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Posts posted by LegallyHigh

  1. I'm using AVG for my Virus Protection paired up with Comodo Firewall and I haven't had any intrusions this far. Also, AVG has a very simple interface so its easy to use. My only complaint is the ammount of Memory the scans take up to run, I have to pause the scans in order to use the computer.

  2. Haha, yes Phelps is amazing. He shattered the Olympic Record for most Golds and hes outdone the competition in every event. However, hes lucky his other teamates also pulled slack during the relay, because it was quite close against France. Another update, he just won another Gold Medal today, not sure of the event, he may have won 2 events, my friend hasn't kept me up to date, though and I haven't been watching the games. However, I'm pretty sure to this point he has a total of 16 Gold Medals in the Olympics.

  3. So far my favorite Web Hosts have been Xisto and Xisto. Though I do not like having to post, or having my site temporarily suspended becasue I sometimes forget to post I rather contribute to a forum than pay for Web Hosting. However, before I needed PHP and MYSQL for my website (before I had a forum), I used 50Webs.com, another Web Host) and loved it. 50Webs was quick and had everything you'de need for basic HTML Web Page (50 Megs of Space). So if you don't have a very interactive, or multi language using Web Page, which is strctly HTML, I would recommend 50Webs.

  4. I loved the Dark Knight, however I wish Heath Ledger didn't die because I heard the Joker was to appear in the next movie in alliance with Two Face (My friend said that's supposedly why the killed off Two Face at the end of the movie). However, I'm confused with my friends idea becasue the Joker wasn't killed off, he was sent to Jail by the end of the movie, so there would be potential for him to escape, and appear in the next movie. I just do not think any one could do a job compared to that of Heath Ledger concerning the acting of the Joker, the Joker was a very unique and strange charater.

  5. I love how simple Windows is, however, the ammount of times it crashes is annoying. I haven't tried out Vista, but I've heard, at this point, that it is even buggier than XP. I have very little experience with Apple products, so I'm not sure if the Mac operating system has too many errors, but I do like the interface, it looks nice. I just wish Windows could fix the bugginess in their operating systems, they would be perfect without all the errors.

  6. Hmmm, it looks interesting, however, it doesn't look like you can do a lot of customization with your site, Google only provides three different themes. Also, it doesn't look like you can upload your own files, there is probably no support for PHP or MySQL either, so I'll pass. However, if anyone finishes the registration process, and Google Sites actually turns out to be a valuable Free Hosting Service (Im not 100 Percent sure, I looked at the sign up page and decided not to go through with it) please reply in this thread with details. Also, how new is Google Sites, I have never heard of it before.

  7. I've used Bidvertiser before and they are quite reliable. Also, I loved the minimal payout, you only need atlease $10 in your balance before they pay you by Paypal, or whatever other method you choose (I forget the other methods). However, Google Adsense pays a bit better per click, so I decided to move back to using their pay per click program. I do wish Google used Paypal like Bidvertiser, but I rather make more per click anyways.

  8. Those are very neat electronics, though many of them are far too small to be practical. I would love to own the tiny picture cell phone but I would be afraid of lossing it, and since it is so small I might not even notice if it fell from my pocket. Also, I was wondering, what are some of these products made of, I realize many are of different metals, but what is the refrigerator made of, it looks blue in th picture.

  9. I've used Download Accelerators for large fies and they work great. Using Download Accelerator is sort of like using Bit Torrent in the sense that instead of using one connection to a host for the file you are using multiple connections and you are downloading the file in chunks. However, with Download Accelerators you are downloading the file using multiple connections to the same host, where as Bit Torrent uses multiple connections, each to a varoious different host. I've used DAP (Download Accelerator Pro) before and it heavily increased my Download Speeds, however, my Spyware program said it was Malware, so I got rid of it. Can any one recommend another good Download Accelerator to me? I download game demos alot (they tend to be 1+ Gig Files) so I could use the speed.

  10. Yes, those are good Web Testing tools as Guest pointed out, and just has he said, for website developement I use Macromedia Dreamweaver along with various other programs like Photoshop and Flash (for multimedia and interactivity). I've been using Dreamweaver since 2004 and I haven't ever found a better program. However, for site testing I don;t do much. All I really do is browse the site myself, and if I see a problem I simply fix it. However, I have an account with Google Webmaster, and that service points out many site errors (404's and such), and keeps me up to date with my popular search keywords, and their status.

  11. Haha, those don't even look like Hard drives, its weird to think they were that big not too long ago. Those thngs look big enough to pass as small motors (like for a weed wacker or something). However, I'm glad that today the size of computer compenents has decreased because it looks like those things would have a good some weight to them, they would be very unpractical, especially if they hgad tried to make a laptop from them. Other than that though, they look kind of nice, just very unefficient compared to the hard drives of today.

  12. Haha, those don't even look like Hard drives, its weird to think they were that big not too long ago. Those thngs look big enough to pass as small motors (like for a weed wacker or something). However, I'm glad that today the size of computer compenents has decreased because it looks like those things would have a good some weight to them, they would be very unpractical, especially if they hgad tried to make a laptop from them. Other than that though, they look kind of nice, just very unefficient compared to the hard drives of today.

  13. Thank you for providing this tutorial, a while ago I was considering using my home network for hosting my current website. However, I couldn't figure out how to do it. If it is this simple, though, I may have to give the option a second looking into, and give it a try. However, the only problem is my websirte uses PHP and MYSQL, so I am pretty sure there is software I would need to download for my home machine to serve the content.

  14. What format does a Playstation Portable use for video watching. I have been looking for a good Ipod convertor (MP4) for a long time. I have found a lot of trial software that does the job, but they leave watermark, or only let me convert a small bit of the video. I'm trying to find a good, as well as completely free piece of software that will do the job. I'm sorry that this post is a bit off topic (if the PSP doesn't play MP4 files(, but I could use some help.

  15. Haha, I don't know if any of you guys have ever heard of this, but back when I used to play Nintendo 64 I played a series called Destiny Figthter (there were only 2 games in the series). I loved the game becasue how key combinations there were, every character could perform about 100 different moves, and about 20 of them would be unique from all other characters. The game has some sweer characters, too, and a few different kind of gametypes, I wish a newer version of this game came out for the Xbox 360 (since the Wii has inferior graphics, and I don't like how its more of a virtual reality console than a video gaming platform). However, besides this series, at my friends house I played Tekken, and I enjoyed it as well. Then, on the Xbox 360 I played Fight Night (Round 3), and enjoyed whooping my friend in that, though all I did was button mash.

  16. I don't think that people in the United States are as harsh on the idea of communism as they have been in the past, however, it is still, for the most part unaccepted, or looked down on. My United States History teacher told me, Quatrux said, was supposed to be the perfect form of governent, or atleast it looked like it should be whle written on paper. However, when communism is performed is is usually unsuccessful. The same teacher gave me a good example of one reason it could fail. This example was that people doing much harder jobs would be getting payed the same as people doing little tedious tasks, and that would be quite unfair. However, I think other reasons, besides communist countries being the enemies of America in times of war, is the general media view on communism, where you can hear "Damn commies" in many television shows such as cartoons.

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