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Posts posted by jesysk

  1. I'm thinking about getting it. Looks pretty sick! Wanted to know your guys' thoughts on it though. :rolleyes: I've always loved the Burnout series. But I dunno about this new 'freeroam' thing. I like just going straight to my races and not having to drive to them. :P

    Burnout paradise gives massive control over your vehicle; you have full control through a massive city, which looks so awesome. Compete in races as you please or just cruise at your own pace. The sense of speed that you feel as you nitrous boost up ramps, over highways and past the horizon is awesome. The crashes are amazing and slowed down on impact; MATRIX style so you see every little bit of the bodywork disintegrate and then suddenly the frame rate returns to normal as you watch your own and the victims car fly and tumble across the road. The race missions are attainable and the game play is accessible to everyone. Get this game! Itâs cheap now as well and still the best racer on PS3.

    If you are unsure download the demo (playable) for free off PSN Network.

  2. I have grown up with Nintendo, and then on up to like Nintendo64. I then turned to Playstation and have now felt like evolving into the Playstation 3. Once I started playing my Playstation, then the Gamecube came out and then the XBox, and so it is not that easy to just buy all of the new consoles. So I would like to keep up with Playstation. My brother in law has the XBox360, so then we can switch off on the popular movies once I purchase the PS3...
    I cannot say if it is better than X360, but that is what I will be buying and playing. I would think of the Wii, but it is a lot to put into video games...

    The best one I would go for is the PS3, this is because:

    -The cell chip is one of the most sophisticated CPUs developed; far superior to Intel and AMD developments. The games are BLU ray meaning that they have more space for better graphics, sound and environments.
    -The true 1080p means the PS3 is future proof for the next 4 years at least unlike XBOX 1080i. Also you can play lots of movies from your PC on the PS3, which up scales them for your TV!
    -The PS3 lets you surf the NET which is up-scaled to 1080p resolution; so your web pages never looked so perfect. You can even add your current keyboard and mouse.
    -PS3 has unique games developed for its technology. This includes MGS4 and resistance that create environments and characters that are so real and MASSIVE that they could never be created on other platforms.
    -The PS3 is a grown up console that has multimedia capabilities and is the most popular Blu ray player in the world; which means that the customer base is massive. I play online and the community is massive.
    -The PS3 doesnât brake down like other consoles also.

  3. Well, I'm not a Muslim and not of any particular religion but I would like to share my thoughts on this topic.
    What is happening in the Islamic world has actually happened in the Christian world too. What happened to paganistic religion when Christianity arrives? How about the persecutions conducted against scientists/explorers? How about the split between Cahotlics and Protestants and the subsequent persecutions? And other religions in the world has done this kind of stuff as well.

    What people fail to understand is the power of religion. In the West, there is a separation of state and church. Why do you think there is such a rule? Unfortunately, in the Muslim world, there is yet a separation of state and the Islamic religion. And I do believe that unless there is such a separation, the current conflict that we are witnessing is not going to stop. And the only way this separation can happened is by Muslims themselves. They would have to decide when and how.

    The conflict in the Middle East is further encouraged by political factors over resources and control over land. Religion is used as a front. The people in the Middle East just want to live their lives peacefully and America wont let this be, a logical extension to what the British has been doing for the last 2 centuries. If you think that Muslims can change this for themselves than you have been swayed to the right by the media machine. Christians are making their own extremists in Texas CHURCHES by mindlessly converting the young into extreme Christianity. Encouraging these divides is the media, because those at the top donât want our society to ever unite because they like to divide and conquer; wake up. Just like the ROMANS, MUGHALS and EGYPTIANS and many others have done since day one.

  4. I play games for that thrill and rush of the chase.
    Such as when you're playing Counter-Strike. Chasing the guy with your silenced M4A1 and headshotting him.

    And yes I agree with Aequitas. People are starting to take games really seriously. Like when that kid who
    couldn't join the other faction on WoW and commited suicide after playing for 48 hours straight.
    Here is an article for why people are taking so seriously.

    People play games because the world that we live in has so many limitations; existing past times donât provide adequate scope for our growing levels of intelligence. This includes Religions that just separate people and create wars, Education just reproduces the same proletarians and students want to break out, Money just replicates misery and this is all we see on the MEDIA such as the TV. Thus the Mega drive generation that is I began a movement, which never stopped.

    I hate it when the media blames Video games because itâs because of the MEDIA, which is so boring, predictive and controlling that we choose Video games. We are not escapists; we are a creative generation that chooses alternatives to the TV that is just a control in society. We want to be in control of our world, and if we have to submerse ourselves in Video gaming technology to do that we will. That is probably why in China there are so many cases of Video game addiction; people want to have a sense of control in their lives!

    Another key point; children only choose Video games over family because their existing family relationships are meaningless. If children believe that video games are real its because something 'real' is missing at home not because video games are evil. The media always blames Video games; perhaps if the media gave people a real voice we could hear a real viewpoint.

    The media and politicians feel threatened by everything that gives people are sense of purpose. I choose my games console over the News any day....

  5. METAL GEAR SOLID 4 is the ultimate game and shows just a little snippet what a PS3 can do. I have played Computer games since the C64 days and have bought every console known to man. MGS4 is a landmark in gaming technology and a turning point for home entertainment. I think there is too much to say why its so cool but I will try:- There are sections where you are shooting the enemy and suddenly everything slows down (like MATRIX) and you see yourself firing bullets as your motorbike flips over and you are having to now shoot them from the air upside down.- The plot is so cool and the computer generated scenes and videos are the most realistic and moving moments in gaming history. The acting is so cool I wish METAL GEAR SOLID 4 made a TV channel! The movie scenes actually blend into the game play uncut! You are really part of the plot.- The atmosphere makes you feel that you a part of a movement that continues to grow ever intenser as you defeat your enemy. Underlying the plot is a real believable totalitarian state of the world; a controlling society in the future where war is no longer a surprise but a necessity.- The different weaponry and war machinery are what makes up the MGS4 universe, where tiny sphere robots scan environments and walk up walls looking for you a bit like the minority report. Massive machines chase you around and have almost scary human movements. The enemy mix robot and human technology to gain the advantage, but you have the guts and courage to defeat them. This makes for a believable futuristic Art of warfare.- Call of duty and battlefield games cannot create the same intense sniper and warfare scenarios and game play that MGS4 has.- MGS4 can only be created on PS3 because it uses enhanced cell chip and blue ray technologies that are required for this demanding game. I love this game.I PUT MGS4 with SF2 & ART OF FIGHTING. PLAY THE WHOLE SERIES and you will understand where I am coming from. If you liked MGS4 play Resistance 1 & 2; again only PS3 exclusives because of the massive graphics and environments.

  6. yeah back in the old days where you could be GON and stuff
    yeah im going to get it. im am a REALLY big tekken fan so as big kev says "im excited"

    but you do know they will keep making tekken copies until they die

    but then again ill always play them!

    I love the Tekken series, but you should have a look at the Virtua Fighter series; there is more long term playability and skills. Tekken and DOA games are just button bashing in comparison.

    Having said that Street fighter and Art of Fighting are the ultimate games.

  7. A number of factors determine the choice that you can make:- Training; can you use MAC os and software? although you can run Windows software; MACS work optimally when using their own (superior) software. Otherwise there is no point in going for a MAC.- Compatibility; if you are going to use MAC software then you need to know will it be compatible with any existing applications and users that you connect with?- Price; A mac is nearly twice as expensive as a PC equivalent.Even though i use PCs and Microsofts (inferior) software, I would choose a MAC; because the software, system and applications are ten times faster, efficient, easy to use, and feature rich than Microsoft. The actual systems are user friendly and also look so UBER.

  8. I would stay with Tekken,,I ve just played Tekken I,,but I liked it a lot. After tekken I,,I ve enjoyed watching tekken II and the others,, I go to the arcades and enjoy watching people matching each other,,is fun seeing how good this guys get,,,all the movements and all the stretegies they come upon..If you compare it to mortal combat,,is like a totaly different game..It is as if Mortal Kombat had its time,,and now its time is over..It is as if Mortal Kombat is a very good old game..

    The better game is Mortal Kombat this is because:

    - Mortal Kombat requires skill whereas Tekken allows button bashers.
    - Tekken doesnt have the exclusivity of Mortal Kombat which was the first beat em up game to have Blood and Violence.
    - You had to be over 15 to buy the Megadrive version. The snes had no blood, although the graphics looked better.
    - Mortal Kombat creates the most impact when you kill someone and finish them with a Fatality.
    - Final reason; Mortal Kombat was played and chosen by true old skool hard core gamers; not these new skool gamers who just like graphics and no gameplay

  9. Street Fighter is my favorite game, str8 up! I've played every single SF game out there!! I think the best SF is Stree Fighter 2 turbo special edition

    The best game ever is CAPCOM VS SNK because it had old street fighter characters and SNK (Neo geo) beat em up characters. I played Street fighter then moved onto Art of Fighting 1 & 2 which was the logical contender and possibly a far superior game. Mortal Kombat was a gimic and just didn't have the Game play.

    I have a PS3 80 Gig and might just buy a PS2 so i can relive some SF2 spin offs and SNK titles.

    Oh by the way CAPCOM the people who made Streetfighter are planning to launch their own store on the Playstation network. This is quite soon apparently. I hope they have all of the old school capcom versions of SF2, bet they wont so i might just have to go the PS2 route.
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