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Posts posted by mitizmitiz

  1. Riddle 1-Just recently, a boy in Washington had his brother murdered in a tragic incident. Set on finding the murderer, he goes around his giant house to interrogate everyone. Realize now that this boy's family is rich, so they were so extravagent that they bought a spherical mansion.The boy goes to his sister's room and asks her if she knows who murdered his brother. She's playing with Barbie's and she shakes her head.He goes to his parents watching TV and asks them if they knew who murdered his brother. They seem quite shocked and say no.He goes to the maid sweeping the corners of the mansion and asks her. She quietly mumbles no and starts crying.After going around and asking who murdered his brother, the boy goes outside and asks some gang members if they know who murdered his brother. They almost attack him, but they calm down and say no.The boy finally goes to a bowling alley and asks a couple of elderly men if they knew who murdered his brother. They patted him on the back and said no.Being a bit disgruntled, the boy slumps back home and goes to bed and starts thinking. After a couple hours, the boy suddenly wakes up and realizes who murdered his brother. Who did it?Riddle 2-It is a bright sunday morning, and all seems well, until a body is found in the bathroom of the Peterson's house. A cop is called in to investigate. He interviews each family member, asking them if they knew who killed the man. This is their responses:Mr. Peterson: I was busy reading the morning paper, I have no clue who killed him.Mrs. Peterson: I was busy making breakfast. I don't have a clue either.George Peterson (son): I was just playing Halo 2. I honestly have no clue who did it!May Peterson (daughter): I was busy talking to my friend on the phone. I don't know who did it.Butler: I was getting the mail from the mail box out front. I don't know who did it.Maid: I was cleaning the house. I can't help you.Who killed him?Riddle 3-What 5 letter word can be rearranged 3 times to get 3 different words each containing 1 more syllable? The word has no duplicates of letters1)----- 1 syllable2)----- 2 syllable3)----- 3 syllableRiddle 4-What is the only english word that you can take away 4 of its 5 letters and the pronounciation (sp?) stays the same?Riddle 5-Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big oneMicheal j fox has a small oneMadonna doesn't have onethe pope has one but he never uses itBill Clinton Has one and he uses it all the time!What is it?...And now to ruin you, its not what your thinking, and we all know what your thinking, espically those with sick minds...Riddle 6-A king mad a test to see who would receive the Princess hand in marriage.The Princess was put in a 50x50 foot carpeted room. Each of her four suitors were put in one corner of the room with a small box to stand on. The first one to touch the Princess hand would be the winner and become the new King.The rules of the test were that the contestants could not walk over the carpet, cross the plane of the carpet, or hang from anything; nor could they use anything but their body and wits (i.e. no magic or telepathy, nor any items such as ladders, block and tackles etc).One suitor figured out a way and married the Princess and became the new King. How did he figure it out? Riddle 7-A man walks into a pub and sits down at the bar, and simply orders a water. The bartender looks at the man, and then, quickly pulls out a shotgun and points it at the man. The man says "Thank you," and leaves. Why did they behave this way?Riddle 8-A magician stays under water for 10 mins. crowds gather and watch. a boy in the crowd says to the magician, i bet you 20 dollars that i can stay under water for 30 mins. the boy wins the 20 dollars. How did he do it?

  2. You can see something. A blur. Something's happening. What's going on? Who are you? What are you doing here? Where is here? Your sight slowly starts to come into focus. There are other people around you. They are all different ages, heights, shapes and sizes. They seem to be waking up aswell. They are looking around in the same confused state as you. You are in a desert. There is little plantlife, and nothing living except all the people surrounding you. You look behind you. There is a small circular platform. Someone suddenly materialises on the platform, then they fall to the ground.

    After a while, everyone starts to come to their senses and they start to search for food. Some people band together and combine forces. You don't remember anything before now. What are you going to do?

    I got this from Engale if you like it please visit.


    Now you continue the story...


    Notice from wassie:
    Quote everything you dont write yourself!

  3. welcome new user, this is the best free web hosting community, here you can find all you need to publish your work besides you can share your skills with other people and ask for help when you get confussed.what you get here is a group of technologies like php, mysql, .asp, perl(i don't remember if is avaliable here) posgre, ftp, great hosting space and bandwith, and the best of all, a great service, it never, or almost never falls. for this and a thousands of reasons more you are in the best webhosting ligue, so seat your belts, and get fun!

  4. WebRiddler


    What is WebRiddler?


    Web Riddler is one of the Internet's only forum riddles. Basically you will begin on Phase 1 where you will have to find the correct password to advance. When you advance to new phases, you may gain access to new forums or be added to new user groups. Most of the riddles/puzzles give you clues as to working out a password for a given forum, however this is not always the case. For example, some phases are simply clues as to where to find the next one. I hope you all enjoy this site and can get as far as possible. Good luck!


    Everybody should check it out, it is a fun forum and i myself have made it through 75 phases, stuck with a few riddlers on the 76th riddle the highest riddle there is. Some of these riddles are very easy as others are quite hard, none the less they are still fun. Interact with fellow riddlers on the way to make it more entertaining.

  5. Engale is a forum-based role-playing game. You play an amnesiac among several who has just woken up in the world of Engale. You cannot remember who you are, where you are from, and several other vital details. Using teamwork, you and other people slowly use your thought and planning to build a civilization upon the isolated world.

    Please check it out and if you do say that I mitizmitiz invited you.
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