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Posts posted by nunocordeiro

  1. Thank you all for your answers.Since the site's main audience is Portuguese, it would be a burden to translate every single piece of news or update. Still, I'd be ok with translating the main pages (I've actually been planning to do that).I do understand that the main focus is to verify the compliance of the rest of the TOS which is why I thought it was worth asking. There are other hosting websites available which do not have the English only requirement (e.g. byethost), but I've heard so many good things about Xisto that I'd rather be hosted here. Anyway, I just wanted to know if there was a certain amount of flexibility on that rule, and from what I understood from saint-michael, I should not expect to have my website suddenly terminated as long as I closely abide to the remaining rules. Am I correct in this assessment?Could any admin please confirm what saint-michael stated, since he appears not to be sure and his answer conflicts with what BuffaloHELP posted on the linked thread.Once again, thank you all for your help.

  2. Hi. I'm thinking of transferring my website to Xisto, but I stumbled upon a problem.In your TOS, it is stated that hosted websites must be in English. My website, which is Joomla based, is a community site with two languages, Portuguese and English, with Portuguese being the default language.So, I'd like to know if these rules are final or if a Portuguese website could be accepted. I'm not expecting you to just open an exception because I asked you to, but it would be cool if you could expose some conditions by which I could abide to get my wish.I'm a software engineer with very decent communication skills and I could be a good contributor to this community..... if you allow me to be a part of it =)Thanks.

  3. I'm surprised no one mentioned Paint.Net . It's a great little app for simple stuff.I'd advise anyone who needs to do light image manipulation to use it since it is free, open source, and very easy to use.Other than that I agree that Gimp is a great program (with a stupid name). Still, like Linux, although it can be equal to the competition in most tasks (better in some), it requires more effort. If you feel your time is precious and you think you can recoup your investment, then Photoshop CS3 is the way to go...

  4. I humbly ask everyone to just let flash die... it would do us all a favor!Can it do some cool stuff? yeah, sure! I'll even admit it's especially useful for online media players since neither Silverlight nor Flex (the only two serious alternatives - please don't even mention java) are being used to their full potential yet.Still, it's crappy software and it is currently one of the few major hurdles in the way of Linux deployment for regular people.It'd be great if a free software platform would show up to rid us from flash and replace both silverlight and flex (they both show great promise but they are proprietary platforms for RIAs...)I think it's pretty obvious that we need a free standard for development of rich internet apps and AJAX just doesn't cut it (and java even less).

  5. Hi yordan,Yes, I can see your point. I should have delved a bit more into the use case part and explain it a little further.Furthermore, the topic I chose is incorrect since this isn't a KVM... it's just a KM (video isn't shared)....@Yordan and Jeigh, this has nothing to do with VNC since it does not share the same monitor. I made a bad choice of words on my initial post.The point of the application is that you can open your laptop next to your desktop monitor and use a single mouse and keyboard (usually attached to the desktop computer) to control both PCs (each one in its own monitor). That way you are both increasing your screen area and effectively dividing tasks between 2 different PCs. Both the examples Jeigh gave are great uses for this app.For example, I sometimes use it like this:One PC has open code and I'm messing around with Joomla, eclipse, and other tools. On the other PC I have documentation, a browser viewing the website I'm messing with and other general stuff. I can even copy/paste links and code from one computer to the other. Plus I can add a third computer if I'm configuring/debugging a PC for someone. Each PC will have its own monitor but all will be controlled by the same keyboard and mouse, and will share the same clipboard (only for text AFAIK).Sounds good? ;) Well, it gets better... you can have the PCs running different OSs. =)P.S. How can I edit a the topic? Is it possible?

  6. Hey guys. This is my first post on the forums.
    Read around a bit and saw quite a few people interested on the multi-monitor setup so I'll post about an alternative.

    The laptop + workstation model is getting very common amongst us technopiles. Still, I often found myself connecting my monitor and mouse to my latop for confort.
    Well, recently I found out about a great little program called Synergy.

    Synergy allows you to setup several computers to share the same input devices. You setup their relative positions and it works like a charm. Now I get home, I open my laptop nest do my desktop monitor and I use both computers at the same time.

    1. Go to http://symless.com/synergy/ and choose download.
    2. Install on both computers.
    3. Go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and CAREFULLY follow the instruction for your OS. This is straightforward stuff if you pay attention, but it's easy to mess things up if you're multitasking.
    4. Enjoy =)

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