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Posts posted by deo

  1. The only thing i like in vista is the look'n feel. Thats all.


    First off, it will EAT UP all your available RAM memory and will rip off your gpu.

    You need some damn good hardware in order to run vista normally (and what you have, isnt bad ofc, but vista wont be "fast").

    Also, i dont like the way it handles the filesystem. I didnt got to test it very much, but i know, if youre sb like me who likes to pimp his OS, youre not gonna like vista...


    That's why i'd recommend you the following:

    WinXP if you really need windows (Win2000 is even better in terms of speed, and stays on the top of security with the latest updates).

    Linux (my favorites are Suse 10.3 and ubuntu 7.10), in linux, you can change whatever you want to change, and you can also use things like Compizz to use some great 3D power on your desktop (even better than vista) while still keeping a normal-fast pc with your config.

    Why don't just use desktop skin like so you still get XP performance and compatiblity and beautiful vista look. There's many free software for transform your windows XP to Vista. You can try Vista Transformation Pack which is free.

  2. ^_^ I have been thinking about trying it out. Do they put their ads on free websites or just paid hosting? ;)

    You can put google ads in any hosting. paid or free as long as it's not against TOS.
    Google will review your application before activate you as adsense publisher.
    Sometimes it takes days to be approved as publisher or even get rejected.
    Quickest way to be accepted by google is by using their own product like blogger.com or googlepages.com.
    You can then put google ads in any pages you want.
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