William Wood
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About William Wood
Hey everyone! Its me and my annoying obsession with computers again.I was just wondering how to start off making my Sim a superstar in the Sims (1). Cause I'm not exactly sure, and I was just wondering.Thanks for all your support
Okay, because this is a forum, I'll tell you a little bit of HTML briefly. The rest you can go to http://www.w3schools.com/html/ to learn yourself. Look at this little example below. ----------------------------------------- <html> <title> Hello World </title> <body> Hello world </body> </html> ----------------------------------------- Where it says <html> it is telling the browser to start viewing that part of the page. Where it says </html> it tells the browser that it is the end of the document. The </html> indicates the break. It is the same with the title. Where it says <title> and the </title>. It tells the web title to start and stop. I will not go into specifics, but you can visit http://www.w3schools.com/html/ to learn more, if you are interested.
If you have created a fantastic site, you're probably wondering how on earth to get it on the web. Well, heres a small list of free web hosting services. https://byet.host/ https://ifastnet.com/ http://www.hyperphp.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.2ip.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t FREE CPANEL HOSTING http://www.webmaster-networks.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/ (Forum posting required) http://forums.xisto.com/ (for more, visit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) http://www.bravenet.com/ http://www.50megs.com/ http://www.web1000.com/ http://www.50webs.com/ http://expressaffiliatesite.com http://www.palkey.com/ (FREE .com domain) There are many other free hosting websites out there, but I just listed a few. For more, you can visit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
Hi everyone I am posting for the third time again on this board, with information previously posted about making programs and games, now I will tell everyone a fantastic free tool from VodaHost... BlueVoda! BlueVoda is available to download from http://www.bluevoda.com/ for FREE. To skip the registration part, visit http://www.bluevoda.com/download-now.htm For information in the video tutorials, you should visit the VodaHost website and search blue voda in the search engine. You should be taken to the tutorials from there on. Its easy and best of all... FREE! So make ure you get your copy of BlueVoda now! Thanks for ready
Hi again, I've done another visual basic tutorial in this forum on how to make a simple, customized web browser. Now I am going to say how to make a scoreboard. To do so, open a Standard EXE project in Visual Basic 6.0 and insert 6 labels and 2 command buttons. Change the captions on these to: Label1: SCOREBOARD Label2: LIONS Label3: SWANS Label4: 0 Label5: 0 Label6: Waiting for update... Command1: TOUCHDOWN Command2: TOUCHDOWN Once you are done, it shoud look like this. Press F5 now to see it in action. It won't do anything, seeing as how there is no path for it to follow. Now we ajust the coding part. Double click anywhere on the project design. At the top, it should say 'Form1' or 'Command1' or 'Label1', etc. Change this to (General) and the one on the right to (Declarations). Type this code where the cursor is blinking. ----------------------------------- Option Explicit Dim TotalLions As Integer Dim TotalSwans As Integer-----------------------------------Now, change the coding place to Form1 and Load. Insert this programming now. ----------------------------------- Private Sub Form_Load() Label1.Caption = SCOREBOARD Label4.Caption = 0 Label5.Caption = 0 Label6.Caption = GAME IS TIEDEnd Sub-----------------------------------Now in the Command1 coding place, insert this code. ----------------------------------- Private Sub Command1_Click() Label4.Caption = Label4.Caption + 6 TotalLions = TotalLions + 6 If TotalLions > TotalSwans Then Label6.Caption = "LIONS LEAD" ElseIf TotalSwans > TotalLions Then Label6.Caption = "SWANS LEAD" Else Label6.Caption - "GAME IS TIED"End Sub-----------------------------------And on Command2 button, insert this code. ----------------------------------- Private Sub Command2_Click() Label5.Caption = Label5.Caption + 6 TotalSwans = TotalSwans + 6 If TotalSwans > TotalLions Then Label6.Caption = "SWANS LEAD" ElseIf TotalLions > TotalSwans Then Label6.Caption = "LIONS LEAD" Else Label6.Caption - "GAME IS TIED"End Sub----------------------------------- I hope this has been useful. If you experience errors, please contact me . Notice from WeaponX: Please use CODE tags whenever you post any kind of code.
There is a better way to make games than to program them with C++, Pascal, LIMBO (both C and Pascal) or Visual Basic. You can download Game Maker from http://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker and easily make your own games, rather than having to learn a programming language. Oh, and another thing is, its FREE. The version with more features costs money, but this version is FREE! That's right... With the costly version, you can make 3D Games, etc, but you can still have fun with the free one. I made a game which was really weird because I didn't know how to use it properly, but that doesn't mean you won't. I recommend you get a copy now, and try it out. Enjoy using game maker!
Hi everyone! I'm going to tell you how to make a very simple web browser with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Its basically a customized version of Internet Explorer, though, so enjoy! First of all, you need to start a new project, make a Standard EXE. Then click on the Project menu and select Components. Check Microsoft Internet Controls and click Apply. From the Insert menu, click on the icon that has just appeared. Drag it onto the program layout, but make sure you make the program big enough and leave a space at the top for all the web buttons. Make a text box and drag it where you want it to go. Now make four command buttons which will be GO, REFRESH, BACK and FORWARD. Then name each of them Cmdback (BACK), CmdForward (FORWARD), CmdGo (GO), and CmdRefresh (REFRESH). Now here is where you put in the codes. On the BACK button, insert this code ---------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmdback_Click() WebBrowser1.GoBack End Sub ---------------------------------------------------- This tells the browser to go Back. On the FORWARD button, insert this code. ---------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Cmdforward_Click() WebBrowser1.GoForward End Sub ---------------------------------------------------- This tells the browser to go Forward. On the GO button, insert this code. ---------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmdgo_Click() WebBrowser1.Navigate (Text1.Text) End Sub ---------------------------------------------------- This tells the web browser to go to the page you want it to. On the REFRESH button, insert this code. ---------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cmdrefresh_Click() WebBrowser1.Refresh End Sub ---------------------------------------------------- This tells the browser to refresh the page. On the FORM1 insert this code. ---------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate ("https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl;) End Sub ---------------------------------------------------- This makes your homepage, simply change https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl to the page you want, if otherwise. On the WEBBROWSER1 insert this code. ---------------------------------------------------- Private Sub WebBrowser1_StatusTextChange(ByVal Text As String) Text1.Text = (WebBrowser1.LocationURL) Form1.Caption = (WebBrowser1.LocationName) End Sub ---------------------------------------------------- It makes the URL name the header, and changes the address to the place you wish to go. Thats all! Save your project, and enjoy your customized web browser!