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Everything posted by ComradeR

  1. cybernations is more politically involved. while farmville is just drag and dropping one thing and waiting for next day to come to play again.Cybernations keeps gaining new members daily so I wouldn't be worried about it losing members to other games. A lot of people in alliances play other games like farmville aside from just cybernations
  2. sorry for bringing back an old topic, but I played this game about a year ago and alliances have gotten to be a big thing in cybernations. It's a fun game and the alliances makes it even more fun. You get a pretty good community and get to be part of a government system. Alliances also help build up your income by doing tech deals, selling technology to other members that are at a higher level, you can earn up to 1.3 mil. The alliance I am offers some sort of aid after being active and graduating from one status to another. And they also offer guides to help out new members, such as how to back-collect taxes in order to gain more income. If anyone wants to join an alliance after joining the game consider the Guru Order as one of your choices, the community is pretty cool and they can answer any questions. http://guru.darkbb.com/login
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