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Posts posted by debin29

  1. For any business to flourish, it must have a strong web presence on the internet. Just having an amateur website design will not help you achieve this! Your website design has to be such that it captures the visitors' attention and make them stay longer. Here are some important tips by which you can improve your website design and make it even better to achieve your business goals:


    Fast loading pages: Not everyone has access to a fast internet connection. There are people who still use the dial-up modems to connect to the internet. The pages of your website should load quickly even on slow internet connections. Use only relevant banners and images that have been optimized appropriately. If your website doesn't load in maximum 15 seconds, visitors will get bored and navigate away.


    Value Time: A fast loading website creates a good impression in a visitors mind. If you cannot avoid your website from loading slowly because of heavy content, display a message requesting them to wait. That is better than making them stare at a blank screen.


    Provide Options: If your website contains music or other audio effects, provide your visitors an option to turn it on and off as per their liking. Many people don't want to listen to music when they surf and may leave if they are forced to. Providing them with an option to turn it off will make your website a favourite with all.


    Text Size: The text size of your web page is another important factor that affects your website design. The text should be large enough so that visitors can read it easily without strain. However, the size shouldn't be too large as to create an unprofessional feeling. The choice of colours for your website is another critical point. It's always better to stick to web safe colours. Use a white on black or black on white combination for text colours.


    Considering all these facts, it is highly necessary to hire a professional web design firm to get a quality website that can give the most significant returns from your business.

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