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  1. I tried creating a small Access db, with stories.catid as a text field (so as to accommodate your multiple values ie: "60,56") but I get a type mismatch error from Access. I changed the stories.catid to a numeric field, and added a new row - it looks like this: stories[TABL] sidcatidother fields16060other datas16156other datas[/TABL] You'll need to change the structure of your stories table obviously, because sid (story id) needs to be unique (it is the primary key) Since you say parentcatid will be 2 for correct categories (the ones you want) why not query on that instead of catid in stories? Do this: SELECT c.categoryFROM categories c, stories swhere c.catid = s.catidand c.parentcatid = 2 You may need to rethink your design also - if the story having sid = 160 belongs in two categories (60 and 56 as per your original stories table) but catid = 60 will return "wrong one 1" then why do you have it listed in stories in the first place? On the surface, the data you've presented doesn't make sense to me. Cheers Brad
  2. Hi Spencer Thanks! Re the TLD's - yep absolutely. I had up till a short while ago my own domain name, and it was pointed to my home server. As you say, that's a good way to go - you let people see a "respectable" url, but point it to the dynamic url, but its a simple matter to point to a real host should the need arise. My site does run on Windows yes, with the XAMPP application - gives everything you need in one package and is all integrated so you can get started right away. A lot of people will diss that idea, but it is hard to get PHP running with Apache and mySQL with PHP and all the rest - the config files need to be the right places.... XAMPP just makes it so easy. Security is covered in one of the lessons, but I found a better article: http://robsnotebook.com/xampp-builtin-security which goes a lot further. Might pay me to actually implement the points in that article. As for viruses, I truly haven't had one, nor a worm or anything - although, here's a heads up. When I received my first broadband modem, the firewall was turned OFF by default. Madness! So folks, check your modem/router firewall and turn it on right now! I've just moved house also, so that's another thing to take into consideration if you want to run from home. I even received an email from a subscriber saying "where's your site?!?!?" LOL. In that case, your comment about being able to point the URL to another host would have been really beneficial to me during the transition period, so I'll be looking at that too. All in all, until I get some really heavy traffic, I'll continue hosting at home. Electricity costs aren't an issue - we have so little running in our house anyway, and when we don't use a device (TV etc) we turn off at the wall. So thanks again, and hope to chat soon! Cheers Brad
  3. Thanks yordan. I seem to have forgotten my old account, (I think....) so created a new one - beats me how I could have posted in the first place without one! lol Will visit more - I found a link in my Google Analytics that came from Xisto (my original post) so, thanks for the link luv! Cheers Brad PS Off to introduce myself now!
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