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Fred Hatamian

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Posts posted by Fred Hatamian

  1. Well you teacher is right we are breaking for Chritmas but if he is making racist remarks you can sew them and that is the altumete revenge. ANd i am russian too and i never met anyone who is Russian Jewish thats cool that you are Russian and Jewsish :P my teacher is Jewish and she gave us a lexture about the Jewish colture and she got sewed bc she is not spoosed to give lextures in math about religon and I liked it but at the end she made a remark saying that Jews are better than Christians and that really made me angry. Well she got fiered and all the kids in class(christians) stared cussing at her and it was really not right i actually enjoyed to find out about Jewish people but when she said what her culture is better that others it made me think.....

  2. Since Bush has started he has only been demanding war and making US fall behind in new things. For example the stem cell research. In my opinion stem cells hold an important key to life. Bush has said that he will not allow the destruction of new life for others. But more recently a professor at University of Connecticut has come up with a new way to produce embryonic cells: cloning. He says that he can make embryos with cloning. The problem is that he need 10 million dollars for the operation and Bush has refused to found the operation. So that proves he is not allowing it because of destruction of life but something else.

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Members are reminded to post new topics in an approriate forum. I moved this to General. Web Hosting Requests Forum is for applications only. Thanks.

  3. I am new to web hosting and websites so will anyone help me out here. How do I connect trap 17 to my domain from go daddy. Where do i sign up. I have a dodaddy acount but i want to ge trap 17 to be my host how do i do that. ANd also I tried doing the application but it sais I need to direct my nameservers . What are nameservers and how do i derect them. THank you for the support.

  4. Armrnia's main sport is football(soccer). It is a ver important sport. I everyone playes it. I cannot tell you how important it is and how widely spread it is. Let me just tell you that when you ask a kid in armenia what is their favorite sport they will say soccer. Since they Armenian kids are playing out side all day unlike in US most of the time its soccer.

  5. Is the Armenian tourist board paying commissions to people or something cos we had a very similiar thread to this not so long ago.

    Quick question for ya, do all Armenian surnames end in ...ian?


    i dont know about the cmmisions question. But I can tell you that not all armenian surmames end with ian ther is yan and there are many other like Mastots, or many end with y or i its just that yan and ian are more common.

  6. If posting is that much of a problem for you, why not try Xisto.net? Posting is not required to maintain an account there, it is supported by advertising on your web site. You indicated you were willing to put advertising on your site, perhaps this is a better hosting option for you?


    i dont like putting forced ads on my websites because it makes the website look like you dont know what you are doing. So in my opinion you should post and not have to deal with forced ads. Its like putting a pink ad on a black backroung website

  7. Yeah i agree.. bloody scammers froze my account.. all my hard earned neopoints went down the drain.


    there are so many codes and there are people sitting the monetering the players and they dont allow cheats so it will be impossible for you to find away around them. But if you do tell me. lol

  8. Many of us have pay per click programs or are looking for one. Well i discovered that many pay per click programs trick or do not pay the money that you deserve. For example Bidvertizer is a program that i used to have and my website is pretty famouse and befor Bidvertizer I used to have Google and with Google i would get aroung 40 dollars a week but when I changed to Bidvertizer I was only getting 1.20 a week. So i quickly discovered that i was not getting payed for the clicks. The reason I changed for google to others was beacouse with google dropes their price once the website staartes getting old or people are clicking more. So now im using clicksorI hope it works. If you have better program pleese tell me so I can get it.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Posting in the wrong forum will result in warning. We have dedicated Pay Per Click section. Moving from What Is...?

  9. I am Armianian and since many people never heard of the counry or dont know much about it i will tell you. Armenia is a very beautiful counry with friendly people and it is the first country that accepted Christianty and because of that it has one of the oldes Christian churches around. The landscape is ver rough and there are many mountains. It is covered with rich coulture. It s like a mixture of Small Italy and Russia. It also has a very modern citty Yerevan(capital of Armenia). It is covered with cofe shops, arcades, clean streets, beautiful buildings stors, hospitals and other such things. It is almost like Greece and is a very good tourist attraction. Many new religions have had their origin in Armenia and you can see many sings of them today. So for your next vacation Armenia would be a good choice.

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    As pointed out by Tyssen, this topic shared its title with another topic. I have issued notices on both and altered the titles to better reflect the topics. Please use the Search function available at the top of each page. No Warning issued. Both are no credit posts.

  10. In my opinion Xenimus is the best rpg game. The World Xenimus is fun and exiting. There are always new places to explore and new things to do. You can trape money with other people in the game, kill others, buy a house, take over a castle, level and become powerful, form links and kill with other playes. In this game when you level you get new magic tricks for examle at level 30 you get a magic trick where you can port into other places and there are magic tricks where you can set off bombes. I have a level 32 wisard and I enjoy playing with my friend in the world of xenimus. THe reason I like it over World of Warcraft is first its cheaper only $5 per month and also it gives a bigger sence of community because you can email the owner of the game and he will fo favors for you. To play this game just visit http://www.xenimus.com/ and download the game.

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