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Posts posted by rainbowsoup

  1. I love wiki its just the greatest thing that has ever happened to internet. I can now do my homework in half the time it usually takes because I just put the key words into wiki. I also copy huge swathes of it for my presentations. However as I am not the only who has discovered this treasure trove it means a lot of us end up with similar looking homeworks and presentation. At time wiki can also be fairly in accurate because either the reader misunderstands or the writer has acutally put something wrong down. As just about anyone can edit it mistakes are not spotted for a long time particularly ones in articles relating to science and obscure topics. Hence mindlessly copying is not a good thing. Also a lot of the articles go into great depths and it takes a long time to extract the things that you need. I have to say the search engine on wiki can definitely do with some improvement because its not very good at linking up articles. If you don't type in the exact key words the search engine pulls up a load of rubbish. I usually just use google first and hunt for the wiki article on google. I'm glad the wiki people are hoping to expand it would be good for all of us.

  2. Yeah I love the total war series but I can't afford to buy total war two yet because it costs a fortune. It's not even that new any more but I may have to wait until this christmas before I can afford it. I can see why this version is much better than the first but I really don't think it is worth as much as the stores are putting on it. All new games regardless of whether they are good or not seem to be consistently over priced and then eventually reality kicks in the prices drop. I think Total war as the potential to become a really classic like Age of Empire and there will loads of future spin off so I'm looking forwards to them

  3. I hav eto say I hated sudoku even though I am usually quite good at number combination games. My friends are all really into it and there is even a sudoku club at school. Needless to say its normally empty because everyone percieves playing sudoku in school is nerdy. However I don't find the game hard just fairly tedious with very little point or satisfaction when you win. Of course there are the books and the online games that have been raging through britain. I can't see the attractions of this game personally even if it brings loads of fun to other people,

  4. If the universe is expanding everyone asks so what is it expanding into, anti-matter? or something else. However I think that the universe will keep expanding up to a certain point as this is caused by the momentum from the big bang. It will eventually stop and then it will shrink back again. So all this expanding and shrinking could just be cycle that continues over and over again.

  5. I was going to buy the video ipod but it was really expensive and I did want to watch movies on it as well but the quality of the image was really low and you had to really squint to see things properly.I'm going to wait until a better version comes out because this technology is still in its infancy so its possible to get much better, and much cheaper products if you wait.

  6. Traditionally the start of civilisation has always been place at the point of invention of writing. Therefore different groups of people have different starting points for their civilisation. The Ancient chinese and egyptians invented writing about 5000 years ago and everything after that is considered history of the civilisation. Of course some civilisations and they are recognised as such do not have writing such as the Incas . They recorded things using knotted threads, and pictures, but we cannot say their's was not a civilisation because it had all the hallmarks of culture.

  7. Yeah I'm doing the gobal warming topic for geography and as part of syllabus we are required to learn the alternative view. Apparent the earth has been warming since the end of the last ice age and therefore it is logical to conclude that present day temperatures have to be higher than those of several thousand years ago. By who much is often debated. Over the last 20,000 years there have been severe fluctuations in temperature. In some periods after the ice age (12,000 year ago) the increase in global temperature have been just as sharp as the increases we are seeing now. However fluctuations are cyclic but unfortunately no one has been able to predict when the next big rise should occur so some people argue that all this global warming is just the earth heating up of its own accord. I personally think global warming is due to human activities and therefore it is possible to halt the process or at least reduce it. The main reason some government refuse to acknowlege global warming is that it can be potentially damaging to their economies.

  8. My smaller websites are hosted on Freewebs because the space in only 50mb and the bandwidth is very small too. However I like the way they give demos and stuff even though I don't use them. I find the lack of cpanel very inconvienient because I need the CGI bins and MySQL. However its good for starting and has a good service. Its quite reputable too so there's no fear that it will eventually disappear taking your hosting account with in as some free hosts do.

  9. I think they have already undertaken the research and they did manage to creat a few zygotes that survived for eight days. I do think this is ethically wrong to mix DNA from two spieces and also that it is not feasible. The DNA will not form sister chromatids during mitosis and therefore cannot grow into an embryo. However now that we are able to get stems cells without growing human embryos (from the fluid surrounding human embryos) we should not feel the need to carry on experimenting with growing embryos of any kind.

  10. I think Xisto is great because you don't have to keep posting on the forum every month and you can come back whenever you want to post so there's not pressure. I also the like the fact it provides the Cpanel which enables me to get my CGI forms working. My second favourite has to be lifelesspeople because althought I've got to fill a quota of posts every month it provides a great service and there's always someone to take to if you've got a problem on the forum. The community is really active and the discussion are great.

  11. I think it would be good to upgrade the telescope because technology has advanced a great deal since the construction of the telescope and no real effort has been made to upgrade it with the newest technology so it can obtain more data than it is doing now. It would be of great benefit to astronomers throughout the world in studying other galaxies as well as our own solar system. The US government already spends huge amounts of its GNP on defence and the military and in comparison to other country it spend very little on scientific research. The US cannot keep on being a world leader if it does not willingly spend more money in such areas.

  12. Okay so it is encrusted with diamonds but are the diamonds themselves worth that much? I mean how many diamonds can you fit onto a phone that size? However the price does depend on the craftmenship and the platinum. I just don't know why anyone would want such a phone, perhaps it does with the rest of their jewels. Anyway phones are supposed to be functional but I doubt that one has the latest functions. Most of the attention seems to lavished on the outside. Imagine if someone stole one of those, they'd a millionaire, if they coud find a buyer. I suppose you would hav to get it insured before you could even use it.

  13. I didn't bother submitting my site to Google straight off because my first site took weeks to get on the database and even then it was on the tenth page. I submitted my site to teh Open Directory Project. It took 2 weeks for it to be added to their database. After that my website appeared in all the major search engines including Google and yahoo. Now if I type in the title of my page it comes up top out of 29,000 pages and it's on the third page if I type in only one keyword which gives 1,600,000 hits. So I think it was definitely worth putting my site in the ODP because now its not only listed but given a high ranking by google.

  14. I haven't managed to get my hands on the AOM though I have Age of Empires 1-3. I'm a great fan of the game because of the graphics and the layout. I've seen the game though and the graphics looks fairly similar to AOE 1 and 2. I don't think it has the 3D touch of three. Are there any new features in the game? Or is it just the same as AOE but you can make large frightening creatures instead of cavalry and swordsmen? Is the civilisation selection replaced by a religion selection? Do you get to choose what God you become?

  15. Well there were many early christian sects that believed Jesus was an ordinary man inspired by God . In fact Josephus the Jewish historian actually mentions Jesus and his subsequent crucifixion whilst writing the rule of Tiberius. Early Christianity was a highly fragments religion due to the diversity of views expressed by Jesus's apostles and his subseqent followers. Hence by th 2nd century AD there were several hundred Christian splinter groups with different views on Christ. The richest and most powerful fo which was the Church in Rome. Som groups favoured Jewish influences whilst others wanted to completely detach themselves from Judaism. In many cases different sects taught from different gospels and even wrote gospels themselves. The new testament was eventually complied by the christian church in Rome and it was the major leaders that chose which gospels (there are about twenty circulating at the time) appeared in the canonical works. Hence all the non-canonical works were deemed to be heretical. The gospels chosen were not suprisingly the ones written to advance the divinity of Jesus. Many gospels such as the gospel of th Ebionites did not contain the tradition nativity story. Instead they claimed that Jesus was born in Nazareth as a mortal man with a completely normal conception and birth. It was during his time as a preacher that Jesus was chosen by God to be his vessel n earth. The Holy spirit possesed Jesus through his adult life and enabled his to spread the word of God. Unfortunately many of the other gospels (deemed Gnostic Gospels as many were written by the Gnostics) have long since disappeared because they were no longer produced after the 3rd century. In recent years important discoveries such as the discovery and restoration of the Gospel of Judas have shed new light upon the heretical texts that the church was so keen to suppress. The Gospel of Judas actually defends Judas' actions as it was all part of Jesus's divine plan to die for the people. He could only do so if Judas betrayed him to the Romans and Judas was promised a place in heaven for his deeds. So I think Jesus was a rather unremarkable man who change the history by his remarkable teachings perhaps he did have a divine spark in him.

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