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Posts posted by magiccode9

  1. There are many suggestions out there for scanning and repair your system.I'am not going that way.As I don't what system or version you are.So let's assume you are using windows xp pro.For the first thing. You should not login to your system with administative right on your system.Use just typical user. Almost all tasks could be done with that account type.This way, you can safely filter most virus infect you system casue there are not way to save datas to the important location such as %windir% or %windir%\system32 folder. But just some user profile and its registry.You may also add yourself to the Power Users Group if you have some application that don't run correctly.(Just by using the Local Users and Groups MMC Console on the Administrative Folder on the Control Panel)Use NTFS permissions.Remove all write and modifiy permissions from all folder that don't need it. Apply this only to folders that really require data change.Things such as games and the like can easier be changed to read only and just some of it (files) need write/modify permission.All these will not prevent you from infecting virus from Internet or elsewhere. But it should be able to prevent you from re-installing the whole OS.

  2. @mahesh2k, Nameless_Hi,I'am very appreciate for yours help.With the explaination. Now I know that it's really very easy to upgrade or downgrade my account on the billing support area.It's almost at the point that I going to request an account on Xisto.com and change the plan when I need more resource.I'am not going to the dedicated server but just shared hosting.The later one is enough for me now. May be change to that when I got a lot traffic.:)

  3. Java still is a good language to learn. Particular if you want to developing enterprise applications / services.So many enterprise company are using it. One of the big company no surprisely is Orcale.As I know, almost all products do support java. And it has an developering tool call JDeveloper. Also build on Java and cross-platform toolkit (SWT).But it disadvancage was it require many statement to complete a simple tasks. As it is showed on some article I reading now.Javascript also good. But I'am waiting its new version. ECMAScript 4.0. It is build on almose full OOP design. Much the same as those language such as C#, Java do. But it still lack of inheritance feature. (For this, I have to check the ECMAScript draft spec. when I back home to confirm it).

  4. Other reason might be there is very hard to find free hosting of jsp on the net.There are tons of free php hosting you can found just by google it.Also, on my point of view. Java require more statements to complete a task compared with the .net frame.I will learn java soon when I finish something else. But first I have to find a hosting that support jsp .. etc.

  5. I take a simliar approach but different way.I will create a folder under somewhere else but not in the public_html. Because any other users might be able to download stuffs from it directly (it might be some hacker, as your information is important).Create a users folder inside the public_html. And give every users a folder structure like this,/users -- foo -- uploads -- downloadThe folder create might be able on any other drive and mount it to the current system.When a user was registered and login successful. A script that you build will then loop through the user's folder depends on whether they wish to upload or download files and present the correct display.For addition security. You might also need to work with some database system.Record the real name of all files users upload and change it to something else but uniqe.Place both the real name and random generate name in the database.When users request for files listing or downloading files.Compare the request with the database record to see if it is actually exists on the system.Finally, don't forget esacpe any data received from outside your sysetem and filter it accordingly.It is not a perfect solution for youHope this help

  6. Hmm... Yes, I did a bit notice that.Actually I haven't come back here for a long time.So there are may be something have been change at all, such as myCentsAbout the mod and admin ... yes it is.I don't seen they any more but just the two you mentioned above.Anyway, it is fine the gallery was not available.There are some album on the Internet. I can use that instead.Thanks for your help :)

  7. As Windows 7 was released on Oct-27 (Am I remebered correct ?)Most third-party applications should already ready and is designed for running it.It also include hacker that they are waiting for the first bug to appear on it.If, for example, this new OS could pass the first half of year from which it was released without any big security. I might building a plan for transfering my current Windows XP to it.So, I'am waiting ms security announcement list to see if it is includes any bugs for it or not.Good luck, W7:)

  8. It seems it should be more or less enough that how to create myCents billing accountand use it to get hosting on Xisto. As it is already well documented on the first forum.But I still not sure how to upgrade to other hosting package.So, let's build a basic situation and base on it to continue the discussion.Assume that I have been got a hosting (the one that upgradable to 25GB)Now, there is a need to utilize more space and bandwidth than the initial requested.Is that I should following the steps that it is initial to get the hosting.And then choose a different combination such 10 GB space and 50GB bandwidth .. etc.I ask this because I don't wish to do something wrong, such as the sub-domain enter when applying new account.Sorry for this if asking this was not something make sense. :)Thanks in advance

  9. These are some operation that might helps interacting with linux shell
    And are the command I used most when on my linux system.
    Hopefull these help someone :)

    Display all command issued


    Limited to display 10 previous issued command
    history 10

    Execute the last command starting with cmdA

    Execute the last command

    Execute the specified command number in the command history list

    Display the arguments of last entered command
    Esc + .

    Change the command line editing mode between vi and emacs
    set -o vi/emac

    move cursor to start of line
    Ctrl-a / Home

    move cursor to end of line
    Ctrl-e / End

    Delete text from current cursor position to end of line

    Delete text from beginnng of text to current cursor position

    Search back the command history for a command.

    Initial version: 30-10-2009

    Hmm... Please check my sign for an updated version if needed.
    Improving me in progress ...

  10. If it is count as how many times after an update that caused some function not worked as before.It should about 3 times for me.Then I have to update again with another quickfix to solve the issue that issue again.That's why now I won't update too fast / quick and the only exception to this is some security bugs such as RPC, web server etc. I will take about 2 or 3 weeks to see if there are any issues or not.If everything was fine. Then go update the patch.

  11. rob86


    Yes, you are right.

    At first, it really looks interesting for me.

    But it actually is the implementation of the string module[1].

    It's due to I need to figture out some issues about my script.

    So, I checked out the string module and found this (on the strip function).


    I think this might be a shorthand for something.

    For now I knew that it is to get the number of chars a string has and assign it to var y.

    Because I'am still working with module, package and namespaces.

    I will back again and see how this work.



    Although the concept about these three are simple enough.

    I still lost on some concept, particularly the namespaces.


    Things such as



    __builtins__ when within an interactive prompt and in modules.



    I got these three book as my desktop reference, plus some basic quick start materials.

    But haven't started reading any of these but only the quick start meterials.


    How about you ?


    Python in a nutshell

    Learning Python

    Programming Python



    [1] /usr/lib/pythonx.x



    fix a typo.

  12. It seems that google will have some new product or service later.

    I saw some elsewhere that it will announce Googe Vocie service.


    At a first glance, it say it allowed integrated phone of home, office and mobile

    in a number so anyone can use a sinlge number to go.


    Because it service not released yet. So I can't test it out.

    Also, my location might not support it all too.


    Here is a short quote from its offical web page.


    Google Voice is a service that gives you one number for all your phones, voicemail that is easy as email, and many enhanced calling features like call blocking and screening, voicemail transcripts, call conferencing, international calls, and more.

    link: https://support.google.com/voice/?answer=142423

    feature video: https://www.google.com/googlevoice/about.html



    The google service available on US only.

  13. Sorry for posting this on the wrong forum.It seems that only this more related.Anyway, I'am going to build a mail for testing and learning.I googled it and found that postfix still have a lot information about it even it is relative a small package compared with other mail serversuch as sendmail.Could someone have any suggest about what should I read first ?Also, This mail package looks like does't have host and mailboxmarquence. Am I correct ?Thanks in advance.

  14. For python, I also a beginner for just not enough 1 month.
    But, more or less I can say. It has some surprise when programming with it.

    One interesting for me it that it does't allowed assign initial value directly with a
    function, like this,

    i, y = 0, len(s);

    You can't do this with,

    i, y = len(s);

    I work this on some older version.
    Newer version might changed already.

    Also, check the module lib's source code
    you will learn a lot and this might on
    advanced topics only.

  15. Although this a bit trouble method to do for testing script.But this should work if you are not testing too complex scripts.Why don't you just call the cgi version of php on localhost machine.And redirecting the output to a file. Then open it in a web browser.orthere is a very small web server that could run ISAPI version of phpand it has a web interface for config settings.When I back home I will update the post for the link.

  16. Sorry for say that.I would recommended you learning the c language first then jump to C++, if it is self-learning. Whether you do or not in the future.You might need do some low level stuffs even you are a java programming.For instance, when there is a need. Writing a module / extensions that connect to javadue to resource limit such as memory with JNI.Also, most system programming still require c language to avoid unnesscessy overhead on C++'s vtable and the like.

  17. Hi, All,On my view, the hard part the pointer is you need to consider when you have to dereference itand how it will be when doing calculation such + and - based-on type you are working on.I would suggest this is step for learning pointer.1. pointer basis2. single dimension pointer3. do same projects using pure pointer as possible. i.e don't use array at all. Such as passing it to function etc.4. multple dimension pointer such char **argv (i.e. pointer to pointer)5. same as 36. working both at the same time as 37. try to use 3, or 4 level of pointer to pointer. This is one of example that might be good for single dimension pointer.Build a simple chat client-server char apps if you already knew how socket work.It should be able issues command etc.Also, I read these book for learning pointer.C in a nutshellprieme C plus

  18. You may try this

    Create a table like this

    +-----------+-------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+| Field	 | Type		| Null | Key | Default | Extra		  |+-----------+-------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+| cat_id	| int(11)	 | NO   | PRI |		 | auto_increment || parent_id | int(11)	 | YES  |	 | 0	   |				|| name	  | varchar(50) | NO   |	 |		 |				|+-----------+-------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+

    then, use this select query

    SELECT parent_id, COUNT(parent_id) FROM testcat group by parent_id

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