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The Pixel Coder

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Posts posted by The Pixel Coder

  1. Dude, forget the whole proxy thing, though it might be safe. Just type that you live in a certain city and address in the United States. Do some google searching. I live in the U.S. so i don't have a problem, but it wont matter. Just find some place in Loa Angeles

    Usually that works indeed, but what if they log your ip? Then one day you wake up, decide to have a look at your site by typing your domain and notice they deleted it... ^_^ it's better to take care. ;)

  2. You have the same issue as i had when i started using VS 2003.There are two ways:1. Convert your whole code to .net-independent code (hard, but it's worth it).2. Embed the framework IN your app: i dont really recommend this, because the .net wont act as a framework anymore, but instead it will all be loaded at once into the memory, resulting in an inefficient app. And btw, the framework is - as far as i know - like 100mb, good luck with that!

  3. Hi everyone,As a crossplatform developper, the main obstacle for me to write CP apps is the interface...Sure there are solutions like qt and gtk and such, but i'd prefer something more... rich, like an interface in Flash (swf) or if it really doesnt work, in Java (applet).How do you embed such a rich interface in a C++ app, and how do you make the swf or java communicate with the core of the app: c++ ?Let's say i make a windows instance using the win32, how do i then show and make work a beautiful and rich flash interface?Thx for suggestions and help...

  4. The only thing i like in vista is the look'n feel. Thats all.First off, it will EAT UP all your available RAM memory and will rip off your gpu.You need some damn good hardware in order to run vista normally (and what you have, isnt bad ofc, but vista wont be "fast").Also, i dont like the way it handles the filesystem. I didnt got to test it very much, but i know, if youre sb like me who likes to pimp his OS, youre not gonna like vista...That's why i'd recommend you the following:WinXP if you really need windows (Win2000 is even better in terms of speed, and stays on the top of security with the latest updates).Linux (my favorites are Suse 10.3 and ubuntu 7.10), in linux, you can change whatever you want to change, and you can also use things like Compizz to use some great 3D power on your desktop (even better than vista) while still keeping a normal-fast pc with your config.

  5. Mmh, games huh. What kind of games? Crossplatfrom (opengl?) or windows-specific (DX?)I mostly prefer Code::Blocks IDE, which uses the MinGW (windows) compiler or GCC (linux). It even has a ready opengl sample application to get you started (no configuration or additional header files needed).If, however, youre going for DX, i suppose only windows, then i think MS Visual C++ would be a bad idea. I just saw VC++ 2008 is available to download and i also did so (however, not many changes compared to previous 2005 version).Gl with your game... ^_^

  6. It depends on what are your purposes:Are you going to develop for windows only? or are you going to take a broader range of OS's?MS Visual C++ is probably the best windows-only compiler, but it is a bit different of the other "general" compilers, like gcc. It has a good IDE though, and even a RAD solution with MFC and now also CLR...However, if you are more like me, and you prefer to write cross-platform apps, then you should consider GCC (for windows its MinGW). Ofc, here it's all about pure C++ (and without RAD -> wouldnt be crossplatform otherwise)...If you are going for Crossplatform RAD, it'd be a good idea to combine an app made with Lazarus (delphi lang, only for the interface of your app) with an external library (C++ lang, providing you all your c++ freedom).Hope this was some use for you... ^_^

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