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Posts posted by Shaded

  1. Fist off, I'd like to say that this is possibly the best idean anyone could come up with for site hosting. I absolutely love the idea of posting to get credits and all that. Im new here, so hopefully I can get things together. In the mean time....if I have yet to sign up for a website, will my credits still dissapate everyday by one? Or do they go away as soon as I start a website? Thanks :mellow:

  2. Hey guys, Im new here, and I wanted to know if the Xisto free sites (the ones you need credits for) have the option to upload videos, and create custom pages for certain people. Im wanting to start my own website for gaming. After this summer's work with weddings and honeymoons, ive racked up enough cash to consider something new. I want to start a website to hold gaming tournaments. For the website, id like to upload videos, and a bunch of other info. When people open the site, id like for an intro movie to come up. Then after, id like to have a gallery of different clans that come. Each having their own video. Aside from that, id like to have people log in and create their own pages. Maybe a music player too. But from that, id like to have a big section dedicated to a "tournament" map. Where it shows each clan's standings in the tournament. would this program support it? Any help will be much much much appreciated.

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