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Posts posted by skedad

  1. My favorite is probably Final Fantasy 3. I LOVE the newer ones for Playstation... but I have OVERPLAYED the Super Nintendo ones.... If they could add more variety to the Playstation versions like they did for Final Fantasy three and keep to the active fighting system, that would be an incredible game. Switching off parties like they did, now Final Fantasy Seven was getting close.Speaking of Tactics, I am hoping that it was a really great impacting game seeing that they will have it for Playstation Network on Playstation 3 soon.- skedad -

  2. I love my Playstation 3. I would have loved to have gotten it a few weeks after I did and I would have saved half of my money. Ok enough venting. Playstation Network is bringing back favorites. If you follow it that much, then it is old news. I just want to say how happy I am that.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles: Turtles in Time ReShelled... I used to be all about TMNT, but now it is just really cool to know that one of my past favorites is on my PS3 and is in a newer upgraded format. I only had a chance to play it with one friend... now my family can pick up a controller with me... And it only cost 10 bucks.I hope Sony keeps up this plan of action and brings back older games for the Network... It kinda seems like they are... but if I keep this up, I may have to get a bigger harddrive in a few months... haha- skedad -

  3. The longest single word domain... I am wanting less these days. I would try to make the shortest ever! I don't really like typing too much so my most common links go into the bookmarks folder.... Sure it makes sense... but if there are a lot in my bookmarks folder, then I make a homepage on my site with links. Then as long as I remember to make it my home on my browser, then I'm set.The longest name ever... that would be cool, but what if someone made that link and then added '2' after it... buzz kill then I guess... And there is nothing wrong with being different... I may have a job as a Hardware Tech, but before that I was a full time Graphic Designer... different is always a good thing!- skedad -

  4. I was doing pretty good with geocities until they started odd ad spacing. They would put it on the top and then on the side... I just didn't like how they were doing it. Then when I found Xisto, I used geocities until I began meshing them together. Now that I have my own domain, I am trying to take everything I did on geocities and try to combine them in my new site so that way when it goes down in the next two months, I will have old but still reliable data that I had from geocities.- skedad -

  5. I did choose Xisto. And I have had Xisto for almost two years now. The problem with Xisto is that it is getting really hard to keep up with now. I love the myCent setup, but I am now to the point where all of my points have run out. I have been good for the first few months, and I used some to make my own domain. So I am happy that I have my own domain, but it is just not as easy as it once was. I would think it would be good to maybe add some money like a month here or there, but that was the idea of Xisto. It would get easy to cash in a few months here and there... and then all of the sudden I would be in a paid account... Totally not what I had Xisto for. I realize I mostly post on my advice and my opinion... and it is getting hard to find the posts that work for me. I am not as bright on these posts as I thought... but that is ok.I still believe in Xisto, but I don't know how long I will be able to keep up with it... I do love to work on the webpages, though.- skedad -

  6. Well now, everyone... this is what I get for not being as active as I once was. I miss out on a lot of interesting events. I see that the last post on this wasn't too long ago, so it seems like it is pretty much strongly in effect. I have been following each entry to this post the best I can.It seems that as active Xisto members, when we sign up to Kontera, we are able to make money from our postings and site hits. That is just general... it seems that we will have certain link colors to identify ourselves? That one I will really have to look into. The only reason I think we have our own color, would be the best way to tell who is who.As far as how the money is issued, I think it is still a good deal having any way of flow working for the Xisto community. I think it would be best converting into myCent, but hey... if you want to convert it into myCent, make money payments... Tada! That would be good, too. Making the money with links could give you money to spend or money to put toward your site. Or even help put money into our forums and our services.I am typing all of this right after reading the postings... I haven't even signed up yet... I am thinking I may put more of my input once I am trying it for a while... but it sounds like a great idea right now... Keeping active and even keeping a good work of mouth, or in this case, word of site searching.- skedad -

  7. Truecrypt.... well now... I do use my flash (removable) drive to send over important files for customers at work... I do a lot of transferring important files to pharmacies... and it would be great for it to be encrypted... I will just have to look into that, even the traveling version. Thanks for the really good posts here.... - skedad -

  8. My favorite!!?? That of course, would be Google. But since I am able to have the second address search... I just keep it at Google and whatever I want... it gets typed in and the next screen is Google and with my results... I mean, it is nice to have others like Yahoo is my fall back when I just can't find anything in Google... unless it is a rarity, then Google does what I need it to do!- skedad -

  9. Yeah, I also have had some issues with firefox dropping. If it happens a lot in a few settings, I just go ahead and reboot when I can. I too delete it from task manager. I try to keep my processes as low as possible... and even toss a lot off of my startup... And when firefox drops, I do keep trying to just restart it... But it doesn't do it all of the time... If my PC or laptop has been running but has been inactive... Then it usually will 'lock up' on me.Never seems to be a huge problem... and if there was a lot going... then it would ask if I wish to restore from previous session.... Even with a problem... Firefox is SOOOO worth using!- skedad -

  10. It seems that I have seen a few newer comments... It does kinda seem a bit familiar Qupis. I do like commenting on Xisto... I also like the fact that there is something for Xisto... It keeps getting harder to post, but it is still SOOOO worth it. And I unfortunately find out the hard way some days when I find out that I run out of myCent, and I need to keep up with posting.So I think I will have to look into a little more....- skedad -

  11. I do like the fact that it has moved to 25 Gigs... There just always seems like there is stuff I would love to keep online, and the drive is just a nice thing to be able to get to. There were times that I would be reinstalling PCs and even older ones, that weren't really too functional with USBs and once I was online, I would try to use my Skydrive.I am glad to see that it is not installed on the PC, so it is a good thing to have online. I do use hotmail, but not as much as I used to. So it is nice to keep things on Skydrive... If there were other online storage, I would still try it... but it is nice to already be useful, and not have to pay extra or monthly charges.- skedad -

  12. Duuuuuude I am so old... I remember rocking the Walkman when I was younger. It was the coolest thing. It was all about the walkmans and the boom boxes. I had tons of cassette tapes to play for my player. The boom box was always taping from other tapes or from the radio. And now how many years later we are still recording from the radio... oh wait, no. We aren't recording from anything... at least legally nowadays. I think money changed it all. So of course my ranting got me off course, but it goes to show that old school was the way to go...Happy Birthday Walkman! It is two years younger than me....- skedad -

  13. Hmmmm.... Well that sounds pretty interesting. I really don't know anything about the Google Voice. All I know is from your postings. But I think it sounds like a good deal, and I will have to check it out after I am done posting. To me is sounds like Microsoft Sam, but that is just me. I will have to see what the excitement is about!I will repost afterwards with my critique.- skedad -

  14. I am a Christian, but I have learned to keep open minded. As we were created as humans, and there are all other living beings and creatures, why not there be extra terrestrial. All that I can think of is the fact that off of this earth, we have traveled throughout a huge vast area of space. We have found out a lot about our solar system, also. So I my self really don't know what is out there past our solar system.I love how the media brings out more interest. MIB shows that our solar system is a part of other solar systems that are being played as mere marbles for the other beings out there.... and at the same time there was a minute galaxy on a cat's collar. Why not!!?? We also have infinite amounts of bacteria and parasitic beings and they are microscopic and even tinier than that!!??I think that it is good to sit and ponder, but to not rack and crack your brains over it. To go onto the flip side of non existence, what if there were no God... there would be nothingness... Not even thought... But since there is existence and creation... then I think there is no limitations.... and without limitations, that are possibilities. And with that... anything COULD be possible.As is the existence of aliens could come the supernatural... That can be tied in more with religion. Are there 'ghosts' out there... If there are, are they on a plane in between life and death!? If there are the ghosts on earth are they an existence of an angel or demonic nature. Are there floating... or simply invisible to the naked eye... Are there guardian angels that sit with us as we type!? And on the flip side if there is a GUARDIAN angel, are there really reapers out there, too!?I am just throwing thoughts out there... because with the scientific, and the paranormal and the religious aspects comes the doubts and the controversy.Just something to think about... and I will stop now...

  15. Not only do I miss the older gaming consoles, I miss the games and the gameplay. The newer consoles are really doing well, but with the enhanced graphics, its hard to just have a basic game. I mean, it sounds odd, but everything is either relative to shows, movies, etc... or just sequals... I mean, they need to just go old school and enhance older games, and or just make newer versions of them... repackage old classics into 3D... I guess some are, but I mean go and find similar games and make them into bundles...And it was so simple for everything back then to be multiplayer. And now if I want to find a good 4 player it is mostly online... Um, I have a console with multiple CONTROLLERS... and many go to waste, because everything is online.... Ok, it was starting to really turn rant, and I don't really want to do that... but I do miss the old school!

  16. I do have one concern while using this. I was on the job swapping out a crashed power edge server, and I was working on the net and was trying to send over a large file that was going into a Windows 98 computer. Well my flash drive didn't really work well with the 98 machine, so I planned on using my SkyDrive. I was trying to access the drive but the newly created high security settings on the server did not allow the SkyDrive to function. The java was blocked. Unfortunately, I did not have the time I would have liked to try to troubleshoot it, but I am wondering if there was a lite version. Maybe if there is, next time I will try to see if it does.Other than the block, my wife and I were able to send files, pictures and videos to each other when we were both away. There was plenty of storage for us to move files where we needed.

  17. I must say that I have been a bad boy lately as far as replies and posts. My life is SO hectic since getting this job and leaving the stay at home dad position. But I have been able to take advantage of the myCents system. I can post here and there and this is a good example. I am in the office, and am able to post. I try to do this when I can and how I can when time allows.I think it is a great idea, and if someone doesn't have many and is beginning, it will only take a while before they can get what they need.I am glad to hear that you have taken care of this issue, and I have total respect for how much work that has been involved converting over to this system.Thanks all- skedad -

  18. As long as it is still available and stays freeware, there will always be someone on the internet to use it.But there is a lot of competition still out there, and they will give Yahoo business... I still use Yahool Mail and I am still linked to my geocities... even though I really don't do too much with it. And I use the search engine if I am not getting what I need from Google.

  19. Windows has become an excellent source for everyone to use. It was basic with 3.1 and since XP added more GUI, it was easier to follow with more options and icons. (Some points could be more confusing, but saying in general.)
    Newer users can easily go through the Start menu and to their designated program. Programs and boom there is the list. And the newer versions will save the previously used programs so that if it is a program used daily or a lot, it will be up there for them to use. Very nice.

    Internet Explorer comes equip with security that would hold Fort Knox... It gets to be obnoxious for advanced users, such as professional techs, but is secure for new users. Advanced users will get annoyed with multiple security pop ups and such, but can use the options to lessen occurrences.

    And lastly, for now, is the XBox franchise. My brother has XBox360... and it is great... I have PS3, but we aren't talkin Sony... So it is nice that it has its' hand at computer and console.

    Haha, I guess I was into being nice to Microsoft and basically gave it kudos. I will have to come back and actually follow the topic on improving Windows hahaha.... but these were nice things to say about it...

  20. Windows has become an excellent source for everyone to use. It was basic with 3.1 and since XP added more GUI, it was easier to follow with more options and icons. (Some points could be more confusing, but saying in general.)Newer users can easily go through the Start menu and to their designated program. Programs and boom there is the list. And the newer versions will save the previously used programs so that if it is a program used daily or a lot, it will be up there for them to use. Very nice.Internet Explorer comes equip with security that would hold Fort Knox... It gets to be obnoxious for advanced users, such as professional techs, but is secure for new users. Advanced users will get annoyed with multiple security pop ups and such, but can use the options to lessen occurrences.And lastly, for now, is the XBox franchise. My brother has XBox360... and it is great... I have PS3, but we aren't talkin Sony... So it is nice that it has its' hand at computer and console.

  21. Like above, you are creating a banner for Xisto.... When you go to the main site on Xisto.com, then you will see the spinning H... That is the logo... But you do have some good points that were not brought up, and that is the consistence of the font. I have seen banners overkilled on bad color choices and like tons of fonts....You could always mesh a few versions of the banner you made... But I think it is fine.

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