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Posts posted by xboxrocks

  1. I guess i would say ut2004 which is kinda old but i don't know much more then soldat that i used to play on dialup now i'm on high speed i play it sometimes when i get board and have nothing else to do it's pretty fun with catch the flag and so on i've tried ut3 it kinda sucked and needed to much spec and my video card on mother board and it don't have much ram so i'll stick to it for a while till i can get a new one. :)

  2. The program itself isn't illegal it's the files that people host on their server if they don't have the rights from the owner from what i understand it's not illegal it's just the files cause unless you have a hacked version of limewire pro which is illegal and you do not own the rights to and souldn't be using it.

  3. I never had a problem only when my internet went down and i've been using windows live messager for about a year now i use it for all my friends and all i really like it and i have no problems only for sound lol but i fixed that and i really love it i prob wouldn't use the internet if i didn't have msn messager.

  4. Use dumeter tho its a trial. see have a 50gb down limit if i use du meter cause i do a little to much of watching youtube and other online videos i'm hooked on that lol and i watch all kinds of storys and weather channel online cause i don't care to pay for sat tv and free tv so blury you can't see crap.

  5. I really like the free version it has all the features i would ever need tho it lags when i reboot i don't know why i have 2 gigs ram it shouldn't be acting like that but pro prob has little bit better features then the free one.

  6. I'm not that good but i can type like 4 words in 6 seconds i don't know why i'm not better sometimes i mistype words by mistake i should take play with those typing games i heard about plus their awesome to play and i need learn how to type better and faster if i want to get a job in computers and crap tho maybe in few years i'll know a lot more. :)

  7. I would have to say linux because it run's faster then windows and uses less ram/memory and i really like winehq. but i guess windows xp cause all hardware just about supports it with apps and all i can't find every thing i need for linux so i have dualboot windows xp and vista it looks good but it has some bugs which i hate and i wish they would fix and and make it run fast as windows xp and no lag or using 100% cpu at a time but maybe in a year it'll be like xp.

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