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Everything posted by spawN-eD
i need clients pc pass not my server root password ;D
heh tnx but i have wondered about one thing if the pc got password protected and its got sleep maby is some way to get that password at pc start when user write it or maby its saving in some file
btw i forgot to say that the server on what i want to send info is based on gentoo system for a while i got something like this : @echo offecho [*] Collecting Relevant system informationecho Host Name : %computername% > %computername%.txtsysteminfo | find "OS" >> %computername%.txtsysteminfo | find "Domain" >> %computername%.txtipconfig | find "IP" >> %computername%.txtecho. >> %computername%.txt i made it just for tests and maby what info send to my server
sory for double post but i got net lag :/
im computer tehnic and we got clients show live in citys who are far away from us and if something happens thos that pc maby we can user vncviewer and that peoples dont know where to see ip and etc ... so we want make programm wich will launch at pc start and send info about this user so that info will save in mysql or etc and displays in some php file
i thinked about it bet how to make this php script ? in .bat file it should looke like this wget http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/% something like this i think but now i will need that pc.php script :/ sory my bad english
forgive me about it :/ but i need help about this topic
hi all Xisto users , admins , mods i didn know where to write this but i will try here ;)so story is simple i got made .bat file who receive OS version , computer name and ipconfig and its saving to %computername%.txt now i have a question and thats sounds like this:After .bat file start it will do the job but not save to .txt but send info to php or mysql to other pc or server where is that mysql database is that posible? and how? explane me or show some simple :lol:sory my bad english
nice tut GL
10/10 i like this
i have question for u how many parts will be and what will be in each part ?
heh nice dude keep working
good job dude
what i whant to do is make a include in vnc when its launchs it shows me the port number with what i can connect to that pc but the points is .... i want to make that the vnc if its launched send information to my mysql databese and in my web i can see what is going on which ip have turned on vnc in what time etc
i whant to make a .exe file who launch and sends info to mysql database this is for vnc ....
hi gays sory i dont know where to write it but i have questionhot to make with c++ programm with sends info to mysql about what user do on his pc when program is launched
Try this <style> body { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10px; } .name { font-size: 11px; color: red; // text } #topic { height: 15px; padding: 2px; } #topic:hover { background: #D8D8D8; // on mouse over color: black; } #bubble { width: 25px; margin: 2px 0px 5px 210px; height: 18px; text-align: center; line-height: 12px; position: absolute; font-size: 9px; color: #000000; } #bord { border-top: 1px dotted #9f9f9f; height: 0px; } #cont { width: 100%; } </style> <?php $forums = "forum"; // forum url $limits = "12"; // how much will show $size = 25; //how many simbols can be in topic lenght $host = "localhost"; $dbname = "database"; $dbuser = "user"; $dbpass = "password"; $link = mysql_connect($host, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($dbname) or die("No DB"); mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF-8"); // for latvian language $kveri = mysql_query("SELECT posts, last_poster_name, last_poster_id, title, tid, forum_id, last_post FROM ibf_topics ORDER BY last_post DESC LIMIT ".$limits.""); // izvadam jaunumus echo "<div id='cont'>"; echo "<div id='bord'></div>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $kveri )) { echo "<a href=\"$forums/index.php?showtopic=".$row[tid]."&view=getnewpost\"> <div id='topic'> <div id='bubble'>".$row[posts]."</div> <span class='name'>"; if(strlen($row[title])>$size){ [tab][/tab][tab][/tab]echo substr($row[title], 0, $size)."..."; }else{ [tab][/tab][tab][/tab]echo $row[title]; } echo "</span> </div></a> <div id='bord'></div>"; } echo "</div>"; ?>
still nothing
sor dude but nothing happens i see only - Title: From: Message:
hi there i would like for this scrip - http://forums.xisto.com/topic/17724-topic/ News script ( add / remove / edit ) Admin panel ( maby with poll(add / remove / edit) with user edit ) btw can someone try to make forum ? using this login script
my read_message.php code looks like this <?phpsession_start();$userfinal=$_SESSION['session_name'];require "database.php";$messageid = $_GET['message'];$message = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE message_id = '$message_id' AND to_user = '$userfinal'");$message=mysql_fetch_assoc($message);echo "<h1>Title: ".$message['message_title']."</h1>";echo "<h3>From: ".$message['from_user']."</h3>";echo "<h3>Message: ".$message['message_contents']."</h3>";echo '<form name="backfrm" method="post" action="inbox.php">';echo '<input type="submit" value="Back to Inbox">';echo '</form>';?>
i have a problem with read_message.php it wont read anything only showTitle:From:Message:and thats all