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Everything posted by roguedesigns

  1. The amazing game of Rogue Spear, by Tom Clancy, has been out for quite some time. However, the game play is amazing. Don't get me wrong, the graphics suck, but the game play is to die for. It's your typical FPS, you have cooperative and adversarial game modes. There are also single player and training modes. There are 18 single player missions, each have respective objectives and whatnot. There aren't many people playing the game anymore, I would say 50-100 on a daily basis. That's why I'm posting about it! We need your help to bring the game back to life! There is a ladder for the game, so that does help some. Any time the ladder goes down, which isn't often, it's usually back up within the day. Which, is pretty good for an old game. The game is quite fun! It's played on GameSpy Arcade, which, is free! The matches on the ladder are played in a 3/5 3/5 format. That means that the higher ranked team picks the first map and you play the best of five games on that map. After that, the map selection alternates. You do this until either team has won three maps. However, I'm running out of things to write. If anyone has any questions, feel free to message me or reply! Thanks guy!
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