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Photography Bus Mastery

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Posts posted by Photography Bus Mastery

  1. Hi all,


    Again, In the interests of open disclosure, I am the owner of Photography Business Mastery. I just wanted to respond to this post. Sorry about the delay in my response as I only just saw it.


    We stand behind the quality of our program by offering two guarantees. They are clear and openly communicated on our website http://photogbiz.com/ You get both guarantees.


    The first is an unconditional money-back guarantee. This means you can change your mind for any reason and get your money back. This gives you a good amount of time to look the course over, to ensure it delivers everything we said it would and to decide if it is for you. We do not want to keep your money if you are not convinced it is everything that we (and others) say it is. This runs for 30 days, which we think is a fair time for you to make your mind up, but not so long for people to abuse the guarantee.


    The second is a conditional 365 day money-back guarantee. This extended guarantee is to give you the time required to use some of the marketing strategies and tactics to ensure that they work for you. The ‘condition’ is that you make ‘a diligent effort’. If we lead you to water and you do not drink, we cannot be held responsible for this as it was your decision not to drink. Again, if you try some of the marketing strategy and tactics and find that it does not work for you, we don’t want to keep your money and you will get a full refund. This guarantee is about us standing behind the effectiveness of what we teach you. All we ask is that you make a genuine attempt to use what you learn from us.


    A refund claim rate over the last ten years is less than 0.1%. This is because people who make a genuine attempt to use what they learn, succeed with our program.


    I checked our records regarding PhotoKing’s claim for a refund. He claimed well beyond the 30 day unconditional guarantee period. PhotoKing made no effort whatsoever to apply the information (he did not drink despite being at the water hole). We declined his claim because he did not meet the simple and openly communicated condition of the conditional 365 day guarantee. He did not meet his end of the bargain.


    We always meet our end of the bargain and always honour our guarantee.










    Photography Business Mastery Rip Off ...

    Photography Business Mastery


    I purchased his course a few years ago when it was much more than $147! It does contain some helpful information but it's vague and lacks substance. So, like Bruce promises ...


    Your Unconditional 30 Day Guarantee

    Get hold of our package. Give it a thorough looking over for a full 30 days. If within this period you decide that: It's not for you OR: You don't believe we've delivered everything we've promised OR; You even just don't like the way it's laid out or the paper it's printed on ! ...Then simply return the entire package in pristine condition and you will receive an immediate and cheerful refund of your money (less the cost of shipping).


    No questions asked! No 'my dog ate my homework stories' No spanish inquisition!


    I tried to return the course to no avail. Not only did I never get my money back I was given such a hard time being accused of not even trying, etc. Bruce Stafford is a liar and should be arrested. One thing he does well is market ... If you want to learn how to rip people off and get away with it ... Then mimic his web page and offer useless information. You'll be a millionaire in no time! Remember though, you have to offer an iron clad return, and then don't give back a dime!




    -reply by PhotoKing

  2. Sorry â I also forgot to mention, if you cannot make money from portrait photography, why are there so many portrait photographers in the yellow pages and why are their large chains of portrait photography businesses carrying the substantial overhead of retail space/a shop front? By the way, we do not advocate you need a shop front â we recommend keeping costs to a bare minimum and deploying the inexpensive but very effective marketing techniques you learn in our course.



    Hi all,
    In the interests of open disclosure, I am the owner of Photography Business Mastery. I just wanted to respond to this post. For over 10 years now, we have been teaching photographers all over the world how to build a photography business. I can tell you without a doubt that you can absolutely make a living as a portrait photographer. People who say you can't, have either never tried or are no good at marketing. Yes, a lot of photographers fail because they don't know how to market their business. This is why those who do know how to market their business do so well â they are stars in a sea of mediocrity (in fact, it's not hard to be better than everyone else once you are shown what to do)! Our program is entirely about giving you the marketing skills to succeed. So if you are serious about making money from photography, you need to weigh up in your own mind if the price tag of the course is worth avoiding all of the marketing mistakes (and expense) that many others have made. And that is really what you get: immediate knowledge of what to do and how to do it from others who have done it.



  3. Hi all,

    In the interests of open disclosure, I am the owner of Photography Business Mastery. I just wanted to respond to this post. For over 10 years now, we have been teaching photographers all over the world how to build a photography business. I can tell you without a doubt that you can absolutely make a living as a portrait photographer. People who say you canât, have either never tried or are no good at marketing. Yes, a lot of photographers fail because they donât know how to market their business. This is why those who do know how to market their business do so well â they are stars in a sea of mediocrity (in fact, itâs not hard to be better than everyone else once you are shown what to do)! Our program is entirely about giving you the marketing skills to succeed. So if you are serious about making money from photography, you need to weigh up in your own mind if the price tag of the course is worth avoiding all of the marketing mistakes (and expense) that many others have made. And that is really what you get: immediate knowledge of what to do and how to do it from others who have done it.



    All I see is trouble from this, or any company claiming that anyone can make a large amount of money fast. I shall explain:
    Photography is an incredibly difficult business to break into. Why? Because it's based on talent, and let's face it, you're either talented or you're not. So right away, untalented people will not succeed in the business. For the talented, they're facing an uphill battle. Purchasing equipment is expensive, advertising is expensive, and above all, you're there trying to please customers who are usually incredibly vague in what they want, yet dislike anything they see (of themselves). People are weird.

    Perhaps I'm sounding a bit bitter, but after dealing with fickle customers, I decided that it just wasn't worth the troubles. Instead, now I do it for pleasure, and if I sell a print because someone actually likes it, then that's fine. But for a company to claim that you can make a living in portrait photography is beyond laughable.

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