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Posts posted by Van1lla

  1. I thought i would share this heaven site with you. It is a movie site that has a good bunch of movies which they update all the time, some may have some interuptions but it still lets you watch them new when they have just come out in the cinema. It also has a great collections of tv shows and anime. If your interested then this is the site: [LINK REMOVED].Honestly one of the greatest websites for movies ever founded!

  2. You all shock me, none of you have said Far Cry. Possibly one of the best games that came out after Half Life, it was so good that it was given 93% "The most exciting shooter since Half Life".Its probably quite cheap now and it is fairly difficult, honestly took me a while to do and this is a single-player fps for the PC. But you can also play online against other people which loads of people still play. This is deffinately good value for money.

  3. I would recommand Silkroad if you like the old fantasy/magic type games. The website is very good http://www.joymax.com/silkroad/ but the only issue i found was that it is very difficult to get on and you have to wait a very long time to be able to get onto one server. Also there have been a lot of trouble with run time errors and there isnt really anything you can do about that. But it is still very good play.

  4. Hi my name on games and things such as forums is Van1lla but my real name is Chris. I am 16 and i live in Isle of Wight, England. At this moment in time i am still in the middle of completing my GCSE's which is a type of English Qualifications; i think is means General Certificate Secondary Education. Yes this will be lasting for another week then i will have 12 weeks of freedom unless i get a job which i hope i do, as i need some money for some servers. The games that i play are:Rome Total WarBattlefield 2142FarcryHL2HL2: DeathmatchCSSDoDDow: All expansions and originalSilkroadI like to do Table Tennis, Tennis, Bike Riding and some basic Web designing. When i get to my new college i will be completing a ICT course where i will learn an number of things including Software development, Game development and Web designing. Anyway Hi all!

  5. I have been playing Counter Strike Source for about 2 years and i will never find it boring...i dont find it too boring but it does ennoy me that the game is now being populated with young people ages 10-14 that scream down the mic and type things such as 'i am a hax30r!!' Apart from that it is still an amazing game and i still love it very much, so much so that my old clan will be coming back together after my GCSE's (English Qualifications). We plan to get everything that we need such as a server or two, and we have a scrim server alreadywhich another friend of mine has got.

  6. Hi Jimmy89,I have been playing Counter Strike: Source since it came out and the way i got it i also got HL2: Deathmatch free. I find that it is not like counter strike in the aspect of playing, you don't really have to use tactics to get around the map or play the game it is more of a full front assualt which is very fun and exhilarating. Depending on what you like you can get deathmatch where its all vs. all or you can play on some servers which have team deathmatch rebels vs. combine. I prefer this one as you can move without having about 15 people running around with shotty's killing anyone who moves. But yes deathmatch is a very good game and very much worth it, but i would just say Lost Coast is quite a demanding game which needs rather good specs, and if you have those specs then it is very good play. The reason i say this is because i found that the game kept crashing with my pc, so i got rid of it. When you play Lost Coast the water is the best bit looks very real. Anyway have fun with your new games!Chris.

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