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Everything posted by circat

  1. Ok first a little back story of what happened and why I am asking for help.I have been playing text based rpgs and found that I really like them. Well I have also found that most programers don't want to listen to their clients in the sugestion box and when u make a content sughesstion they get rude or make fun of your idea. So I decided I would sart my own and make it where the users had say so in added content. Not saying all sugestions will get added but I will not make fun or get mad at them.Any who when I bought the script I was under the impression it was full and working wekk I was wrong. Her is my question the casino script isn't functioning and I don't know what to enter where to get it to work and the property is saying sold when its not. Does any one know of a book on php or a website that is geared toward text based rpgs so I can figure out what I am supposed to enter to make it work. Any help or sugestions would be greatly apreciated
  2. Hi guys . One of my favorite fps right now is called wolf team. It is free and has pretty good look and feel to it. It has 4 type of game play . Many diffrent weapons u buy weapons with gold earned while playing. U gain xp toward lvls . I don't think lvls are for any thing other than bragging rights. What seperates this game is the ability to tranform into a wolf at any time. Wolfs have more hp and move faster and kill humans faster. Another sweet thing about this fps is their is a game play called wolf base where one team is only wolfs and one team plays only as humans. Now I know u r saying we'll that's stupid...... no its not u see in regular game play every one can turn into a wolf in wolf base .. The wolf team get to choose from 4 diffrent wolfs and each has their own uniuqe abilitys and special powers. The web addy is softnyx.com I believe but u can just google wolf team and be able to find it.
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