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About fila

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  1. The way to post a link to another website changed. As far as I figured out one way to post a link is to past the link in the text. The forum changes the characters of the web address into a link. Another way to create a link is to use the chain icon on top of the post window. When the mouse pointer clicks on the chain icon a new window opens. It is possible to past the copied web address of a website in the link window that is called: URL. The link shows in the post in the form of the web address or as a shortened version of the webaddress. If you like to show the full web address to a website too it seems necessary to post the web address in the text. The web address doesn't change to a link when spaces are put between the letters of the first part of the web address. Here is an example. The first link has been created by using the chain icon. https://support.xisto.com/ The second link is created without the chain icon. https://support.xisto.com/ This website address has been posted by putting spaces between the first parts of the web address. support.xisto.com/ It is possible to create a link and to use a random word like 'support' to indicate the part of the post to click on. This is done by high lighting a word and to click on the chain icon while the word that is meant to function as a link is high lighted. Here is an example of a word, that contains a link. support . .
  2. fila


    This post explains the reason for the choice of the former part of the forum this topic was started in originally. The description of that part of the forum is: The description explains a little bit the feeling that grows by the lack of mycents in spite of sending in a few post on the forum. Feeling being cheated by the mycents system is a little bit too much, I suppose. Disappointment as a description of the feeling comes closer to the feeling this forum brings during the time the issue with the mycents system exists. The feeling of being cheated by the mycents system was probably not recognizable as the main reason for the selection of the former forum part. The part of the forum this topic is in now is a non post count forum part, by the way. The next description of this part of the forum shows the no post counts character of this part of the forum. . .
  3. Red hair appreciaton account

  4. In Windows 7 the first item of the menu is: View. Putting the mouse pointer on this word opens the next menu. This next menu contains the item Yordan mentions. This item is called: Auto arrange icons. You can make sure this item doesn't have a huge V in front of the words.
  5. fila


    The quest for mycents Yordan wrote: Dear mr Yordan, Thank your for the kind and helpfull suggestion. A ticket has been sent immediately after posting the first post of this topic. And in the mean time an answer has arrived. The answer is: The mycents system didn't work since the start of the creation of this account. And the mycents system didn't work for this account before the move of the forum. So it seems there is something else wrong. This is suggested to the help desk staff in a reply ticket. Maybe the temporary hold of the mycents system will make the research to find a solution of this problem a bit more complicated.
  6. red head appreciation

  7. fila


    MYCENTS This forum has a lot of advantages. One of the advantages is the option to earn digital points. These digital points can be used to obtain web services. Part of this systems is, that the website awards posts with these digital points. The digital points are probably called mycents. It is strange, that this account doesn't receive any mycents. Since this account is active several posts are entered in the forum. It is surprising, that no mycents are visible anywhere. Not earning any mycents is considered like a bit of a problem. It might be possible to solve this problem. As far as known one of the necessary requirements is the use of the same email address for the forum and the support website of https://support.xisto.com/ . It seems, that the technical obligation is to create an account in the forum with an email address. The next step is to create another account in the support website of xisto. Both steps are taken. And some posts are made. And still the mycents don't appear.
  8. The moderation of Xisto This topic expresses the appreciation for the moderator of Xisto.
  9. fila


    This piece of information informs, that a topic in this session might be approved and moved. At the moment the question remains if this topic will be approved and moved according to the quoted description.
  10. The Greatness of Xisto Advantages of Xisto This post contains some thoughts about this forum. If the way the forum works is understood correctly the following statements can be seen to describe the method of the forum. This description matches probably with the actual way Xisto handles its affairs. Xisto provides the possibility to obtain hosting and a domain name for posting messages on a forum. A forum is a website where people can like put messages with information on. Leaving messages on the forum gives a sort of virtual money. This kind of electronical money is called credits. After posting a lot of messages and after earning a lot of virtual money it might be possible enough credits are got to e able to obtain a hosting package and a domain name. In a way the services obtained by posting are free. It is possible to call the services a kind of free because when enough credits are harvested it is not necessary to pay money to obtain the services. The internet services are provided by a professional internet company. The name of the company is Xisto Corporation. The professionality of the webhost offers some advantages. This lead proposes a theorem. The theory of this post is, that using Xisto has some advantages. This theory rests on some assumption. These assumptions are: The service of Xisto and Xisto can be compared to the service offered by free webhosts. And free webhosts have a lot of disadvantages. And Xisto has a lot of advantages. This means using the service of Xisto can be considered to have more advantages than a free webhost. The first advantage of Xisto and Xisto is probably the reliabiltiy. A lot of free webhosts disappear. And the service of a free webhost can suddenly be stopped. The second advantage of Xisto and Xisto is the service. The forum offers a possibility to get support. Sometimes a moderator of the forum can give some help too. And the service department of Xisto is pretty professional and helpfull. This means that besides being free apart from spending time and attention to the forum Xisto offers a service that is in a way attractive.
  11. a ginger has a soul

  12. fila


    Posting this information in the linked lead is the first impulse. The age of the line offers doubt. Opaque started the topic four years ago. And yesterday the last post in the linked topic was exactly three years old. Bumping in an old thread is not the most appreciated act to do. A second consideration that prevents from posting the addition about the new nameservers is the state of the topic. The topic is closed for some unknown reason. So even when the wish to accept the invitation and the challenge to link to this information in the old topic exists the locked state of the old topic prevents from obeying the incitement to add the information with the current nameservers to the old thread. By the way, at the moment this topic is not locked.
  13. Hello, visitor!

  14. The nameservers of xisto Two posts in the forum give outdated information about the nameservers of xisto. The nameservers of xisto are: Nameserver 1: dns1.xisto.com Nameserver 2: dns2.xisto.com The nameservers can be found in the application form for a domain name. The link to the website with the window to fill in a domain name is: https://support.xisto.com/ When an unused domain name is filled in, a test window has been filled with the required characters and the button to research the availability has been clicked a second page appears. The button to research the availability is called: 'Check Availability' In the second page the button: 'Order Now' can be clicked. This opens a third page. This third page contains the information of the nameservers of Xisto. This post is a correction of two posts in this topic: h t t p ://http://forums.xisto.com/topic/21313-free-domain-registration-service-registrationname-website/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/21313-free-domain-registration-service-registrationname-website/ '>http://forums.xisto.com/topic/21313-free-domain-registration-service-registrationname-website/
  15. Computer discussion This topic is about sharing and discussing personal opinions and thoughts about the forum of http://forums.xisto.com/. And this topic specifies the thoughts about the attraction of http://forums.xisto.com/index.php. 1. Hardware One of the advantages of Xisto is probably the subject of discussion. If the opinion of yordan is understood correctly the main focus of Xisto is towards computer technology, hardware and software and internet related topics. Some people like to discuss these topics online. News, reviews and opinions about new hardware can be interesting for them. 2. Community An aspect of Xisto that can be seen as like to be attractive to people is the communication with other persons. This can build a bond. After reading some posts of somebody it is possible to get some information about the way of thinking of a person and the opinions of the poster. These insights can be interesting. 3. Discussion It is possible to react to a post of a member of the forum. This leads to some interaction between people through the internet. It can be interesting to get some attention online. And it can be interesting to read the opinion of other people. 4. Common interest Since the forum is about computers and internet the members are probably interested in these subjects. This means that people who share the same interest can meet online on the forum. 5. Information When members post facts, opinions and thoughts about technical topics the content in the posts can deliver new information for other members. Some people like to stay informed about hardware, software and the internet. The forum can act like a source of information that isn't found easily somewhere else. 6. Internationality The forum has members from different countries in the world. The forum can be a place to discover the differences and the similarities between people from around the world. 7. Hosting The company that is the owner of Xisto provides hosting. If enough credits are earned hosting can be obtained without the need to pay money for it. 8. Domains The internet company that owns the forum provides domain names too for credits. So with a total of around $ 20.00 of credits a domain name can be ordered for free. 9. More It seems possible to think about some other advantages of the forum. The benefits of this forum mentioned above are sufficient to get an idea about an opinion about the attraction of the forum. Technical information: This post contains 415 words.
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