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Posts posted by shnabo11

  1. Ok, i am new at web design, i dont know too much about it... I was working on a website for about a month this is what i got, My Web , like i said, i dont know much.. i used FrontPage and did all of that, my current host is AFMU which uses MySQL, but the way it is set up I dont know how to acquire the URL of the database or any information i dont know what it means at all.. i just want to do a simple login feature, i mean this is my first website and i am learning so I think it would be a great feature to add in and learn. i can create data bases from there but do not know what to do afterwards, example: I Create a database name and a user this is what it leaves me with; NOTE! I did not change ANYTHING listed below, this is EXACTLY what it created for me, now that i got that off my chest, here it is:

    Current Databases: deatncom_logindb   Users in logindbdeatncom_shnabo (Privileges: ALL PRIVILEGES) Connection Strings Perl $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:deatncom_logindb:localhost","deatncom_shnabo","<PASSWORD HERE>"); PHP $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "deatncom_shnabo", "<PASSWORD HERE>") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());mysql_select_db ("deatncom_logindb");

    Could some on please tell me how i use this information??? please..


    I appreciate the time you took to read this, and if you know what to do please post, thank you very much

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