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Posts posted by CheckProgs

  1. Again, you can always use md5-based logins instead of cookie-based logins. Here is an example.Notice the way it works, hopefully you already know PHP.It includes an admin center, a login/register system, profiling system, and a session check system.If you are the type of person who learns from examples this is the best file to use. Read all the comments to understand what is going on exactly.

  2. Well it really isn't right to do so, but best to do would be to ask the owner him/herself. And it is not legitimate to copy a copyrighted site. If anything not the entire site especially. If you will, best to take the css and js, and surround it with YOUR ideas so that you may make exactly what you wish.But aside from this; httrack is the right way to do it.

  3. It is probably hungry or thirsty. If it's an indoor dog, maybe it wants to go outside, stretch, and poop. Is your dog a playful dog or a watchdog? Some dogs have instincts. Dogs also have their moments and need attention, that's the way they communicate. If your dog doesn't listen, is adolescent, or has a temper, then maybe you need to get it up to date on the shots. This will really help with the barking. There is also medication for dogs too. Good luck. I have a Labrador (how ever that is spelled, spell check recommended it). ;)

    Well that is true. Dogs usually do bark when something is wrong, of course. It is best to get out of the house when your dog begins to bark and to you it seems uncontrollable.
    But of course, your dog can also be simply hungry.

  4. Windows 7 is a new project that Microsoft is working in.

    Windows 7 is also know as Blackcomb and mistakenly thought as a "bootlegged" version of Vista.
    Blackcomb is expected to be released June 3rd 2009. Windows 7 has a impressive version of Paint as well.

    You can see the screenshot here(Screenshot is from Wikimedia.com): http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    As you can see as similar as Windows 7 is to Vista it is quite different.

    I believe that Windows 7 will be a great hit in Microsoft (At least that's what we hope,)
    What do you think Windows 7 will be like? New Features? Is there a point in creating it? Why or why not?
    What additional information do you have on Windows 7?

  5. From user's point of view, ads are spoiling your webpages, adding objects that are useless for you (but probably useful for somebody else).Usually, they work in such a way that, when you click in the "click here" part of an ad, it opens an advertisement window, and somehow it brings money to the owner of the site (not you, but your web hosting provider), usually in the form of some cents for some hundreds of clicks (from different persons).

    So this is the reason most sites have ads? It helps them in other ways, perhaps receive more bandwidth or space. Like a trade?
    That's pretty awesome I might do that if I ever feel to go into a paid web host.

  6. Public Function MatchAll(ByVal strSource As String, ByVal strStart As String, ByVal strEnd As String) As String()		Dim strSearch As String		Dim ctlRegEx As MatchCollection		strSearch = Regex.Escape(strStart) & "(?<text>(\r\n)?.*?(\r\n)?)" & Regex.Escape(strEnd)		If Regex.IsMatch(strSource, strSearch, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) Then			ctlRegEx = Regex.Matches(strSource, strSearch, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)		Else			Return Nothing		End If		Dim strResult(ctlRegEx.Count - 1) As String		Dim i As Long		For i = 0 To ctlRegEx.Count - 1			strResult(i) = ctlRegEx.Item(i).Groups("text").Captures(0).ToString		Next		Return strResult	End Function

  7. Who?

    Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is a new Yu-Gi-Oh! series which began to air in Japan from April 2, 2008, and replaces Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX (broadcast as Yu-Gi-Oh! GX in the US). 5D's is also the first Yu-Gi-Oh! series to be broadcast in Widescreen.


    During the series, the main Duel Disk is a motorcycle called a "Duel Runner" ("D-Wheel" in the Japanese version) and the duelists engage in stadium games called "Turbo Duels" ("Riding Duels" in the Japanese version). Yusei Fudo, the 18 year-old main protagonist, has "Stardust Dragon" as his main card, which is the cover card for the Duelist Genesis trading card set.


    As with the previous two series (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters and Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX), this series has been acquired by 4Kids Entertainment for broadcasting in the United States in September 2008. It began airing on The CW4Kids, starting from September 13. The English language dub premiered on July 24 at San Diego Comic-Con 2008, where the first English dubbed episode was shown. Like the previous two series, changes have been made to plot, cards, character names and personalities to make the show suitable for a younger age demographic.

    Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in Domino City some time after the events concerning Yugi Muto and Jaden Yuki. A new form of dueling, "Turbo Duels", now take place on motorcycles called "Duel Runners". While regular dueling still exists, Turbo Duels have become a popular form of entertainment for spectators, who watch them in specially-designed Stadiums.

    Yu-GI-OH's Plot

    Jack Atlus stole Yusei Fudo's card "Stardust Dragon" along with the first Duel Runner that Yusei made. He then leaves the poorer "Satellite" area of Domino and becomes a "Duel King" in the richer area, called "Neo Domino City". Yusei tries to meet up with Jack to get back what was stolen from him, fighting the Securities, who try to keep "Satellite" residents from entering "Neo Domino City". After meeting Jack in Neo Domino, Yusei has a Turbo Duel with him. After both players ace monsters "Stardust Dragon" and "Red Dragon Archfiend" clash, a mysterious dragon appears causing the duel to prematurely end.


    After the duel with Jack, Yusei is caught by Securities and sent to a detention center. Here he learns the legend of the Signers. He also fights against unjust treatment of the inmates, particularly by dueling the warden Takasu. After defeating Takasu, Yusei is released. After his release he takes time to retrieve his confiscated Deck and Duel Runner.


    The Yliaster group hold the Fortune Cup in the hopes of gathering the rest of 4 remaining Signers. Yusei is forced to enter, for the safety of his captured friends from Satellite. After much twists and turns on the Cup, four Signers are finally gathered through Rex Goodwin and Jeager's plans. During Yusei and Jack's ferocious Duel once again the Crimson Dragon appears. Through the Crimson Dragon their Duel is transported elsewhere along with Luna and Akiza who are watching. The four of them are taken into the time where the legendary Sky Temple existed.


    As they pass it Yusei notices five individuals on top of the Temple who on that time carried the same Birthmarks and where Signers back then. And after that a vision is displayed where it is shown that Satellite is being destroyed by a strange force where on its remains a Spider mark appears.


    Thus Jack pushes an intense Duel on Yusei in order to win and keep its title it is not enough though, thus Yusei once again wins finally settling the score and being declared as the new King of Turbo Duels.

    Do you thing Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's will be a success? What new card do you enjoy the most? Who so far is your favorite character? What do you think is the BEST card out of the unplayables?


  8. Features

    Adjustments panel

    Simplify image adjustment by easily accessing every tool you need to non-destructively adjust and enhance the color and tone of your images; on-image controls and a wide variety of presets are also included in the new live and dynamic Adjustments panel

    Extended depth of field

    Combine a range of images, each with a different exposure, color, and focal point — with options to preserve tones and colors — into a single color-corrected image.

    Masks panel

    Quickly create and edit masks from the new Masks panel. This panel offers all the tools you need to create editable pixel- and vector-based masks, adjust mask density and feathering, easily select non-contiguous objects, and more.

    Improved Adobe Photoshop Lightroom workflow

    Select multiple photos in Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® software (sold separately) and automatically open them in Adobe Photoshop CS4 to merge them into a panorama, a high dynamic range (HDR) photo, or a multilayered Photoshop document. And seamlessly roundtrip back to Lightroom.

    Content-Aware Scaling

    Use the new and revolutionary Content-Aware Scaling feature to automatically recompose an image as you resize it, smartly preserving vital areas as the image adapts to the new dimensions. Get the perfect image in one step without time-intensive cropping and retouching.

    Better raw image processing

    Enjoy superior conversion quality as you process raw images with the industry-leading Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 5 plug-in, which now offers localized corrections, post-crop vignetting, TIFF and JPEG processing, and support for more than 190 camera models.

    Auto-blending of images

    Easily create a single image from a series of shots that have different focal points with the enhanced Auto-Blend Layers command, which smoothly blends color and shading and now extends your depth of field, automatically correcting vignettes and lens distortion.

    Industry-leading color correction

    Enjoy dramatically enhanced color correction with reengineered Dodge, Burn, and Sponge tools that now intelligently preserve color and tone details.

    Auto-alignment of layers

    Create accurate composites with the enhanced Auto-Align Layers command. Move, rotate, or warp layers to align them more accurately than ever before. Or use spherical alignment to create breathtaking panoramas.

    More powerful printing options

    Get outstanding prints with superior color management, tighter integration with leading printer models, and the ability to preview out-of-gamut image areas. Support for 16-bit printing on Mac OS offers increased color depth and clarity.

    Efficient file management with Adobe Bridge CS4

    Get instant access to Adobe Bridge CS4 with faster start-up, use new workspaces to jump to the right display for every task, easily create web galleries and PDF contact sheets, and more.

    File display options

    Easily work with multiple open files by using tabbed document display or n-up views.

    Discuss Photoshop CS4.

  9. I am Kevin. I decided to buy two sites. One where I could freely test and put out my own scripts. And another where I could Show Off my programs. And I'm planning to buy another where I could host a comic site. The host I was using was pathetic and had too many exploits and so I decided to just find another one. And now here I am.I look forward to improving my PHP and JS skills on this forum.

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