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Posts posted by giorgi

  1. I want to know, is it possible in winxP to set up a Boot Priorities ? (I dont mean Kernel)I mean this :for example I have 2 Services , Explorer.exe, and system32.exeI want windows when it will bring himself up to load FIRST SYSTEM32.exe and only after Explorer.exesomething like this.Afterc Credintials Authentification load these services Exactly ORDERED LIKE THIS :1.System32.2.Explorer.exee.t.c..every service after authentication is running under one whoole,,WinXP thanks alot ;)waiting for responces..;)

  2. it depends on what you are having in your mind to build..you can create selfprovided player, which will play a tracks which already are converted into same movieclip as player is , this means you are creating the player, and importing some tracks..so player will not need to download some content using traffic, it will use local approiments,and the second way is that you can create an XML based player in Flash, it will play any source you point it to download from..so about detailed information how exactly you can construct the player, search the Google,it'must not be hard to do !enjoy ;)

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