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  1. hi thereI am Ramin Salehnia and by my 3 years of experience in marketingi got that if you are serious of making money and have little moneyin your pocket don't even cut off or disappointed you will gain the moneyin your pocket even in a days of starting....i don't want to spam or makea huge fluff ...i am sure of that i know you will that amount of money you but based on your innovation....but lets talk about them...1- Ebay: is actually the fastes way of earning money but needs some thing to sell but even if you haven't any... you could the one by finding Drop shipperbut most of them are spams but the best one i suggest you is World Wide Brandsyou could check it for huge brands in wholesale price....or if you want to makea information product you could hire some on to right it for you with just littleinvestment...just go to elance.com to find some one to do it for you2-Joint venturing: this is another fastest growing way to start huge money in just days...but just need a think....for example you could do it forEzine ad swap, discount JV, promoting your product with JV,.....just think about these two huge systems which are actually accepted and suggested by any GURU of internet marketingTo your SuccessBye,
  2. Hi Friend, I am new to this forum but i have been in some huge forums by my experience got lots of things from internet marketing, which will help you get the best profit from your desktop computer,,..... have you ever think of keywords, have you ever find your highly recommended niche KW for free ...as you thought that it could be happen just with keywords tools which are expensive like Keyword elite.... but now i want to show you that you could get your niche KW for your niche market and even use this tool to find better information of your market all for free which even you couldn't thought of it.......i.e: know which of your keywords iin your niche have better traffic...less competitor...low CPC...and even high CTR.... yes you got all these information from one simple free product...huge....!!! yes absolutely..even you could find that in what KWs your competitors use an rank for...... but lets talk what it is ....?? this tool is Google Keyword External ....you could reach to the tool ...Free Here: https://adwords.google.com/KeywordPlanner
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