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Posts posted by PSD2HTML.com

  1. Hi there,As a PSD2HTML.com representative let me add some comments on the topic discussed.When you have your design files ready and it comes time to sit down and write the HTML code for your new site, you have two choices: to use a WYSIWYG editor (such as Dreamviewer, ImageReady or Photoshop itself) or hire someone to do it right, to convert your design to a professional, valid markup.While using a WYSIWYG editor to generate the code for you may be an attractive option, it will not give you the best end result. Let me make this point clear.First of all, the HTML code generated by several editors may not be compliant with existing web standards which are typical for the modern professional web-development. Secondly, WYSIWYG editor produces files of large sizes what can not guarantee fast load time for your users. Thirdly, any automatic tools simply do not provide enough support and help in optimizing your pages for search engines, what reduces the chances of having your web site ranking highly for your targeted keywords. Finally, you have your page looks just like your design did, but does it work in all browsers?It`s good to use WYSIWYG editors, however, if you want to save your time and plan to produce high-quality product – professional hand coding service is definitely the way to go.

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