can have that same search bar on their own website. what you want to create takes a lot of time and effort and plannng. -
Santa Is Coming Early! Making money on the internet...
calkid replied to calkid's topic in Business Forum
good question. BOTH! i will soon be more involved in providing resources for anyone just starting out learning, to learn. step by step, easy steps. i will be recomending a couple programs, but not required to participate. there will be learning involved here rather than quick buck scams without direction in how to procede. not only will i give direction, i will give resources. if you have a widget you want to sell, then following my simple instructions will benefit you. you only need to modify some things specifically towards your widget. -
Santa Is Coming Early! Making money on the internet...
calkid replied to calkid's topic in Business Forum
wrong! there are only two things that sell, YES! but the answer is pruducts and services. hard work and creative work are the MEANS to a product or service. times have changed since our mothers and fathers were born. do you realize there was no color t.v. back then? where do you think the internet is going to be 10 years from now? working hard is a plus and being creative is also a plus, but in the internet age, all you have to do is find a product and service that sells and copy how others are selling it. doesn't take that much work or creativity actually. just takes time. although the idea makers(the creative thinkers) have more potential than the rest, most of us aren't thomas edisons. most of us will take his ideas and creativity to benefit us. that's how most people survive and it works in business just the same. the internet has made it easy for the little guy to have a shot at making an income where otherwise he/she wouldn't be able to afford it. -
Santa Is Coming Early! Making money on the internet...
calkid replied to calkid's topic in Business Forum
google adsense works when you already have a lot of traffic coming to your site that will click on the adwords that you would get paid for. since i have never been a part of google adsense(only adwords), i can't speak on the subject personally, but i do know you would have to build up your traffic to over 1000 hits a day in order to make anything substantial to smile about. even then you would not be making a full time income and souly relying on the clicks from others. if you are satisfied making 2-3 hundred dollars a month with google adsense, then great! it's a good second income for anyone. people who are just starting out with low traffic have to build up to that figure and in my opinion, google adsense should be considered second income ONLY because nobody will want to go to a website that has no content besides links from google. a site has to offer something to attract visitors and have them coming back. -
manual submitting is the best google is indeed the leader in se and the others follow google make sure ur link on other sites/forum (sigs) ect dont place to many links on your main page never use to mainstream keywords in ur metatags like downloads, forum, ect make real and good and much content allways is best ! hope them advise helps a lil ! 210369[/snapback] yes, manual submission is the best way unless you buy a $150 s.e.o. program that tricks the engines in to thinking you are manually submitting. the to VERY important directeries to manually submit to is DMOZ and YAHOO and there are free tutorials out there to manually submit to yahoo PROPERLY. yahoo is a stickler to get listed, and then when you do, they don't like updating any future resubmissions so it's best to to it right the first time!
Is Google Cheating With Adsense? Does Google Cheats with Adsense...
calkid replied to visitor's topic in Business Forum
i am familiar with google adsense. i've never had a problem with them. i possibility with your friend is if his ads are linked to a free hosting account. although your friend my have a different subdomain or directory to to host his account, the main domain may be flagged for some reason. this may not be the problem, but it IS my best guess.did your friend check to see if his account is disabled? because another possibility is that the email could have been from a hacker that wants access to google accounts. the way this works is that a hacker will send bulk email to people stating their google account has been disabled, then either in that email or in a next day email, follow up with a request for the user information to reinstate the account. even if this isn't the problem, it is still good to be aware of who is sending you emails at ALL TIMES.why doesn't your friend just contact google and see what the problem is? you shouldn't give google a bad name if there is an easy solution to the problem. i haven't had a bad experience with google and feel they deserve a chance to fix a problem FIRST before any bad remarks like "google is cheating it's users". that is unfair in my opinion....-aaron -
Santa Is Coming Early! Making money on the internet...
calkid replied to calkid's topic in Business Forum
No need to thank me right now, but it does make me smile because i know everyone has an opportunity at their fignertips right now by reading this thread. even those who are not yet Xisto members, and i will accept the thank you's AFTER each person has made more on the net than they ever have. i am going to provide the resources AND the specific steps to succeed. FOR EVERYONE READING THIS THREAD I will be including Xisto in to my teaching steps for the free hosting. although there are many free hosting sites out there(some with no ads), I like the format Xisto has put together to include a forum. a community of member to come together to read about and talk about anything under the sun. the users are friendly and the mods/owners are fair. so with that said, anyone interested in getting started early, i want to suggest that you post at least once a day anywhere on the forums to build your credits up to at least 30 so you can get your upgraded hosting account. DO NOT post irrelevant topics or 1-2 line posts just to build your credits up. have some meaning behind your posts so that you don't get warned from the mods OR worse, get banned from Xisto. READ THE FORUM GUIDLINES if you have any questions, but if you follow what i just said, and act responsible and respectfull, you will have no problems. any GUEST not yet a Xisto member, i urge you to sign up NOW and get started in earning your free hosting. you will need this later, i promise! you will all need hosting! Xisto is free and this is the site i will be recomending. if you already have a website or hosting account either here or somewhere else, you are one step ahead of the game. keep checking back on this thread for more updated information. i know some of you are eager to learn more and get started! -aaron -
ok, i am not going to claim i know it all here, but i will tell you i am a bit of an expert. I've owned a computer since i was 14 years old, i taught myself 3 different programing languages before i was 16, cracking software code and hacking into phone companies while popping zits on my forehead. I had a 300 baud modem before anyone ever heard of the world wide web. i'm not interested in that stuff anymore....what i am interested in now is making money on the internet. for the past 3 years, all i have been doing is stying up late at night RESEARCHING how i or anyone can succeed in making money on the internet. is it easy? HECK NO! there is alot involved! you need to know about what to sell, or affiliate programs, and then internet marketing and email marketing. you need to learn about traffic building and website promotion, web design and development. THEN you need to know alot about search engine optimization so your website ranks well. pay per click advertising WORKS and you need to know about that and other ways that work. blogging and rss is relatively new and you need to know what these things are and anything else that will come out in the future that will work well. not only do you need to learn this stuff, but if you are just starting out and have little cash, you need to find free webhosting and domain names, a free autoresponder and a way to get free leads to promote your business.i don't want to scare anyone, but there is ALOT to learn before ever considering making money on the internet. it can be done thought and it's being done every single second of the day! you just need to know how.my whole intention and purpose in starting this topic is to SHOW YOU HOW. I am tired of seeing posts that have to do with nothing programs with little income potential. they post a link and THAT'S it! they offer no help in how to promote and succeed! that's going to change soon....at least within this thread that i have created.my own past experience on the net only involves belonging to about 10 main affiliate programs i've promoted to make my money (around $3,000+ per month) which i found at clickbank. i had to quit doing that about 4 months ago because i recent moved cross country. I was born and raised in california and now reside in missouri. it's been rough and spending my first thanksgiving and soon to be first christmas and new year without friends and family is a little depressing. even though i made enough money to make me happy with click bank and a few affiliate programs through them, i decided i would create my own website, my own product, and include 1 main affiliate program that not only has more income potential, but is in an area that i am interested in and dedicated to support and very friendly. i am combining all my knowledge and research in to helping others achieve something GREAT....and that is making money on the internet. believe me when i say it's GREAT because i've done it. those 4-6 sales on average made me $3,000+. i only got around $20 per sale but they do add up. my first sale, i got SO EXCITED! it was a GREAT feeling! i still remember it and will never forget it. i was addicted to coming online every hour JUST to check if i made a sale yet, and when i did, i had to brag about it. ok- now that i've decided to put my reputation on the line and soon, put my money where my mouth is, stay tuned....whoever wants to build an income online needs to keep in touch with this thread. i will be posting every day on it. you will see the responses from people i've helped RIGHT HERE. if i get a poor response here, it will ruin my name and reputation and i'm not willing to do that so i will make every effort to help all i am able. i will be posting a link to my site soon. i just started making a website about a month ago and is almost ready for the public(thank god, because my savings has been dwindling since my move to missouri and i don't have a 9-5 job here....nor will i EVER). i also have to create a couple pages dedicated for this thread to offer more extensive help. until i do that, i will hold off posting the link.I promise though that i will give 100% full effort to those willing to learn and able to follow simple instructions, and have the patience and time to build their business on the itnernet. i will show you how to do this FREE to start and then show you how wise it will be to reinvest some of the income you've made....putting it right back in to your business. Are you interested? I know you are if you've read this far so stay tuned!-aaron webbp.s.- i don't know how many people read this forum topic, but to give me an idea of how many people want to learn, send me an email here at trap 17. you wont get a reply, but it will allow me to prepare if there are more than 10 people and i may have to limit the # of people i plan to work with on a personal level if the # is more than 10(which i don't suspect it will be that high). it will also show me who is motivated enough to doing something as simple as writing an email to me. it's THOSE PEOPLE i want to work with on a personal level, but most everything i have to say will be posted publically for all to see and learn and enjoy!
I don't trust most programs from any free hosting. if they can't afford their own domain and hosting fees, chances are they aren't making money. there are exceptions because people have to start somewhere, but if anyone has any experience doing business on the internet at all, they will know a lot of the search engines don't like free hosting accounts and it just looks more professional with your own domain name -aaron webb OH! and why the heck would anyone put their site up on geocities anyway? the sponsored liks page is ANNOYING since you have to click it shut every time, and the popups everytime speak for themselves....so why would they host a site there when they can just get one at Xisto with no popups or ads. it just doesn't make sense to me! -aaron Notice from jlhaslip: Merged posts
Love At First Sight the phoniness of it all
calkid replied to Professor Kirby's topic in Dating And Relationships
i believe in love at first sight personally....however, there are misconceptions to this cliche. "love at first sight" means to some that you fall in love with their looks. for me, someone who has always judged a person as a whole, i found love at first sight. obviously, you can't fall in love with everything about a person at first sight because you don't know everything about them. i also believe thaqn when a person passes away in this lifetime, they pass away without people knowing everything about them. so how do you really define love? it's all relative and it's relative to the time you are with that person in the PRESENT and as the present time changes, so does the love....constantly changing. if i were to have judged my "soul mates" looks at the time i first met her and asked myself if i loved her, that would have been a definate NO! i probably wouldn't have had anything to do with her ifi judged her by her looks when i first saw her. the thing is, i fell in love with her at first sight you don't have to see with your eyes to see. in fact, your eyes can be very deceptive. why 2 people can look at a picture and see different things than the other saw. i saw my woman through an email she sent me. it was an email forwarded to me by her as it was sent to about 10 other people(guys and girls). crossed paths on the internet from time to time, but never talked 1 on 1. it was what was written within this email that drew me to her where i had fallen in love with this girl where i was INSTANTLY attracted and drawn to her KNOWING i had to get to know her. love at first sight? it's true, and it happens. anyone who thinks it doesn't has a lot to learn and experience in life to know what i am talking about. i didn't just follow my heart, i followed my SOUL that was instantly attracted to my soul mate -
How To Get Out Of Love? Im in real distress
calkid replied to vistal's topic in Dating And Relationships
well said. i'm 37 and been in love 3 times in the past. i've been through the pain, but most importantly, i've been through the pleasures. each one was different and unique and each one had something different to offer me that i will always remember. and you are right....how do you know if she's the one? people talk about meeting their "soul mate" but what about differentiating that with "soul friends" who aren't in your life as long but take something with you from that relationship nonetheless. me, i found my soul mate. someone who i am very compatable with. even our differences are compatable because in the areas i am weak in, she is strong and visa versa and we learn from eachother and grow closer doing just that. it's been the hardest relationship i have EVER been in climbing many obstacles just to make every effort to be with her. i've been to hell and back with her, but i would do it all over again. the reason why i bring this up is because i know that if i didn't meet my past loves and didn't go through the devestating breakups(and it's always devestating no matter who breaks up with who) and all the good that was offered me in those relationships, i would have NEVER been able to succeed in the one i'm in now. why i always tell people to concentrate on what they HAVE rather than what they don't have because maybe what they don't have is meant to be for something more positive and GREAT in the future. there is nothing more devestating than the loss of a loved one where you cannot continue to share your love, BUT there is nothing more exhilerating when you finally realize that you are a stronger and better person than you were in the past. -aaron