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Posts posted by XRated

  1. No it's not credit card , checks will be sent out and it's international, there are no country restriction's . For time being a problem , you do not have to get a certain amount of post's in a certain amount of time , you can post when ever you like , there is no expiry on your accounts. Im still working on a few thing's but it is open to the public and yes ill change the permissions to allow guests to read the guide lines and TOS sorry. Anyhow if you wish to join your more then welcome if you choose not to that's fine. Either way you have nothing to lose.

  2. Hello , ive started a small program offering cash for your posts , we have just started but hoping you can help. You will get paid when we get paid but we will try our best to send payment out every month , you will see earning in real time "Points" you can read more about the "Points System" on the forum. You will not get rich off this program but you will have an extra few dollars for what? Barely nothing . So come check us out!


  3. I think everyone's missing the point that the end result of PHP is that it actually outputs HTML to the web browser, the same with nearly all scripting languages designed for web delivery. So, in other words, you can't have PHP without HTML (well you could, but the user wouldn't see anything).


    In my opinion , no one is missing the point . PHP's purpose isn't to output data on a page , it's purpose is to execute basically anything server side eg. sql query's , you don't see these querys get executed but you can output the results but all im saying is that its true purpose is not to display on a page , that's html's job B)

  4. Just like it has been mentioned that you cannot compare them as there are two totally different languages , in my opinion php is more like the C/C++ language . PHP is a server side programming language meant for almost anything you can do remotely, it's a very well developed language and very fun to learn , yes it can be hard but once you start you won't stop B)

  5. I have a forum based on unix shells and resources aswell as programming / development , we arn't a big community yet but we are active and looking for someone to exchange buttons with (30x88) , we would like to exchange with a site that has a relation to our content . Your button would show up on the footer of our forums , if your interested in this offer please email me at Admin@n-name.be or visit the forums and pm there or here :lol:

  6. its a very completed language, covering the most wide aspects and possibilities of weblanguage, you may say that for example ASP is another great language, but my experience with that is the slowness of the language. I have never had wellmade pages that actually loaded instantly, while doing the exact same thing in PHP gives me instant pages.


    The language is dynamic, fast and is very well-understandable for both beginners as experts, aswell as it being a great challenge to anyone.


    Besides of that.  the PHP community is one of the most friendly communities i have ever come across with, together with Xisto of course :lol:


    People help you if you help them. People support you as much as they can and try their best to keep the community a great place for everyone. No question is weird or wrong and that is the key to being a successful community!


    Very well said , couldn't of said it any better :)

  7. Ok hmm there problem's with the server? My forums "No Name Forums" had a wierd rollback last night but i was seeing it updated but other people wern't , it wasn't cache/cookies problems hehehe and well it cleared up but it had a pretty big rollback so luckly i had a backed up database and restored it but noe it seem's to be doing it again , I can see it updated but other people don't . Also my account was approved for an upgrade and i tryed to upgrade with the script and it gave me an error and somehow my account got upgraded without deducting credits so i reported this then i was told that it was fine and not to worry about the credits , but when the rollback occured i was back to the old alpha package so i tryed the script again and it gave me the same error but then my acc was upgraded again and now it's doing this wierd rollback thing again .. if anyone could help , it would bbe greatly appreicated thank's :lol:

  8. I sent out a 36 dollar's money order over a month ago for a IRCD shell and it still hasn't arrived :) i know that 36 dollar's isn't alot to most people but for being unemployed it really is alot , ive asked the provider if they have recieved payment and there answer was no .. so im guessing the mailing service has lost the money order and honostly i don't see any chance of getting it back grrr so mad! It's only going to the US from Canada , it should of been there 3 week's ago :PBlah i guess *BLEEP* happens (Sorry for harsh language)Boo on canadian mail services!!! :)

  9. Look's awsome but sadly i cannot play it :) My PC is to small for most games , my game day's were back in the Diablo day's now that was a great RPG and it's going today! But now it's right full of bots and cheating user's , battle.net gave up on it basically :/ but good things come to an end . Anyhow great looking game cheers! :)

  10. I have recently put up a forum based on free shells and resources , i know there is so many people interested in shells and ways of getting them free and ofcourse there is people interested in resources and i think my forum is quite unique as i have not found many shell resources on the web if any. It's only been up for about 2-3 day's and ive found my forum on google a few times so that's look's great but i can't get people to register lol they come and they do look around but they don't register.. anyone have any suggestions on getting people to register? (Sorry if this is the wrong forum)

  11. Sounds nifty but im not sure it's worth killing time on, alot of site's offer similar to this and well what does bravenet got that they do not? Ill check it out but im not convinced , im sure offering someone a dollar for just 1 click would soon drop there business . But maybe they make a fortune off of advertisers ect.. and there a hosting service im not mistaken so they could be making a large amount of cash and doing such program would increase there traffic by far :)

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