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  1. Retribution engine sounds good, I see there is ally support and camera's so I think I would give it a try.
  2. Oh OK Thanks, So I guess I should pick HL1 For that as it includes alot of SP Elements right, I don't pick HL2 Yet is because my modelling skills haven't reached that far to make nextgen models yet so I take your advice to pick HL1 For now and start with it, I can easily buy it from Ebay and is the toolset for HL1 downloadable or do I have to buy it seperately too?
  3. Hi are there any free FPS Game makers or engines designed specifically for SP Mode?Most of the moddable FPS Games are for multiplayer and SauerBraten SP Isn't very good to create a storyline with so I am asking if someone knows a moddable FPS Game/engine that has a descent SP Mode with cutscene support and SP Elements to create a good SP FPS Game.Thanks in advance.
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