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Posts posted by Sneblot

  1. For the 3d side of things (forgetting price at the moment) i'd go for 3ds max which has a nice set of features for anything you are modeling as well as it is supported in quite a large range of game SDKs (which is a big plus, it's simply plug and play editing).The downside though - price. It costs loads, so if cost is the issue maya might be better, it's been a while since i've checked prices on 3d software but yeah.
    There should also be some free 3d programs around there somewhere.
    Actually you could see if you can grab a copy of gmax - made by the same company as 3ds max but they've dropped support for it, it has been made especially for game design so have a search and you could grab a copy, it's free too.


    I would have to say the same as hellfire both are great programs. But dont rule out Cinema 4D to much release 10 is looking quite promising. (sorry for the misspelling.)

  2. If anyone has not heard of this game it is from the makers of diablo II and is looking to be a very nice FREE MMORPG.

    Heres alittle more about it.

    Mythos is an action heavy Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) from the makers of Fate and Diablo.
    Set in the world of Uld, players assume the role of fantasy heroes as they explore, adventure, and quest through entirely randomized dungeons and environments. Mythos allows thousands of players to interact within the same world while using "instanced" dungeons to create unique gaming experiences suited for both solo and group-minded players.

    Whether adventuring together or braving the dangers of the world of Uld alone, friendships are formed and alliances are forged. The competition for knowledge, power and glory is on. And every time in will be a new experience.

    Mythos is also entirely free-to-play. One need only download the game client, install, and create a user account to experience the vast world of Uld.

    Unfortunately, Mythos is currently in Closed Beta, a form of testing not open to all players. We will soon enter an Open Beta phase, however. At that time, game download links will become available. Until that happens, please enjoy this website's news archive, forums, and media galleries by navigating the menu bar to the left.


    Cant wait for it to come out its going to be a cracker.

  3. For anyone who has not heard of this game it is (I think) one of the best text based games on the internet very addictive.Alittle more information:-What is PlanetarionPlanetarion is a science fiction war game where thousands of players and scores of galaxies fight for the domination of the universe or merely survival.Planetarion is played through your web browser via an HTML interface and does not require any download or installation of any kind of software. Every participant in Planetarion controls their own planet, develops technology and constructs vast fleets to attack other planets with. Resources to fund this are mined from asteroids orbiting around your planet, so each asteroid you steal from your enemy will allow you to increase your fleet even more, likewise losing asteroids will make it harder to replenish your combat ravaged ranks. Beware of having too many asteroids and too few ships, space is cold, and even your own brother can turn against you in the epic battle that is Planetarion.Luckily, you are not alone in your galaxy, you have a galactic politics board and inter-galaxy cooperation is vital to survival. Galaxies fight one another, some galaxies team up against other common enemies. Alliances of up to 70 players can team up together to defend and attack as a coordinated unit. You should expect that a few alliances will rise above the rest, ruling with terror and ruthlessness. Alliance wars and pacts are not uncommon; in fact, they are the norm and are critical if you wish to stay ahead of the rest in the political struggles for galactic supremacy that are part of Planetarion.As with all other games, the more you put into it, the more rewarding it is to play it. Planetarion has a very active community of players, and since they all play alongside you, having friends or being in a powerful alliance can be the difference between prosperity and perishing.Many players spend more time with friends on IRC or the forums, planning their next moves in their strategy for victory (or just survival) than they do issuing orders to their fleets in game. Be wary of spies and treacherous individuals, not everyone shares your moral code.Once per hour, on the hour, the clock of Planetarion strikes the universe 'ticks'. New resources are gained, work on constructions or fleets progress, battles are waged and new ships are built. This might sound like pretty standard stuff but remember the twist is that Planetarion plays even though you re not logged on. Battles are fought asteroids are stolen. Many a ruler has woken up to realize that their 9 hour nap or day at work also included 200,000 ships attacking their planet and stealing a swathe of asteroids. If you have forged strong alliances your allies may send ships to help save you�if it serves their interest and the number of attackers aren't too high.Planetarion is played in rounds, which last for around 7 weeks, and has hundreds of ticks. After each round the universe is reborn, and everyone starts afresh, eager to make up for past mistakes, forge new allies and make new friends in what is without doubt the best online strategy game in all of the known universe.Science fiction, action, sleepless nights and endless, ever growing wars; all in your browser.Planetarion : For the True Gamer. Why not check it out and also suggest other sci-fi text games?

  4. Hi all I'll get right to the point Im here for free stuff. But I hope to be of help to people along the way. Im a 23 year old animator/programmer who lives on his computer most hours of the day, I collect vinyl toys and like cheese. Hows everyone else today?

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