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  1. Note, I'd originally typed the below post & it was fine in the textbox, but then when I tried posting it, it got lost (since these forums timed out too fast apparently - i chose not to save my pasword in cookies for security reasons).Astahost had not enabled me to copy/paste my post, since it defaulted to fancy-frills mode. (I usually copy/paste, thus able to avoid what happened here.The Xisto forums saved my post as follows (unlike my original):SIMPLE GAL - SEEKING SIMPLE NO-FRILLS FREE WEBHOST (50 mb max)<BR><BR>When googling desperately to find a no-frills free webhost for tiny websites I created years ago, I found these forums, but had thought that these forums were meant for people who are seeking free webhosting appropriate for their particular needs.<BR><BR>I now realize it wouldn't be objective.<BR><BR>I've been literally spending MANY hours (actually days) out of my time, merely trying to navigate all the current free hosts who offer fancy frills which actually work AGAINST me due to my SLOW system & small 15" monitor.<BR><BR>I use a 15" due to EMF sensitivity (officially EHS), and I use dialup due to affordability reasons.<BR><BR>I used to love Freewebs, before they became fancy.<BR><BR>The Freewebs of, say, 6 years ago would be my dream host.<BR><BR>Meanwhile, I'd put my site on Comyr (or 000webhosts), but now undergoing a nightmare, since it caters to speedy systems and very widescreens, as do most.<BR><BR>Furthermore, my GIFs aren't displaying the way they used to on Tripod. I decided to transfer from Tripod due to their nightmare of banner-ads.<BR><BR>Then I tried AtSpace, but for the life of me, cannot figure out how it works.<BR><BR>I clicked FileManager, then clicked on index.html (from among my file listing), but nothing displays, rather some error message. When I clicked the Download Icon, the index.html proceeded to display, except a very long, crypic URL displayed on my toolbar, and furthermore, yet again, the GIFs did not display.<BR><BR>If only it would work, I might have "sorta" liked AtSpace, though not as much as <U>Freewebs Of Years Past</U>.<BR><BR>I'm going out of my mind. <BR><BR><FONT face="Palatino Linotype" color=#800080 size=4><STRONG>For crying out loud, is there nothing simple & free which caters to small-time people anymore?</STRONG></FONT>
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