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Running With Scissors1405241561

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Posts posted by Running With Scissors1405241561

  1. First off this is probably not the correct place for this but I guess since your new that can be over looked but next time look at all the forums and find the best one. My guess would be somewhere in the sports forum under life talk or what ever it is.But anyway I'm pretty good at table tennis. I call it ping pong and I never understood if it was the same thing or not. If you really want to know how good you are you should go to a tourney but be warned you will probably lose pathdically. Don't let this get you down though and keep practicing and going to the tournaments and you'll get better but lets face it there is going to be people there that played for longer than you have been alive so they'll be better but just stick with it and you'll be just as good and maybe even better some day.

  2. I would love to create a banner for Xisto but I think I should leave this to the professionals lol. I'll still mess around with some things and if I make anything good I'll post it here. Are you looking for a logo type thing or just the word Xisto with a cool design?What made you guys deside to make Xisto and Xisto look different? I understand they are different sites but really they are quite the same. I think I like this theme better than trap17s new theme anyway.

  3. The ____ credits remaining is basically there to scare you ... nah, I'm just kidding. It's actually remnants of the old system which the site administrator haven't had time to remove it. They're going to do a facelift apparently so they'll just remove it then.

    So is Xisto going to look like Xisto does? Or is this a different "facelift"? I kind of like the forums the way they are but I am already starting to get use to the new Xisto look so many what ever this place will look like will grow on me too.

  4. It seems like my account has not been update, though it has been at least over 24 hours since I signed up with the new Logic Plan. Also, there was no 'Notes' section on the order form, so I opened a support ticket regarding the upgrade including my current cPanel username/password.
    I have noticed that even though I have opened a support ticket, the statistics in the client area show I have no support tickets.

    Maybe you should send a support ticket about how your suport tickets aren't going through :rolleyes: lol. On a serious note I think you should send another support ticket stating the same problem but at the end say something like sorry if I am sending this twice but I wasn't sure if the first support ticket went through because in the statistics area it said that I have no support tickets.

    Hopefully it was a human error. Possibly they marked your support ticket as solved by mistake. If this doesn't work ask a admin about it.

  5. Welcome back kanade. Like khalilov said we no longer use that credit system to gain hosting. We now use mycent which does not decrease over time unlike the old credits system. To sign up for the new credits system go to https://support.xisto.com/ and sign up using the same email address that you use here. To learn more read the announcements. I think the new system is a lot better and allows a lot more features. If you have any questions about switching over to the new credits system don't be afaid to ask.

  6. I still use the old Hosting Credits system at the moment even though I have signed up to the Credit System V3. The reason is that I don't require any change in hosting plan, so I have decided to continue using my old hosting package with the old system probably until it is phased out or I require additional space / bandwidth offered by the plans attached to the new Credit System.

    You should probably think about switching soon because that system won't be up for much longer. It's really easy to switch and if you stick to the basic plan I think it is a bit easier to keep up credit/mycent wise.

    Be careful, the new system is already running, so you should right now order the "Logical Plan" at Xisto if you don't want to loose data.

    Will they tell us a date before they shut the old system down? Like, will they give us a one week warning or something. I have not switched because I am saving up mycent for a top level domain name and I don't care if my old site that is hosted by the old system gets deleted because I am just using it to test out different looks for my new site that I will use the new system to host, but I think a one week warning would be a good idea for those people out there that use the old system and don't want it deleted.

  7. It is a good logo but like stated before it looks unprofessional and doesn't live up to Xisto's image. If you change the colors (because they don't work well with each other) to something less bold and change the font to something more professional and less bubble-like (because they look childish and not up to the Xisto standard), it would look a lot better.Just my input use it as you will. If you change it make sure to post it here.

  8. I think the spam is pretty bad here but the mods clean it up fast so it doesn't bother me. I wonder why this site is targeted by spambots so much. It's not like this site is that big compared to some other forums. Anyway good job mods for deleting the spam so quick.I think the spam has been bad everywhere lately and not just Xisto. I know that smf is normally really good with spam just had a huge wave of spam across the community. The higher ups said it was due to a new release of some spam thing that I cannot remember the name to and they were working on fixing it.

  9. This is great for the people who need a little more space but don't need the biggest package. I don't need the extra space though and I'm glad because I don't know if I could post enough to keep my site up but for the members that can then this is perfect for them (if they need the extra space that is).Good job guys on continuing to add stuff to the system and keep making it better. This site has gotten a lot better in the last couple months.

  10. You know, before this post I had never even heard of SMF. I had only heard of things like VBul, PhpBB, and one or two others.
    What features does SMF have that are hard to get in phpBB?

    I'm looking for a good forum base to use with Joomla, if there is one. So far everything I've researched in terms of getting phpbb3 to work in Joomla is trash. What about smf?

    Never heard of SMF!! You should definatly give it a try. VBulliten is great but it costs more than it is better than SMF if that makes sence.

    What feature does it have that SMF doesn't? It has better security from spam bots and such. I think it has a better admin panel and give more control to the admin where as phpbb in my opinion simplfies everything to make it easier for begining admins but at the same time gives the admin less options.

    I am sorry to say that the bridge connecting Joomla and SMF has been dropped because of license issues. You can still use the Mambo bridge and SMF. Mambo in case you didn't know is basically the same thing as Joomal because they were made using the same code. If you go here: http://download.simplemachines.org/?bridges you can find the bridges that the people from SMF made. I think Mambo and SMF work well together.

    Also if you deside just to use something a little simpler you could use SMF and TinyPortal. I am messing around with TinyPortal on my latest website and I'll tell you more about it later. So far it looks great because it is so simple yet with the right template/theme it looks great.

    Yeah, I read about that but I think it's going to be another where the link in Joomla just opens up phpBB...What I'm looking for is like the internal phpBB2 that's in Php-nuke for example, where it will open on the right side of the screen, allowing you to still see the website's navigation bar and all on the left...
    I guess it's easier to just show it.


    If you go there and click on forums you'll see what I'm looking for. Sadly, that's just phpBB2, whereas I want 3.

    Thanks again for your response.

    Does the brigde give you the opinion to wrap it? Make sure it is enable if so. Have you tried any of the JoomlaHacks.com bridges yet?

  11. This is what I think of the new SMF 2.0 Beta 4.

    SMF has always in my opinion the best free forum software and they continue to get better as time goes on and this time is no different. SMF 2.0 Beta 4 is a beta like it says but as far as I can tell it is stable and will be their last beta before going stable.

    What is SMF?
    SMF, or Simple Machines Forum, for those of you who donât know is a free forum software. In my eyes it is one of the best forums there is. Here is a link to find out more:

    Whatâs New?
    There really isnât a huge difference between 1.1.x and the new 2.0 besides a few new cool features and a slightly better admin panel. The admin panel is redone and some new stuff has been added. I also heard making modification is now easier to do. I donât know how it could be easy other than maybe this means the codes is cleaner. I noticed a lot of new modification that are new and only for 2.0. To mention one YodaOfDarkness made a great reputation system that works great and I think should be made a built in feature.

    Whatâs the Same?
    The overall look of the forum and the things that a member sees is basically the same. I am kind of disappointed that they didnât try to change the look. Yes I know you can use other themes but it takes work to make some themes work with some mods and I would have liked a better core /default theme. Overall this is the same forum that we all know and love with some tiny new things thrown in to make this a good update.

    How does this compare to phpbb?
    I think SMF was better that phpbb to begin with (but of course that is only my opinion, donât want to start a war here) and now this update makes me believe this even more. I have been using both to see which one works the best with certain CMSs and I found that it took a lot of time and hacks/modification just to get some of the features that the SMF had.

    Final Verdict?
    This is a step forward for SMF. Although it doesnât change much what it did change defiantly makes the forum better. If you have never owned a SMF forum before I suggest that once the final stable 2.0 release come out that you give it a try.

  12. For people in the future that don't know how to do this here is a mini guide on how to do it:

    I wanted to use SMF 2.0 Beta 4 (which is pretty stable for a beta) but the bridge is also in first stage beta and it has a lot of bugs. So I had to settle for SMF 1.1.6 which is the latest stable version. Here is how I combined SMF 1.1.6 and Mambo.

    First I created a database and a user just for mambo. I called mine “mambo” but you can call it anything you want. I know fantastico calls it mamb1 or mamb2

    Then I downloaded Mambo 4.6.5 which is the latest release I could find. Then using c-panels ftp manager I uploaded it to the public_html folder. After I uncompressed it I made sure the permissions on these files were set to 777:

    administrator/backups/ Writeableadministrator/components/ Writeable
    administrator/modules/ Writeable
    administrator/templates/ Writeable
    cache/ Writeable
    components/ Writeable
    images/ Writeable
    images/banners/ Writeable
    images/stories/ Writeable
    installation/langconfig.php Writeable
    language/ Writeable
    mambots/ Writeable
    mambots/authenticator/ Writeable
    mambots/content/ Writeable
    mambots/editors/ Writeable
    mambots/editors-xtd/ Writeable
    mambots/search/ Writeable
    mambots/system/ Writeable
    media/ Writeable
    modules/ Writeable
    templates/ Writeable
    uploadfiles/ Writeable

    After that I clicked on the installation folder, then saw the install.php and went to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . Follow mamboâs simple installation steps to create Mambo on your site. Make sure to use the database and database user you created for it. When you finished all that make sure to delete installation folder and everything under it.

    You should now have completed the installing Mambo create a new folder in public_html which should be called something like “forum”. Then in this folder upload SMF 1.1.6 which can be found here http://download.simplemachines.org/. Make sure these files are set to 777:

    ⢠attachments ⢠avatars

    Go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (where forum is what you called the folder and domain name is your domain) and follow the simple directions to set up your forum. IMPORTANT- When it asks for your database name and database user name use the one that you just use for Mambo. After your forum is set up delete the install.php file in your forums directory.

    Now for the bridge. There is more than one bridge for 1.1.x SMF and Mambo but I use the one SMF made called SMF 1.1 Mambo 4.6 bridge 1.1.2. Here is a link to where to find it: http://download.simplemachines.org/?bridges . Go to the admin panel of Mambo, then go to Installers>Universal. Go to Upload Package File click browse, find the bridge and upload it. Then go to Components>SMF Bridge>Configuration. Set your path and save. Then decide if you want it wrapped or not, which type of registration, and a bunch of other things. When you are done, save it again. Then go to Menu>The which ever menu you want a link to the forum to appear in and click new, component, next. Then name it what you want (forum would be a good choice). Highlight SMF Bridge, save. To make one login go to Modules>Site Modules and unpublish the mambo login and publish the SMF login. Also go to Mambots> Site Mambots, and publish all SMF mambots besides the login and log out.

    Some times certain templates (like the one mambo has as the starting default) the forums gets pushed to the bottom when wrapped. This is not the bridgeâs fault this is the templates settings. You can either edit the template, try different templates until one works, or unwrap it.

    Congratulations you now have a working bridge connecting SMF and Mambo!

    Note: I just noticed SMF released 1.1.7 but it is just a security update and everything I said about 1.1.6 above is the same on 1.1.7

    If you have any questions about this just ask because it can be confusing. If anyone has something to add that maybe I missed or if I said something that is incorrect please correct me. Thanks.

  13. How do you make animals on it I know you can I just saw some other animatios and they had animals.

    If you click Load Figure Type a list should pop up and you can pick horses and elephants. After you do that the next time you can just click the drop down arrow above the add figure button. Then when it is on the figure you want click add figure.

    To the orginal poster I don't know if I should thank you for showing me the link to were to download this amazing product or be mad at you for the hours I wasted playing around with it lol. I love this thing a lot. Before this I would use flash to make this stuff but Pivot makes it so much easier. I made a short video that was over a minute long. For one of these things to be that long it takes a lot of slides and a whole bunch of time. This thing is a great time waster but not so great when you have school work to be doing lol. I wanted to post my video here but when I uploaded it to photobucket it over took about the first five seconds.
    If anyone can tell me how to post a minute long pivot video on a forum that would be great so I can show the people on my forums and maybe post it here if you guys wanted to see it.

  14. 1. When you say this does that mean you need to raise an extra 999 MyCents every month?2. I also have a question on the pricing for things. So I go to the "Order" tab and it says choose one. How do I know how much each costs without accidentally buying it? I'm just trying to bring up a few questions that I had. I am probably not the only one wondering these things.
    3. This brings up something else. With this new system would you still need to activate new accounts or would it be instant (assuming the poster has enough MyCents)?
    4. Overall I like the idea of a switch. It seems like a great idea and I really hope it lasts and doesn't end up being just a temporary thing because of people misusing it.
    5. Now this presents me with yet another problem that far too many people have. If only I had something worth putting online...

    To the first question- khalilov is right you only have to pay the 999 myCents for your domain name once a year.
    To the second question- You can "test buy" things. What I mean by that is if you want to know what total would be if you bought this, this, and this, you would check those things off and go to the check out area. You will get to see the total without buying it. As long as you don't press the paypal, pay with credits button, or that other button below to the table that shows all the stuff you are going to buy, you won't buy it.
    To the third question- The admins no longer needs to approve your request for hosting. This is now all in the hands of xisto. I heard it is not instant but quick. I think someone said it took about four hours for them to get it approved. Someone in the Xisto shoutbox said that so I'm not sure how accurate that is.
    To the fourth thing- I hope we wouldn't be punished for others wrongs.
    To the fifth thing- I can't help you with that lol.

    And I see that the new hosting plans using myCENT seems unfair--lack of few things from the old hosting plans. OpaQue is trying to come to the happy medium. He already changed new hosting prices since the launch of Credit System V3. I'm not sure if the current price will stay for good but for now OpaQue is still considering few changes.

    Would all these price changes be in our favor? Do you think there is a good enough chance of a price drop that I should wait a bit before I buy my hosting plan?
    Thanks again BuffaloHELP for all your hard work you are doing to make Xisto an even better webhost.

  15. Right now I am trying to get smf 2.0 beta 4 and mambo to work using the 2.0 bridge that smf offers but it has tons of bugs and doesn't work right. I keep fixing bug after bug but the bugs don't seem to end. I guess thats why the bridge is in beta.The reason I didn't use Joomla is because the bridge to smf is no longer working because of something to do with smf licence and I really wanted to use smf because I don't like phpbb at all and vBulletin and IPB aren't free.

  16. I did end up using smf 1.1.6 but not because smf 2.0 beta 4 wasn't working because it was (for a beta it works really good) but because I couldn't find any bridge that combined mambo and smf 2.0 that worked. SMF had a bridge but it's in beta 1 stage and it has too many errors for me to use.What I ended up using is the SMF 1.1.6, Mambo 4.6, and a bridge I got from smf called bridge 1.1.2 and all that worked together fine.

  17. Members who sign-up and see myCENTS in their account.. its due to their PAST posting history. (no magic) ;)

    Oh ok that makes sence. I was thinking it had to do with the credits you had at the time of joining the myCent thing but then it made no sence that my Xisto account which had around 80 posts and a few credits got two dollars right away and my Xisto account which had more credits but less posts only got a few myCents. It all makes sence now.

  18. Sorry that no one really could have given you a help.
    But if you have solve the problem, could you take the time and let us know how you did it?

    Do want me to write a detailed tutorial (which wouldn't bother me) or just sum up what I did in a post here?

  19. Maybe having an integrated spelling and grammar checker in the reply box of the Xisto forum would improve the quality of the language and make the posts look more professional, although I don't think anyway has invented an online spelling and grammar checker yet.

    I have been to forums where they have a spell checker in their reply boxes and I think it does help improve the quality of the language. I don't know if it is possible on a IP board like this one but I have seen it on SMF forums. Maybe there is a IP board mod that adds such a thing. It would be good for the forum to have one.
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