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Posts posted by CaptainCanuck

  1. Who cares? Like all countries in the West, presidents, prime ministers, or whatever else you want to call them are not elected but put in place by big business. No matter who becomes the next president, the real decisions and policies are decided by the big corporations who have little interest in the citizens and every interest in increasing their profit margins. Sure they will impliment the odd social welfare program but, they then make the requirements to receive that benefit so difficult to meet that the actual payout is minimal.CaptainCanuck

  2. Hey Guys,To kick off this forum ... I found this article while reading the paper this morning. It really amazed me that modern day religious leaders suggest that the Tsunami disaster was a message from God ... almost like the Sodom and Gomora (unsure of spelling) story!

    I think this is nature pure and simple. As a matter of fact, I actually liked the buddist response best of all of them. I can come closer to believing in harmonic/karmic forces more than the 'hand of god sending us messages' line. To move off topic a bit, I even see the Buddist monks explaination come close to scientific Chaos Theory.

    What are your thoughts??


    Those that say God plays a role in natural disasters are assuming God was made in our image and likeness and not the other way around. In other words, they assume God has human characteristics and, if that is so, a natural disaster would be God's way of showing both His displeasure with us, as well as His might and power. A little vain don't you think? I believe that God has a master plan and He had put that plan in motion in the very beginning. Natural disasters may be a warning to us that things are not unfolding as they should. God is not taking an active role in these disasters but He is not going to save us from suffering the consequences of our actions. The biggest disaster of all is the mess we have made of the home He has given us. We have cut down forests too numberous to count and wonder why there are mudslides. We have burned fossil fuels for centuries and wonder why our air is polluted. We have hunted animals to extinction and over-fished the oceans, lakes and rivers. We have reproduced at an alarming rate without any thought of the poor quality of life that will be faced by future generations. Does God need to have a hand in the creation of natural disasters? Certainly no, we are creating them oursleves.


  3. Hello to all. I would like to introduce myself to everyone. I am a Canadian male interested in spiritualism, meditation, hypnotherapy and health issues. I love the outdoors and I have two summer projects underway. The first is to build a kayak and the second is to build a longwheelbase recumbent bicycle.


    I am a semi-retired IT Consultant (Computing Systems Management) and would love to find and ebusiness so I can live and work in the Philippines with my fiancèe and the love of my life. Anyone with any suggestions of a viable ebusiness? I love to hear from you ... johnny_canuck@live.ca



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