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Posts posted by skippyinvestor

  1. Hi all,


    I bought this package a year ago and I think it's great! It has everything in it that is promised. I know there are plenty of people around spruking how to make money courses, but I found this one to be legit and very insightful and useful. I had previously purchase a few other cheaper ones, but did not find them nearly as good as this one.


    I have built a photography business on the back of the information in the course - and much faster than I would have done on my own. I've also found them to be very helpful whenever I have asked question or looked for help.


    I guess any information you buy is only as good as the person who does something with it. If you do nothing with it, then you can't expect anything to happen.


    If you had an issue with the guarantee, that's one thing. But to say that the course is no good, is not accurate.


    And no, I am not associated with these people. I just get ticked off when people take the low road and join the bagging bandwagon and wanted to balance the argument.


    I AM making good money from my photography business!

    Photography Business Mastery Rip Off ...

    Photography Business Mastery


    I purchased his course a few years ago when it was much more than $147! It does contain some helpful information but it's vague and lacks substance. So, like Bruce promises ...


    Your Unconditional 30 Day Guarantee

    Get hold of our package. Give it a thorough looking over for a full 30 days. If within this period you decide that: It's not for you OR: You don't believe we've delivered everything we've promised OR; You even just don't like the way it's laid out or the paper it's printed on ! ...Then simply return the entire package in pristine condition and you will receive an immediate and cheerful refund of your money (less the cost of shipping).


    No questions asked! No 'my dog ate my homework stories' No spanish inquisition!


    I tried to return the course to no avail. Not only did I never get my money back I was given such a hard time being accused of not even trying, etc. Bruce Stafford is a liar and should be arrested. One thing he does well is market ... If you want to learn how to rip people off and get away with it ... Then mimic his web page and offer useless information. You'll be a millionaire in no time! Remember though, you have to offer an iron clad return, and then don't give back a dime!




    -reply by PhotoKing

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