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Posts posted by puzzledgranny

  1. My 2 year old grandson had a field-day with my older Toshiba laptop today. I believe the shortcut key option is stuck "on". I cannot type any words or numbers at all. When I press "p" print options appear, when I press "o" all sorts of programs want to open, etc. I tried tryping in address bar but cannot get any words to appear in address bar. I tested it by opening Note Pad with mouse and attempted to type but letters and number would not appear. It seems like the Control Key always on or the computer is automatically in "short-cut key mode". If anyone know how to disable this, please help me. I am using a Toshiba Satelite and Windows XP operating system. There is not a virus visible b'caus I ran a check and all my anti-virus software is up to date. All my Toshiba updates have been done also. I haven't turned off computer yet b'cause I don't know what will happen if i try to power back up again. Please help, thanks in advance. :(

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