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Posts posted by lazlo

  1. [quote

    I'm not sure about Firebird. I heard a lot of buzz about it a few years ago and frankly haven't heard much since. Especially since MySQL 4.0 and 5.0 released a bunch of features that MySQL needed to make it a true RDBMS. I'm even using PostgreSQL less these days. (But someone told me that they offer PostgreSQL here so I'm going to get a free account to test a CMS I'm building on a live enviroment to see if it will work without my custom tweaked Apache/Php installs at home).


    I had a one-of-a-kind-program developed for me about 3 years ago. It used a Firebird Server from my understanding at the time.

    At first I did not know what it was, all I had to learn was some scripting unique to the server/database.

    I never got to learn the scripting at it's full potential, but the way it worked was brilliant as a concept for the work it was meant to do. Best I had ever seen.

    It never crashed using XP Pro and it is unfortunate development could not have endured.

    There were no help files written at the time for user end scripting. So I had to rely on the developer most of the time.


    The server would work tirelessly filling real-time data into it's database. The scripts would run accordingly.

    My scripts would "communicate" with the database and then "act". (Print etc etc etc)

    Therefore the programmer would simply keep a check on things all else that means zilch to me ( I am not a programmer).

    Then one day I had hardware issues on XP and replaced the HD.

    The programmer had shut shop and I could not download a fresh install of the developed server, tailored to run my scripts.


    Moral is, I only just joined this forum, relative to the process the Firebird used to do, but I have had to do it all over again using this crappy by comparison Excel VBA ( no comparison).


    I did try to get a handle on the Firebird, it's free, but the developer tools are not free it seems, and all the programming jargon is not what I know.

    I wish only there could one day be a Firebird community forum for absolute beginners.

    Let me know if one exists or if it ever will.

  2. Hello,I did a Google search to find some batch codes to specifically and only Save/force a shut down of a specific Excel file name and re-open the same Excel workbook.Can someone help out please ?Excel will freeeze on some occasions and I have a On Error in VBA module, so when it does error, it needs to shutodown and re-open.I can take care of the macro when the workbook opens again, but not sure how a batch file can automatically do the shutdown and re-open task.Thanks.

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