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Posts posted by larrywang

  1. Thank you very much guys for the kind help. To me it seems to be a complicated process. Yes Yordan I am planning to roll out windows vista on multiple computers and ofcourse they are not genuine, all downloaded from the internet incld office 2007.

    Also there is a link to my question on Xisto using nlite. You guys could check it out


    Hope this helps to people who are looking for less trouble and a complete set-up package with Windows operating system.



  2. Done.... Everything is connected right now. Ipod touch connected, all the devices are now connected to my laptop AP. So happy and thank you for your patience and explanations.



    I tested it between two computers on my network.In the privoxy "Edit main configuration", then "file, save", I configured the listen address

    And then on the client computer I configured the proxy for Internet Explorer
    And Internet explorer goes on the Internet
    And on the master computer, in the "live" log file you see the connexions :

  3. I've downloaded the Privoxy 3.0.15 version for Windows. Here are the snapshots I've taken. From the "Edit Main Configuration" Tab by Cltr+F I went to listen-address line, as shown in the snapshot. Now from there I could change the default address from to adapter address) port 80. The thing is when I've altered the file I cannot save the file for some reason. 

    Also after I've miraculously configured the Privoxy, should I go to my Master computer's web browser Opera for instance and change the proxy configuration to match Privoxy or leave it as it is.



    OK, the log file empty is normal.There is a "settings" tab somewhere in privoxy, it opens another notepad window, and inside this window look for the word "Listen"
    You will have to add "Listen your_wireless_IP:80"
    After having that done and tested it, we will look how to make your proxy forward.

  4. Ok done, two separate addresses on wired Network card and wireless one. Now it is time to turn my master computer into a Proxy server. Right now I really don't know how to configure privoxy (Free) let alone wingate. Privoxy shows a white blank notepad page (empty log)! How should I configure or edit it? From your very first description it sounded so easy-just go to individual client PCs web browser and redirect to, which in my case (wireless NIC card address) port 80, the wired one has address The master computer is installed with Privoxy, and at it's pristine state, no editing and no configuration changes made to it 

    If the above steps are correct about the client web browsers, plus my ipod touch given a static now I am ready to start the Privoxy, but how???  

    Privoxy, i think needs some sort of configuration.

    Please help....



    Almost true, but really false.Your wired network has addresses like our wired PC, around
    Your wifi network have to have a different network, let's say for the master PC, and 1.134 and 1.135 for the other ones.
    Your master PC will be on two networks : , the wired network, which is routed to the outside world, the internet. This is the only way of having two very different adaptrers on the same PC, going to two differently devoted networks.
    And on the wifi network, which is a network fully private to your home, cannot go the outside except when using your private proxy on the wired PC.

  5. I've finished changing my laptop's wi-fi NIC card to ad-hoc mode, and SSIC to A34. Now the second part is kind of confusing about the home network set up. The static IP address of my wired NIC card is: ne, de-gateway,dns From your description my understanding is I should keep the master pc as it is, in my case the laptop to this address and statically configure the other pcs, ipod touch to the address like 0.134, 0.135. And test connectivity by pinging.  


    A brief tangent from here, is from Vista, which I am using has a native capability on setting up ad-hoc wi-fi network for file sharing, until the ICS is configured this network has no problem. Once the ICS is initialized on wired NIC card I have no internet connection, as vista changes the static address to default address My ipod touch wi-fi then shows up a strange IP address like 166. . . ./16 


    Anyway I am going to try out the proxy method, since it really makes sense in my case. 


    Thank you once again.





    I already did it for my home network. I had two networks : my own PC was connected to the internet, and it acted as a proxy for the other PC's which where on an independent Wifi network. So, I had two networks in my house.

    Have a look at your Wifi adapter documentation.

    There are two ways configuring a wifi adapter : infrastructure or adhoc.

    This means that you can connect your wifi adapter to a wifi accesspoint (for instance an inernet ADSL router), or create your own private network (adhoc).

    Simply configure each wifi adapter as an adhoc adapter, choose an SSSID (like "A34"), the same one for all adapters.

    Then you will see your wifi adapters connected to the same physical network.

    There is no DNS on your network, so you will have to choose a fixed IP address for each PC adapter on this network. Let's say for the master computer, 12.2 for the second one, 12.3 for the third one, etc..

    When this is done, verify that each computer is able to "ping" each other one. On a "cmd" command line prompt, type

    If the ping command is successful, this means that your home private network works. All your PC's will be able to communicate, sharing files for instance.

    Then, install a proxy in your master (the one connected to the internet). Allow this proxy to "listen" the IP address.

    Now you are almost ready.

    On each "client" computer, go to your browser settings, go to "connection", "use a proxy", and give the port 80 as proxy settings.

    Now, your master computer is still on the internet, but it asks as a proxy, through the wifi adapter, and each other wifi computer in your home is also connected to the Internet through this proxy.

    I use the proxy named "privoxy", it's free and works rather well.

    It also does a lot of useful work, like suppressing a lot of advertising pop-ups. However, it also prevents you from going to some websites well-known as being dangerous.

    There are also a lot of commercial free proxy softwares, wingate is one of the best ones.

    Hope this helps


  6. I'd like someone's expert advise over setting-up internet connection sharing (ICS)on NIC card attached to a cable and shared wirelessly. The purpose is to share wired internet connection configured with static IP address over a wi-fi medium. Now here's the scenario: I've two NIC card wired and wireless(802.11g) on the laptop.Wired NIC card has a local static IP address and cannot be changed otherwise no access to the internet. I would like to point out whenever ICS sharing is enabled on the wired NIC card, windows automatically changes the static IP address to, at this attempt I have no access to the internet. Now I would like to share that internet connection via Wireless NIC card. In other words I am looking to make my laptop into a wifi access-point, which would rebroadcast signals to wi-fi enabled devices like ipod touch, laptops etc. I've tried everything here from Microsoft Vista help site to technical blogs and still failed to turn my laptop into a AP. Please help, I cannot sleep until I find a solution to this problem. Thanks in advance.

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