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Posts posted by mingkus

  1. Half-Life 2 all the way... don't get me wrong I love halo and its a great game, but half-lifes been around before anyone even thought of the X-box. Half-lifes got experience years of it and in Halo its like around 100years from now, but Half-life is just 10 or so...
    Its kick *bottom* to be a marine in halo and to blow way alien *bottom*, but in Half-life (1 and 2) your a smart MIT alien *bottom* kicker its win freaking WIN!. Halo does have the better weapons and vehicles, but who needs that stuff when you have the gravity gun and can contral little bug things to do your bidding

    You just said everything I wanted to say lol xD

  2. In this code I want to retrieve the energy and max energy of a players account, then add 8% to energy of maxenergy, hen if energy is bigger than maxenergy, energy is then made equal to maxenergy. Then the database is updated.I don't understand why it's not working.

    $query=mysql_query("SELECT MAX(id) as maxid FROM `accounts` LIMIT 1");$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);$id = $row['maxid'];  $query = "SELECT * FROM `accounts`"; $result=mysql_query($query);while ($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {$energy = $row['energy'];$maxenergy = $row['maxenergy'];}for($i=1; $i<="$id"; $i++) {$query = "SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE (id) = '".$id."'";$result=mysql_query($query);$addenergy = (0.08 * $maxenergy);$energy = ($addenergy + $energy);if($energy > $maxenergy) {$energy = $maxenergy;}$query = "UPDATE `account` SET (energy) = '".$energy."' WHERE (id) = '".$id."'";$result = mysql_query($query);echo" The energy script worked!";}

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