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Posts posted by mattyk3001

  1. So, I have set up a test version of my browser based text game. But I don't feel that the free version of MCcodes allows me to change enough through the ADMIN panel and as I don't have much experience in PHP script writing I don't feel like writing it all myself. So can anyone else recommend a FREE set of codes that give you basically the same as Mccodes but give you more acces through the admin panel? Thanks, Matt.

  2. Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'a1663202_user'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/a1663202/public_html/mysql.php on line 2Warning: mysql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/a1663202/public_html/mysql.php on line 3These are the two error messages i'm then getting when i am trying to access the game and sign up.

  3. The name of the database that is given to me by mysql is a1663202_game should it be a1663202_game or just "game". And in the script should the database name be entered where the script says "lite2"?EDIT:So what you are saying is the database name should be written in localhost and the username and password in the other sections? or should it just be left as local host username password?for example looking like this.<?php $c = mysql_connect('localhost', 'a1663202_user', 'PASSWORD'); mysql_select_db('a1663202_game', $c); $mykey=256573440; ?>

  4. <?php $c = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'p1kap1ka'); mysql_select_db('lite2', $c); $mykey=256573440; ?>In this code where shall I post my database name (and my database name should it contain my hosting name so before it there should be a165_game For example? or should it just be game?) and where shall I put the user password?

  5. Hi, I've seen alot of these and Sorry for putting up another one. I've been pretty interested in creating a Browser based text game and have seen all of the MC Codes Etc. But Looking through all the topics I haven't yet found how to start making one. The one think I've ALWAYS had trouble with is setting up a database for users and I'm guessing this has to be done first. Does anyone have a steb guide through the first stages or is anyone interested in creating it with me. Cheers in advance. Matt.

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