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Posts posted by Convictlife

  1. Welcome


    Hello this is Convictlife and i have made an RPG game and for you noobs out there i will be explaining


    Here is a breif structure of this post:


    1. Getting your codes.

    2. Getting your host.

    3. Uploading your codes.

    4. Configuring your codes.

    5. MySQL

    6. phpMyAdmin

    7. CronJobs

    8. Editing

    9. Finalizing


    Getting Your Codes!


    First of all you need codes that will power your website.


    If you are a master coder (like Dabomstew) then you can code these codes yourself, but if you are "so-so" then you will need to get codes from somewhere.

    I got my codes from Mccodes.

    This is a great website that allows you to buy quality codes at a cheap price or get a reduced but free version of MC-CODES.V.1.0.1

    Or you can get the good code base ($75) or the great code base ($300)


    Getting Your Host


    You need a good host that allows the following

    At Least 100MB Of Web Disk Pace (public_html)

    At least 2GB of monthly bandwidth or 150mb daily bandwidth



    cPanel or Vistapanel

    File Maganger

    File Editor

    MySQL (at least one database limit)

    MySQL Users


    One you get this host and your website is activiated then you can start building you website!


    Uploading Your Codes




    If you have cPanel X or Vistapanel you can upload files by going to File Maganger or Legacy File Manager (Only cPanel X) and clicking on Upload.


    Upload all your files that you recieved in your code folder except for files like index.php, index.html, index.txt, install.txt and copying.txt


    Make sure all you files are being uploaded to you public_html (web root)


    Configuring your codes


    After you have uploaded all your codes then you need to tweak them a bit.


    First we will start with your game logo, upload a logo with the following dimensions 129x692 and call it logo.png (save it as a PGN format)


    Then go to a file called header.php and over here you can change the design of you game (note: you will have to do login.php and register.php seperatly as header.php dosn't affect these)

    When you are in header.php go to a section that displays:



    body { font-family:helvetica, arial, geneva, sans-serif;font-size:12;color: red;

    scrollbar-base-color: #005B70;

    scrollbar-arrow-color: #F3960B;

    scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color: #000000; }

    a:visited,a:active,a:hover,a:link { color: red;text-decoration: none; }

    table,tr,td { font-family:helvetica, arial, geneva, sans-serif;font-size: 12; }

    img { border:none; }

    textarea { font-family:helvetica, arial, geneva, sans-serif;font-size:12;color: black; }



    Here you can change the test-size and color just rename the part in bold (NOTE DONT TAKE OUT ANY OF THE ;)


    Then you go to the section that displays:


    print "<body bgcolor='#000000'>


    Just rename the part in bold in HEX color codes


    Then go to the part:


    <title>Your Game Name</title>


    Put you game name into the bold space.




    MySQL is a easy storage service that your site needs!


    In cPanel X you can find MySQL under Databases.


    After you do that create a Database called db (NOTE NORMALLY YOUR SERVER NAME WILL BE PUT IN FRONT SO IT WILL LOOK SOMETHING LIKE THIS: yourservername_db)

    Then create a MySQL user called user and assosiate user with the database with ALL PRIVALGES


    Then open the file called mysql.php and open that file

    Then go to the part that says:



    $c = mysql_connect('localhost', 'yourdatabsename[.b]', 'youdatabaseuserspassword');

    mysql_select_db('yourdatabasename', $c);




    Edit the parts in bold.



    After you did that your MySQL will be ready




    phpMyAdmin can be found in cPanel X uder databases


    Click on phpMyAdmin and you will be redirected to the offical phpMyAdmin homepage.

    Click on your databases name and then on Import

    You should have recived a file called dbdata.sql or othername.sql please select that a click IMPORT


    After that your storage facility is complete!




    On your webserver create a folder called crons then upload all your cron files e.g cron_5mins or cron_day etc...


    Then your crons are complete




    In this stage you edit all that you nned to using you webservers 'EDIT' button!




    This is the final stage, in this stage you can advertise your site in various sites the best of which is TOPRPGAMES




    Any Problems PM Me!

  2. Hi, well i tried alot to find a free web host...found non that supported cron jobs if did i had difficulties using it i tring freehostia very easy to use but that host is messed up...u cant find any file in there i just hated it...well im going to try this free web host..i hear its very good..i was also wondering were to get codes for text based games that are all ready made.and you just need to edit them.

    Well i do own my own text-based website that allowes you to sign up and everything etc...

    To get the codes you can get them from many sites, the best of all is MCCODES.

    But even then you don't get the full version of the codes but you get a really reduced version (About 15 PHP pages)

    My site needed 82 PHP pages of codes and i'm still getting more.

    Plus you need a great amount of SQL data storage that you can get easily in any good host but to get the datais VERY hard.

    My site is currently going into BETA (3rd Time LOL ;)) and i will add the pets mod.

    For a version of the codes that will make your game good you need $75 (trust me cheap for around 60+ codes i think)

    But to make it a great game (e.g Torn City) you need quiet a lot of dough in your pocket ($300) and these will make your game no. 1!

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