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Posts posted by Ggadget

  1. It was proposed in the mid 19th century that the mood elevating properties of cannabis can treat depression but this was dismissed. Now an alternative approach is to prevent the deactivation of endogenous cannabinoids (cannabis like molecules in the body) to exert anti depressant like effects and this new method can be used to treat depression.Just thought that this may be interesting especially since there have been marijuana vending machines introduced in america.

  2. I'm not with Xisto at the moment but they have everything I need for an oscommerce siteI was with awardspace (free account) - don't have e-mail forwarding, password protection and ssl, only one mysql databseI then signed upto websitesnetwork (free account) - don't have sslI think this is the only free host to offer SSL which I need for my oscommerce siteHopefully I will join up soon once I have got 30 credits.

  3. I've had my mda compact for ages now, it's been dropped so many times but a little bluetac for the battery cover has done the trick, the bad things about the phone though is the battery time and also the slow internet.I'm looking to upgrade the phone to a newer mda phone with high speed internet, I'll still keep it though for the tomtom

  4. HiI started off using Vstore http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is a 100% free shopping cart system based on oscommerce. This is secure and hosted on their server. The downside is that you cannot have your own domain there unless you forward or get their premium site.I was using them and then I started using oscommerce. Unfortunately my website did get hacked into but now I am going onto Xisto and they offer to password protect directories and offer free SSL.I used oscommerce as I found some free templates

  5. If your website is a blog especially from blogger it gets listed quicker than a website, make sure you Ping your blog. Once your website is indexed it will have a low rank as it is a new website. Take some time and try to get links to your website. Try and get good quality links and relevant websites which are similar and that are high ranked. Don't overdo the keywords and meta tags aren't really that important anymore.The first thing though is to choose keywords and then use these as your links e.g Rare Phones (click on this link goes to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)Use all of google's tools that they give you.Try and put your keywords as the page title and higlight keywords using H1 tags.Good Luck

  6. Google will find out one way or anotherThe best way is to follow their instructions, they have tips on their blog so use themThe way I try and do things is like this1. Make a site with good content2. Establish it first without ads and work on search engine optimisation3. Once our site is indexed in google add your ads (this will make sure your site is not a made for adsense website)4. Make sure you position your ads well, google gives you tips on this5. Make sure you don't go over 3 ads, don't overdo it aswell, sometimes one ad in a really good place is better than all 36. Refer other people using the referral and also include the search engine7. Be patient and have fun

  7. What I like about Adsense is that you can make a little money quickly and you can see how much you are making in real time which maybe quite motivating. To make a lot of money though you do need to build it up slowly and patiently. The main thing though is content. Content is key in making a success as good original content helps in search engine optimisation and also keeps readers coming back.A lot of people are making money with their blogs and Blogger allow you to place adsense easily but I reccomend using Wordpress and finding an adsense template.Remember though you will have to play by Google's rules otherwise you will get kicked out.SarwarGgadget

  8. HiI'm looking for a new free web host to host my online store. I'm selling mobile phones, games consoles and other gadgets.I like the fact that the hosting gives SSL encryption which is what I need that other free hosts are not giving. I was with awardspace for a while but then found websitesnetwork. I'm gonna try and contribute to these forums to get a free host.ThanksSarwarGgadget

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