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About Manouschka

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  1. A person who possible can be seen as more or less important in the forum wrote some lines in the live chatbox. One of the sentences seems to contain a grammar mistake. The second part of the message contains the word: 'do'. It seems this version of the verb is used for a majority of actors. The verb is connected to the word 'invision'. It is not clear if this is a single actor or if this word indicates a single version but refers to a couple of actors. This leads to the question wether or not it is advisable to point out possible mistakes in grammar somebody thinks to notice on the internet. Such behavior can be easily seen as negative. A positive side is that the original writer might learn from the teaching and she or he might improve her or his grammar skills. A positive attitude would be that such a reaction is not meant to critise the writer. It can be seen as a trial to teach the writer of the original post some grammar rules. One of the critical elements of a reaction to a possible grammar mistake is, that the reaction itself needs to contain a grammar mistake too. This prevents from being seen as a wise guy or girl who thinks he or she knows it all. This pondering leads to the question wether or not to react to a possible grammar mistake on the internet.
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